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George S. Dulikravich, Ph.D.
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
A self-adapting algorithm for many-objective optimization (with Sohail Reddy), El Sevier Applied Soft Computing, Volume 129, November 2022, 109484
Effects of Thin Film Heat Spreader on Hot Spots Mitigation in Heat Sinks (with Sohail Reddy, Ann-Kayana Blanchard), ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 14, Issue 8, August 2022, Paper No: TSEA-21-1294
Temperature Regimes and Chemistry for Stabilizing Precipitation Hardening Phases in Al–Sc Alloys: Combined CALPHAD–Deep Machine Learning (with Rajesh Jha), ASME Open Journal of Engineering, May 2022, Paper No: AOJE-21-1070
Thermal ablation effects on rotors that characterize functional re-entry cardiac arrhythmia (with Eber Dantas, Helcio R. B. Orlande), National Library of Medicine, May 2022, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3614
Optimization and Inverse Design of Floor Tile Airflow Distributions in Data Centers Using Response Surface Method (with Phan, L., Hu, B.-C., Lin, C.-X.), ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 144, Issue 1, January 2022, pp. 011503-011523.
Computational Model of Nanoparticle Penetration into Tumor Spheroids: Effects of Surface Functionalization and Hyperthermia (with Nagesetti, Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., McGoron, A.J.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, June 20, 2021, pp. 1-21 e3504
Effects of Atmospheric Uncertainties on Sonic Boom Perceived Loudness (with Reddy, S.R., Chitale, J.), ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 143 (4), 2021, pp. 041504-1-12.
Discovery of New Ti-Based Alloys Aimed at Avoiding/Minimizing Formation of a” and ω – Phase Using CALPHAD and Artificial Intelligence (with Jha, R.), Metals, 11 (1), 2021, pp. 1-15.
Solidification and Heat Treatment Simulation for Aluminum Alloys with Scandium Addition through CALPHAD Approach (with Jha, R.), Computational Materials Science, 182, 1-8, Sept. 2020, 109749.
Searching an Optimal Experiment Observation Sequence to Estimate the Thermal Properties of a Multilayer Wall Under Real Climate Conditions (with Jumabekova, A., Berger, J., Foucquier, A.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 155, July 2020, pp. 119810.
Estimation of State Variables and Model Parameters for the Evolution of Covid-19 in the City of Rio de Janeiro (with Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Ferreira, L.), medRxiv preprint doi:
Approximate Bayesian Computation Applied to the Identification of Thermal Damage of Biological Tissues Due to Laser Irradiation (with Loiola, B.R., Orlande, H.R.B.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences,Vol. 151, May 2020, 106243.(2020)
Real-time temperature estimation with enhanced spatial resolution during MR-guided hyperthermia therapy (with Pacheco, C. C., Orlande, H. R., Colaço, M. J., Varón, L. A., Lamien, B.), Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 77(8), 782-806. (2020)
Accelerating parameter estimation in Doyle–Fuller–Newman model for lithium-ion batteries. (with Reddy, S. R., Scharrer, M. K., Pichler, F., Watzenig, D., ), COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering. (2019).
