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1. Education and Experience

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George S. Dulikravich is a retired Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing, Florida International University (FIU). He has a diverse educational background in mechanical and aerospace engineering and applied mathematics including private (Ph.D.-Cornell’79), public (M.Sc.-Minnesota’75) and international (Dipl.Ing.-Belgrade’73) schooling, three years of visiting research and teaching experience both domestic (NASA-GRC) and international (DFVLR-Goettingen), fourty years of teaching and research experience at four universities (UT-Austin, Penn State, UT-Arlington, FIU). He held positions of a Graduate Program Director (UTA), Founder and Institute Director (UTA), Founder and Lab Director (FIU), and Department Chair (FIU) during 2003-2009.


His research expertise and interests are computational, analytical, and highly multi-disciplinary, spanning the fields of aerospace, mechanical, industrial, materials, biomedical and chemical engineering. Select research topics include: the development of algorithms for a variety of inverse problems; multi-objective hybrid constrained evolutionary design optimization algorithms; acceleration of iterative algorithms; turbomachinery aero-thermodynamics and heat transfer; conjugate heat transfer analysis; optimized topology of branching 3D micro-channels for high heat flux electronics and gas turbine blade cooling; brain cooling of stroked patients; optimized cooling of human hearts for extended transportation; optimally controlled solidification/melting using electric, magnetic and thermal fields; multi-objective optimization and inverse design of chemical compositions of nickel superalloys, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, bulk metallic glasses and high strength-high temperature magnetic alloys; thermo-elasticity analysis and inverse problems; design optimization of kinetic energy projectiles for maximum penetration; inverse design and optimization of transonic and hypersonic flight vehicle shapes; aerodynamic shape design of multi-element winglets; minimization of sonic boom from supersonic passenger airplane; inverse determination of spatially varying diffusion coefficients; reduced order modeling for multiphase flows; and constrained design optimization of chemical formulas for functional molecules. This multi-disciplinary research has resulted in over 540 technical publications, including 16 proceedings volumes, 16 book chapters, and 155 journal papers with emphasis on multi-disciplinary computational analysis, inverse problems and design optimization.


Dr. Dulikravich is the founder and served as Editor-in-Chief of the international journal on Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (1994-2021). He is an Associate Editor of nine professional journals and also the founder, chairman and editor of the sequence of International Conferences on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES) and a co-founder of Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO) sequence of international symposia. He co-organized over 200 technical meetings, supervised and mentored 21 PhD and 31 MSc students, 30 visiting scientists and postdoctoral fellows, and has presented 32 plenary, keynote and invited lectures at national and international meetings. He is a Fellow of ASME, American Academy of Mechanics, Royal Aeronautical Society and Associate Fellow of AIAA.


His research has been funded by NSF, NASA, AFOSR, ARO, ONR, DoD, DoE, NETL, ALCOA, LLNL, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, GE, Medtronics, Millipore, CRDF, HPTi, Bell Helicopters, NAVAIR, Touchstone Research Laboratories, TKelvin, DARPA, CNPq, ORNL and UCAH.

1. Education and Experience


1979     Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

1975     M.Sc., Aeronautical Engineering and Theoretical Mechanics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

1973     Dipl. Ing., Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

1968     Dipl. Mech. Tech., Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Technical High School “Nikola Tesla”, Pancevo,



Academic and Professional Experience

2003 - present    Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, FIU

2013                   Senior Visiting/Exchange Scholar, CNPq Science Without Borders, UFRJ/COPPE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2012 – 2013       Visiting Professor, School of Engineering, Cranfield University, UK

2003 – 2009       Professor and Chairman, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, FIU

2004 - present    Founder and Director, Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design, Robust Optimization and Control

(MAIDROC) Laboratory, FIU

2002 – 2003       Founder and Director, Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design and Optimization (MAIDO) Institute,

University of Texas at Arlington

2002 – 2003       Graduate Student Advisor, Aerospace Program, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

University of Texas at Arlington

1999 – 2003       Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington

1999 – 2000       Adjunct Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

1996                   Visiting Professor, Institute of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

1995                   Visiting Professor, Teikyo Founder’s Fellowship, School of Science and Technology, Teikyo University,

Utsunomiya, Japan

1986 – 1999       Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University

Park, PA

1987 – 1988       Senior Visiting Research Scientist, ICOMP-NASA Lewis Research Center/Case Western Reserve University,

Cleveland, OH

1982 – 1986       Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas

at Austin

1982 – 1984       Visiting Research Scientist, DFVLR-AVA - Institut fuer Theoretische Stroemungsmechanik, Goettingen,


1980 – 1982       Visiting Research Scientist, Universities Space Research Association/NASA Lewis Research Center,

Cleveland, OH

1979 – 1980       Research Associate, NSF-National Research Council/NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH


Summary of Teaching, Advising and Mentorship

  • Taught 15 undergraduate and 18 graduate courses in mechanical and aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics.