Evaluation of the Reliability of a Heat and Mass Transfer Model in Hygroscopic Material (with Berger, J., Busser, T., Reddy, S.R.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 142, 118258. (2019)
Design of High Temperature Ti-Al-Cr-V Alloys for Maximum Thermodynamic Stability Using Self-Organizing Maps (with Jha, R.), Metals, Vol. 8, Issue 537,pp. 1-14.6, (2019)
Bladelets—Winglets on Blades of Wind Turbines: A Multiobjective Design Optimization Study (with Reddy, S.R., Sobieczky, H., Gonzalez, M.), Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 141, pp. 061003-1 – 061003-6, (2019)
Many-Objectives Differential Evolution Optimization Based on Reference Points: NSDE-R (with Reddy, S.R.), Structural and Multidiscplinary Optimization., (2019)
Simultaneous Determination of Spatially Varying Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat Using Boundary Temperature Measurements (with Reddy, S.R.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering., (2019)
Thermal damage during ablation of biological tissues (with Loiola, B.R., Orlande, H.R.B.), Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 73:10, pp. 685-701, (2018)
State estimation problems in PRF-shift magnetic resonance thermometry (with Pacheco,C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 28 Issue: 2, pp.315-335., (2018)
Non-Destructive Estimation of Spatially Varying Thermal Conductivity in 3D Objects Using Boundary Thermal Measurements (with Reddy, S.R., Zeidi, S.M.J.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 118, pp. 488-496., (2017)
Constrained Reduced Order Models Based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (with Reddy, S.R., Freno, B.A., Cizmas, P.G.A., Gokaltun, S., McDaniel, D.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 321, pp. 18-34, (2017)
. Multiscale Modeling of Nonequilibrium Gas-Liquid Mixture Flows in Phase Transition Regions (with Sattarov, R.M., Sattarzada, I.R.), Particulate Science and Technology. (2017)
Self-Organizing Maps for Pattern Recognition in Design of Alloys (with Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Fan, M., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C., Colaco, M.J., Poloni, C., Egorov, I.N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 10, pp. 1067-1074, (2017)
Effect of Cooling Fluids on High Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields in Microelectronic Systems with Integrated TSVs (with Abdoli, A., Reddy, S.R., Zeidi, S.M.J.), Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 64, pp. 19-28., (2017)
Bayesian Estimate of Pre-Mixed and Diffusive Rate of Heat Release Phases in Marine Diesel Engines (with Pasqualette, M.A., Estumano, D.C., Hamilton, F.C., Colaço, M.J., Leiroz, A.J.K., Orlande, H.R.B., Carvalho, R.N.),Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 39, pp. 1835-1844., (2017)
Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Pin-Fin Arrays for Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics With a Hot Spot (with Reddy,S.R., Abdoli, A., Pacheco, C.C., Vasquez, G., Jha, R., Colaco, M.J. and Orlande, H.R.B.),Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 14-15, pp. 1235-1246., (2017)
Inverse Design of Cooling Arrays of Micro Pin-Fins Subject to Specified Inlet Coolant Temperature and Hot Spot Temperature (with Reddy, S.R.), Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 13, pp. 1147-1156., (2017)
Demonstration of Effective Global Optimization Techniques via Comparative Analysis on a Large Analytical Problem Set (with Inclan, E.J.), Structural and Multidiscplinary Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 179-204. , (2017)
Real Time Identification of High-Magnitude Boundary Heat Flux on a Plate (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, Issue 9, pp. 1661-1679., (2016)
Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Hafnium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass at Room and Elevated Temperatures (with Keshri, A.K., Behl, L., Lahiri, D., Agarwal, A.), Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25, Issue 9, pp. 3931-3937., (2016)
. On the Formation and Evolution of Cu-Ni-rich Bridges of ALNICO Alloys With Thermomagnetic Treatment (with Fan, M., Liu, Y., Jha, R., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C.), IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 1-10, (2016)
On the Evolution of Cu-Ni-rich Bridges of AlNiCo Alloys with Tempering (with Fan, M., Liu, Y., Jha, R., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C.), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 420, pp. 296-302 (2016)
Algorithms for design optimization of chemistry of hard magnetic alloys using experimental data (with Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Fan, M., Schwartz, J., Koch, C., Colaco, M.J., Poloni, C., Egorov, I.N.), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 682 pp. 454-467., (2016)
Inverse Parameter Identification in Solid Mechanics Using Bayesian Statistics, Response Surfaces and Minimization (with Pacheco, C.C., Vesenjak, M., Borovinsek, M., Duarte, I.M.A., Jha, R., Reddy, S., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Technische Mechanik, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 2016, pp. 120-131., January (2016)
Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Material Coefficients in Solid Objects (with Reddy, S.R., Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B., Coverston, J.),Journal on Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, DOI: 10.1515/jiip-2015-0057., March (2016)
Performance Improvement of Existing Drag Models in Two-Fluid Modeling of Gas-Solid Flows Using a PR-DNS Based Drag Model (with Abbasi Baharanchi, A, Gokaltun, S.), Powder Technology,, Vol. 286, 2015, pp. 257–268.
Multi-Winglets: Multiobjective Optimization of Aerodynamic Shapes (with Reddy, S., Abdoli, A., Sobieczky, H.),, AIAA Journal of Aircraft,, doi:10.2514/6.2015-1489.
Human Heart Preservation Analysis Using Convective Cooling (with A. Abdoli, G. S. Dulikravich, C. Bajaj, D. F. Stowe and M. S. Jahania), International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2015, pp. 1426-1443.
Estimation of a location-and-time dependent high magnitude heat flux in a heat conduction problem using the Kalman filter and the approximation error model (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A, Vol. 68, Issue 11, 2015, pp. 1198-1219.
Estimation of Tumor Size Evolution Using Particle Filters (with Costa, J.M., Orlande, H.R.B., Campos Velho, H.F., de Pinho, S.T.R., Cotta, R.M. and da Cunha Neto, S.H.), Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 22, No. 7, 2015, pp. 1-17.
Thermo-Fluid-Stress-Deformation Analysis of Two-Layer Microchannels for Cooling Chips with Hot Spots (with Abdoli, A., Vasquez, G., and Rastkar, S.), ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 137 (3), 2015, 031003, DOI: 1115/1.4030005
Thermo-Fluid Analysis of Micro Pin-Fin Array Cooling Configurations for High Heat Fluxes With a Hot Spot (with Abdoli, A., Jimenez, G.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 90, April 2015, pp. 290-297.
Scratch Induced Deformation Behavior of Hafnium Based Bulk Metallic Glass at Multiple Load Scale (with Lahiri, D., Karp, J., Keshri, A., Zhang, C., Kecskes, L. Agarwal, A.), Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 410, 2015, pp. 118-126.
Commercial Aircraft Performance Improvement Using Winglets, (with Gavrilović, N. N., Rašuo, B. P., Parezanović, V. B.), FME Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-8.
Evolutionary Design of Nickel-Based Superalloys Using Data-Driven Genetic Algorithms and Related Strategies (with Jha, R., Pettersson, F., Saxen, H., and Chakraborti, N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 11, 30(4), 2014, pp. 488-510.
Lattice Boltzmann Method for Rarefied Channel Flows with Heat Transfer (with Gokaltun, S.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 78, 2014, pp. 796-804.
Human Heart Conjugate Cooling Simulation: Unsteady Thermo-Fluid-Stress Analysis (with Abdoli, A., Bajaj, C., Stowe, D.F., Jahania, M.S.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 30, 2014, pp. 1372-1386. DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2662.
Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Branching, Multifloor, Counterflow Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 136, 2014, pp. 101801-1 – 101801-10
Optimized Multi-Floor Throughflow Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 78, April 2014, pp. 111-123. DOI:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2013.12.008.
Accelerated Bayesian Inference for the Estimation of Spatially Varying Heat Flux in a Heat Conduction Problem (with Orlande, H. R. B., Neumayer, M., Watzenig, D., Colaco, M. J.), Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 65, 2014, pp. 1-25.
Automatic Switching Algorithms in Hybrid Single-Objective Optimizers (with Martin, T.J., Colaco, M.J., Inclan, J.E.), FME Transactions, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2013, pp. 167 – 179.
Pipeline Heating Method Based on Optimal Control and State Estimation (with Vianna, F. L. V., Orlande, H. R. B.), Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 34, no. 5-6, 2013, pp. 511-519.
Inverse Problems in Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer, Elasticity and Materials Design (with Dennis, B. H., Baker, D. P., Kennon, S. R., Orlande, H. R. B. and Colaco, M. J.), International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2012, pp. 405-420; DOI:10.5139/IJASS.2012.13.4.405.
Inverse Determination of Unsteady Temperature and Heat Fluxes on Inaccessible Boundaries (with Dennis, B. H.), Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Issues 5-6, December 2012, pp. 291-803.
Application of Two Bayesian Filters to Estimate Unknown Heat Fluxes in a Natural Convection Problem (with Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B., da Silva, W. B.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 134, 2012, 092501-1-10.