  • Taught 14 workshop courses and industry short courses.

  • Supervised 30 post-doctoral and visiting scientists, 20 PhD students, 31 MSc students, 3 BSc honors students, 109 BSc students with research reports, and 3 high-school interns.


Summary of Research and Scholarly Work

Publications:     16 books/proceedings, 16 book chapters, 155 journal papers, 332 conference papers, 16 reports, 13 book reviews, 2 book contracts, 2 journal papers under review, 515 presentations, 31 plenary, keynote and invited lectures

Research:           NSF/NRC Postdoctoral Fellow; $6.425M cumulative funding

Citations:            ResearchGate: citations 4647      h-index:     34

                           GoogleScholar: citations 6970     h-index all: 42          i10-index all: 198


Membership in Professional Societies

Fellow                          AAM - American Academy of Mechanics

                                    (Member since 1985; FAAM since Nov. 2006)

Fellow                         ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

                                    (ASME member no. 318923 since 1978; FASME since Nov. 1997)

Fellow                          RAeS - Royal Aeronautical Society

                                    (FRAeS no. 1375449 since July 2009)

Associate Fellow        AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

                                    (AIAA member no. 4512 since 1974; Associate FAIAA since June 1994)

Member                       TMS - Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS no. 436471 since 2014)

Member                       ASM - The Materials Information Society (ASM no. 527156 since 2006)

Member                       HYDROMAG - International Association for Hydromagnetic Phenomena and Applications (since



Honors and Awards

2018                   Elected Member, Scientific Council of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT)

2016                   Advisor, ASME Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division Student Member of the year 2016 award winner

2015                   Advisor, ASME IMECE2015 Young Engineer Paper (YEP) student international competition winner

2015                   Advisor, ASME Innovative Design Simulation Challenge graduate student international competition winner

2014                   Advisor, ASME Innovative Design Simulation Challenge undergraduate student international competition


2014                   Founding Member, EuroAsian Society for Inverse Problems

2006                   Eminent Engineer Award, Tau Beta Pi National Engineers’ Honor Society

2001                   Eli Carafoli Award and Commemorative Medal, Politechnica, Bucharest, Romania

1996 – 1998       ALCOA Foundation Faculty Research Fellow Award

1985 – 1986       William J. Murray, Fellowship in Engineering #1, University of Texas at Austin

1979                   NASA/National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship and Travel Grant

1979                   Sigma Xi - The Scientific Research Honor Society of North America

1975                   Sigma Gamma Tau - National Honor Society for Aerospace Engineers

1974                   International Institute for Education (IIE) Fulbright Travel Grant


Journal Editorships and Editorial Boards

1994 - 2021         Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

1996 - 2014         Associate Editor, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics

2000 – 2003        Associate Editor, International Journal of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering

2001 – 2004        Associate Technical Editor, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer

2006 - 2020         Member of Associate Editors’ Board, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

2007 - 2018         Member of International Advisory Board, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research

2008 - present     Associate Editor, FME Transactions

2009 - present     Member of Honorary Advisory Board, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical


2010 - 2015         Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Nano Science and Engineering

2012 - present     Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design

2012 - 2018         Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Engineering Mathematics

2012 - 2015         Member of Editorial Board, Advances in Nano Research

2013 - present     Member of Editorial Board, INCAS Bulletin

2014 - present     Academic Editor, Mathematical Problems in Engineering

2016 - 2019         Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer

2018 – present    Associate Editor, Metals

2020 – present    International Scientific Editorial Board Member, Revista Vertices

2020 – present    Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Engineering Science

2021 – present    Associate Editor, ASME Open Journal of Engineering

2. Teaching, Advising and Mentorship
2. Teaching, Advising and Mentorship

Undergraduate Courses Taught

  1. Propulsion

  2. Aerodynamics I

  3. Aerodynamics II

  4. Compressible Flow

  5. Aerospace Analysis

  6. Thermal Engineering

  7. Transport Phenomena

  8. Inverse Design (new elective course developed)

  9. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (honors course)