State Estimation Problems in Heat Transfer (with Orlande, H. R. B., Colaco, M. J., Vianna, F. L. V., da Silva, W. B., da Fonseca, H. M. and Fudym, O.), International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, v. 2, 2012, pp. 239-258.
On the Inverse Noether’s Theorem in Nonlinear Micropolar Continua (with Jaric, J. P., Golubovic, Z. Dj., Kuzmanovic, D. S.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 19, issue 3, 2012, pp. 423-443.
Application of the Finite Element Method to Inverse Problems in Solid Mechanics (with Dennis, B. H., Jin, W. and Jaric, J.), International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids, vol. 3, no. 2, 2011, pp. 11-21.
Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistant Aluminum Alloys: Optimizing Concentrations of Alloying Elements and Tempering (with Bhargava, S., Murty, S., Agarwal, A. and Colaco, M. J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 26, 2011, pp.363-374.
Effect of Mandrel Rotation on the Accuracy of Computed Temperature Profile during Near Net Shape Forming by Plasma Spraying (with Patel, R. R. and Agarwal, A.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 25, Issue 12, 2010, pp. 1365-1382; DOI:10.1080/10426914.2010.480994.
An Experimental and Computational Methodology for Near Net Shape Fabrication of Thin Walled Ceramic Structures by Plasma Spray Forming (with Patel, R. R., Keshri, A. K. and Agarwal, A.), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 210, 2010, pp. 1260-1269.
Improvements to Single-Objective Constrained Predator-Prey Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm (with Chowdhury, S.), Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 41, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 541-554, DOI: 10.1007/s00158-009-0433-x.
Lattice Boltzmann Computations of Incompressible Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in a Constricted Channel (with Gokaltun, S.), Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 59, 2010, pp. 2431-2441, DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.045.
Inverse Determination of Eroded Smelter Wall Thickness Variation Using an Elastic Membrane Concept (with Baker, D. P., Dennis, B. H. and Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 132, Issue 5, May 2010, pp. 052101-1/052101-8; DOI: 10.1115/1.4000436.
Three-Dimensional Parametric Shape Optimizations using Parallel Computers (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov-Yegorov, I. N., Yoshimura, S. and Herceg, Dj.), Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, Vol. 17, no.4:32, 2009, pp. 256-266.
Modified Predator-Prey Algorithm for Constrained and Unconstrained Multi-objective Optimization (with Chowdhury, S. and Moral. R. J.),International Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimisation, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, 2009, pp. 1-38.
Magneto-Hydrodynamic Simulations Using Radial Basis Functions (with Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H. R. B.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, 2009, pp. 5932-5939, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.08.009.
Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficients and Solidification of an Aluminum Alloy in a Rotary Continuous Caster (with N. Cheung, N.S. Santos, J.M.V. Quaresma, A. Garcia), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, 2009, pp. 451-459.
Approximation of the Likelihood Function in the Bayesian Technique for the Solution of Inverse Problems (with Orlande, H.R.B. and Colaco, M.J.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, issue 6, 2008, pp. 677-692
A Response Surface Method-Based Hybrid Optimizer (with Colaco, M. J. and Sahoo, D.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, issue 6, 2008, pp. 717-741.
Optimizing Chemistry of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Improved Thermal Stability (with Egorov, I. N. and Colaco, M. J.), Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 16, 2008, 075010 (19pp).
Multi-Objective Hybrid Evolutionary Optimization Utilizing Automatic Algorithm Switching (with Moral, R. J.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, March 2008, pp 673-700.
Inverse Estimation of Moisture Diffusivity by UtilizingTemperature Response of a Drying Body (with Kanevce1, G., Kanevce, Lj., Mitrevski, V.), International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1-6.
Identification and Design of a Source Term in a Two-Region Heat Conduction Problem (with Silva, P. P., Orlande, H. R. B., Colaco, M. J., Shiakolas, P. S.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007, pp. 661-677.
Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Topology and Performance of Branching Networks of Cooling Passages (with Gonzalez, M. J., Jelisavcic, N., Moral, R. J., Sahoo, D. and Martin, T. J. M.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 46, 2007, pp. 1191-1202.
Solidification of Double-Diffusive Flows Using Thermo-Magneto-Hydrodynamics and Optimization (with Colaco, M.J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 22, 2007, pp. 594-606.
Inverse Approaches to Drying of Thin Bodies With Significant Shrinkage Effects (with G. H. Kanevce, L. P. Kanevce, V. B. Mitrevski, H.R.B. Orlande), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 129, March 2007, pp. 379-386.
A Multilevel Hybrid Optimization of Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in Double-Diffusive Fluid Flow (with Colaco, M. J.), Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 67, 2006, pp. 1965-1972.
Convective Heat Transfer Control Using Magnetic and Electric Fields (with Colaco, M. J.), Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 139-155.
Inverse Problems of Aircraft Structural Parameter Estimation: Application of Neural Networks (with Trivailo, P., Sgarioto, D. and Gilbert, T.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2006, pp. 351-364.
Inverse and Optimization Problems in Heat Transfer (with Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H.R.B), Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, January-March 2006, pp. 1-23.
Application of Inverse Concepts to Drying (with Kanevce, Lj. and Kanevce, G. H.), Thermal Science, Vol. 2, 2005, pp. 31-44.
Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of Moist Materials Under Different Drying Conditions (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2005, pp. 341-354.
Chemical Composition Design of Superalloys for Maximum Stress, Temperature and Time-to-Rupture Using Self-Adapting Response Surface Optimization (with Egorov-Yegorov, I. N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 20, No. 3, May 2005, pp. 569-590.
Control of Unsteady Solidification via Optimized Magnetic Fields (with Colaco, M. J. and Martin, T. J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 20, No. 3, May 2005, pp. 435-458.
Aerodynamic Data Modeling Using Support Vector Machines (with Fan, H.-Y. and Han, Z.-X.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2005, pp. 261-278.
Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Surfaces and Interfaces of Multi-domain Three-Dimensional Electronic Components (with Dennis, B. H. and Han, Z.-X.), ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 126, No. 4, December 2004, pp. 457-464.
Optimization of Wall Electrodes for Electro-Hydrodynamic Control of Natural Convection Effects During Solidification (with Colaco, M. and Martin, T. J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2004, pp. 719-736.
Optimization of Intensities, and Orientations of Magnets Controlling Melt Flow During Solidification (with Colaco, J. M., Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J., Egorov-Yegorov, I. N. and Lee, S.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2004, pp. 695-718.
Simultaneous Estimation of Spatially-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient and Source Term in Nonlinear 1D Diffusion Problems (with Rodrigues, F. A. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 66, issues 4-5, 2004, pp. 409-424.
Parallel Thermoelasticity Optimization of 3-D Serpentine Cooling Passages in Turbine Blades (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Sobieczky, H. and Yoshimura, S.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2004, pp. 57-68.
An Implicit and Explicit BEM Sensitivity Approach for Thermo-Structural Optimization (with Martin, T. J.), Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2004, pp. 257-266.
A Finite Element Formulation for the Determination of Unknown Boundary Conditions for Three-Dimensional Steady Thermoelastic Problems (with Dennis, B. H. and Yoshimura, S.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 126, February 2004, pp. 110-118.
Finite Element Simulation of Cooling of 3-D Human Head and Neck (with Dennis, B. H., Eberhart, R. C. and Radons, S. W.), ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 125, December 2003, pp. 832-840.
Rotor Cascade Shape Optimization With Unsteady Passing Wakes Using Implicit Dual Time Stepping and Genetic Algorithm (with Lee, E.-S. and Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 9, 2003, pp. 1-9.
An Inverse Method Allowing User-specified Layouts of Magnetized Microfibers in Solidifying Composites (with Colaco, M., Martin, T. J. and Lee, S.), Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 37, No. 15, 2003, pp. 1351-1366.
Analysis and Multi-disciplinary Optimization of Internal Coolant Networks in Turbine Blades (with Martin, T. J.), AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002, pp. 896-906.
Magnetic Field Suppression of Melt Flow in Crystal Growth (with Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, no. 3, 2002, pp. 269-277.
Numerical Simulation of Laser Induced Plasma During Pulsed Laser Deposition (with Zhang, Z.-Y. and Han, Z.-X.), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 90, No. 12, December 2001, pp. 5889-5897.
Multi-Objective Optimization of Turbomachinery Cascades for Minimum Loss, Maximum Loading, and Maximum Gap-to-Chord Ratio (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Han, Z.-X., and Poloni, C.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2001, pp. 201-210.
Optimization of Multistage Turbines Using a Through-flow Code (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 215, Part A, 2001, pp. 559-569.
Constrained Optimization of Turbomachinery Airfoil Shapes with a Genetic/SQP Algorithm (with Dennis, B. H. and Han, Z.-X.), AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2001, pp. 1123-1280.
Optimization of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Control of Diffuser Flows Using Micro-Genetic Algorithm and Least Squares Finite Elements (with Dennis, B. H.), Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2001, pp. 349-363.
Simultaneous Prediction of External Flow-Field and Temperature in Internally Cooled 3-D Turbine Blade Material (with Han, Z.-X. and Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2001, pp. 47-58.
Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Model of Axisymmetric Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec. 2000, pp. 247-256.
Maximizing Multistage Turbine Efficiency by Optimizing Hub and Shroud Shapes and Inlet and Exit Conditions of Each Blade Row (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 17, 2000, pp. 267-278.
Inverse Determination of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity Using Steady Surface Data on Arbitrary Objects (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, August 2000, pp. 450-459.
Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Two-dimensional Model of Planar Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (EMHD) (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 36, No. 1, August 2000, pp. 155-163.
A Fully Non-Linear Theory of Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 35, No. 4, February 2000, pp. 709-719.
Simultaneous Determination of Temperatures, Heat Fluxes, Deformations, and Tractions on Inaccessible Boundaries (with Dennis, B. H.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, Aug. 1999, pp. 537-545.
Inverse Determination of Steady Heat Convection Coefficient Distributions (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, May 1998, Vol. 120, pp. 328-334.
Unified Electro-Magneto-Fluid Dynamics (EMFD): A Survey of Mathematical Models (with Lynn, S. R.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 923-932.
Unified Electro-Magneto-Fluid Dynamics (EMFD): Introductory Concepts (with Lynn, S. R.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 913-922.
Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Genetic and Gradient Search Algorithms (with Foster, N. F.), AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 34, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1997, pp. 36-42.
Inverse Determination of Boundary Conditions in Steady Heat Conduction with Heat Generation (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 118, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 546-554.
Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms on Highly Clustered Grids (with Choi, K.-Y.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 691-699.
Finding Unknown Surface Temperatures and Heat Fluxes in Steady Heat Conduction (with Martin, T. J.), IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) – Part A, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 1995, pp. 540-545.
An Inverse Method for Finding Unknown Surface Tractions and Deformations in Elastostatics (with Martin, T. J. and Halderman, J. D.), Computers and Structures, Vol. 56, No. 5, Sept. 1995, pp. 825-836.
Geometrical Inverse Problems in Three-dimensional Non-Linear Steady Heat Conduction (with Martin, T. J.), Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 15, 1995, pp. 161-169.
Sensitivity-Based Methods for Convergence Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with Choi, K.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 123, Nos. 1-4, June 1995, pp. 161-172.
Modeling Three-dimensional Solidification With Magnetic Fields and Reduced Gravity (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1994, pp. 837-853.
Modeling Dielectric Fluid Solidification With Charged Particles in Electric Fields and Reduced Gravity (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Fundamentals, Part B, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1994, pp. 357-373.
Inverse Design of Super-Elliptic Cooling Passages in Coated Turbine Blade Airfoils (with Martin, T. J.), AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 8, No. 2, April-June, 1994, pp. 288-294.
Simulation of Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 1993, pp. 115-126.
Magnetized Fiber Orientation Control in Solidifying Composites: Numerical Simulation (with Kosovic, B. and Lee, S.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 115, Feb. 1993, pp. 255-262.
Aerodynamic Shape Design and Optimization: Status and Trends, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 29, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 1992, pp. 1020-1026.
Minimization of the Number of Cooling Holes in Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kosovic, B.), International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1992, pp. 277-283.
Magnetohydrodynamic Steady Flow Computations in Three Dimensions (with Lee, S.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 13, No. 7, Oct. 1991, pp. 917-936.
Accelerated Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows with Heat Transfer (with Lee, S.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Fundamentals, Part B, Vol. 19, June 1991, pp. 223-241.
Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method for Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with Lee, S.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 86, 1991, pp. 245-262.
Physically Consistent Models for Artificial Dissipation in Transonic Potential Flow Computations (with Mortara, K. W. and Marraffa, L.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 79, May 1990, pp. 309-320.
Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms for Euler Equations of Gasdynamics (with Lee, S.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5, May 1990, pp. 939-942.
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows Generated by Dissociating Nitrogen Diffusion (with Marraffa, L. and Deiwert, G. S.), AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1989, pp. 254-259.
Analysis of Artificial Dissipation Models for Transonic Full Potential Equation, AIAA Journal, Vol. 26, No. 10, October 1988, pp. 1238-1245.
Theory of Compressible Irrotational Flows Including Heat Conductivity and Longitudinal Viscosity (with Kennon, S. R.), International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 10, No. 8, 1988, pp. 583-592.
Inverse Design and Active Control Concepts in Strong Unsteady Heat Conduction, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 41, No. 6, June 1988, pp. 270-277.
Supercritical Cascade Flow Analysis with Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction (with Niederdrenk, P. and Sobieczky, H.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 109, July 1987, pp. 413-419.
Fast Iterative Algorithms Based on Optimal Explicit Time-Stepping (with Huang, C.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 63, August 1987, pp. 15-36.
Viscous/Inviscid Computations of Transonic Separated Flows Over Solid and Porous Cascades (with Olling, C. R.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 109, April 1987, pp. 220-228.
A Hodograph-Based Method for the Design of Shock-Free Cascades (with Hassan, A.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1987, pp. 197-213.
Porous Airfoil Analysis Using Viscous/Inviscid Coupling at Transonic Speeds (with Olling, C. R.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 2, Feb. 1987, pp. 103-129.
Stream Function and Stream-Function-Coordinate (SFC) Formulation for Inviscid Flow Field Calculations (with Huang, C.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 59, Nov. 1986, pp. 155-177.
Grid Orthogonalization for Curvilinear Alternating-Direction Techniques (with Hayes, L. J. and Kennon, S. R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 59, November 1986, pp. 141-154.
Inverse Design of Composite Turbine Blade Circular Coolant Flow Passages (with Chiang, T.-L.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 108, Oct. 1986, pp. 275-282.
Generalized Non-Linear Minimal Residual (GNLMR) Method for Iterative Algorithms (with Huang, C.-Y. and Kennon, S. R.), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16, November 1986, pp. 215-232.
Generation of Solution-Adaptive Computational Grids Using Optimization (with Carcaillet, R. and Kennon, S. R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 57, Sept. 1986, pp. 279-295.
Optimization of Computational Grids (with Kennon, S. R.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7, July 1986, pp. 1069-1073.
Optimization of Three-dimensional Computational Grids (with Carcaillet, R. and Kennon, S. R.), AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 23, No. 5, May 1986, pp. 415-421.
Inverse Design of Coolant Flow Passage Shapes with Partially Fixed Internal Geometries (with Kennon, S. R.), International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1986, pp. 13-20.
Inverse Design of Multiholed Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kennon, S. R.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1986, pp. 363-375.
The Inverse Design of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kennon, S. R.), ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 107, January 1985, pp. 123-126.
Optimum Acceleration Factors for Iterative Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Differential Systems (with Kennon, S. R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 47, 1984, pp. 357-367.
Shockless Design and Analysis of Transonic Cascade Shapes (with Sobieczky, H.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 11, Nov. 1982, pp. 1572-1578.
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