  10. Physical Gasdynamics (elective course reorganized)

  11. Design Optimization (new elective course developed)

  12. Aerodynamic Shape Design (new elective course developed)

  13. Airfoil, Wing, and Propeller Design (new elective course developed)

  14. Introductory Computational Fluid Dynamics (elective course reorganized)

  15. Introduction to Computational Thermo Fluids (course reorganized)


Graduate Courses Taught

  1. Dynamics of Ideal Fluids

  2. Low Speed Aerodynamics

  3. High Temperature Gasdynamics

  4. Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (course reorganized)

  5. Inverse Design (new course developed)

  6. Theoretical Gas Dynamics (course reorganized)

  7. Advanced Gas Dynamics (course reorganized)

  8. Advanced Fluid Dynamics (course reorganized)

  9. Foundations of Fluid Mechanics (course reorganized)

  10. Physics of Compressible Fluids (new course developed)

  11. Advanced Computational Aerodynamics (new course developed)

  12. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design & Optimization (new course developed)

  13. Grid Generation, Fast Algorithms, and Inverse Design (new course developed)

  14. Multiphase Flows and Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (new course developed)

  15. Optimization Algorithms (course reorganized)

  16. Advanced Aerodynamic Shape Design (new elective course developed)

  17. Computational Fluid Dynamics (course reorganized)

  18. Computational Engineering Analysis (course reorganized)


Short Courses Taught

  1. Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization: Concepts and Applications (taught by Dulikravich, G. S., Chakraborti, N. and Egorov, I.) – A workshop in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, December 19, 2012.

  2. Aero-thermal-elasticity-materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades – a Lecture Series on Numerical Optimization Methods & Tools for Multi-criteria/Multi-Disciplinary Design with Applications to Aeronautics and Turbomachinery, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, November 15 – 19, 2004.

  3. Analysis, Inverse Design and Optimization in Turbomachinery – A workshop in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, May 22, 2003.

  4. Multidisciplinary Analysis, Inverse Design and Optimization – A workshop in the Mechanics Department, Mathematics Faculty, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, May 19-21, 2003.

  5. Recent Advances in Gas Turbine Cooling Techniques – A workshop in the Mechanical Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EE/COPPE/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 12-13, 2003.

  6. EUROGEN’99 – A Short Course on Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advances and Industrial Applications, Jyvaskyla, Finland, May 30-June 3, 1999.

  7. Genetic Algorithms Workshop and Tutorial, organizer and one of five lecturers, Applied Research Laboratory – The Pennsylvania State Engineering, October 8-9, 1998.

  8. Methods for Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms for Systems of Partial Differential Equations, Institute for Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, May 19-31, 1996.

  9. New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport, CISM Advanced School, Udine, Italy, June 5-9, 1995.

  10. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Turboinstitut, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, May 27-31, 1990.

  11. AGARD/FDP Specialists Workshop on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications, VKI, Chateau St. Dennise, Brussels, May 14-18, 1990.

  12. Inverse Design in Turbomachinery, United Technologies Res. Center, East Hartford, CT, March 30, 1988.

  13. Transonic Flow Computations, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Zemun, Yugoslavia, August 3-4, 1987.

  14. Computational Fluid Dynamics, Technical University of Rijeka, Yugoslavia, July 20-24, 1987.


Ph.D. Students Supervised

Florida International University

  1. Ann Kayana Blanchard: “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Supersonic Passenger Airplane With Active Controls for Sonic Boom Minimization”, expected August 2023.

  2. Janhavi Chitale: "Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization of Compact Counter-Flow Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Based Heat Exchangers", December 2021.

  3. Sohail R. Reddy: "Many-Objective Hybrid Optimization Under Uncertainty With Applications", December 2019.

  4. Bruna Rafaela Loiola: ‘’Thermal Decomposition Identification of Biological Tissues in Treatments Due to Laser Ablation’’, April 2018 (co-advised with Helcio R.B. Orlande from UFRJ, Brazil).

  5. Cesar Cunha Pacheco: “State Estimation Applied to the Magnetic Resonance Thermometry for the Treatment of Tumors’’, March 2018 (co-advised with Helcio R.B. Orlande and Marcelo J. Colaco from UFRJ, Brazil).

  6. Diego Estumano: “Bayesian Statistics Use in Parameter Estimation for Mathematical Models of Epileptic Siezures”, May 2017 (co-advised with Helcio R.B. Orlande from UFRJ, Brazil).

  7. Rajesh Jha: “Combined Computational-Experimental Design of High Temperature, High Intensity Permanent Magnetic Alloys With Minimal Addition of Rare Earth Elements”, August 2016.

  8. Ahmad Abassi Baharanchi: “Development of a Two-Fluid Drag Law for Clustered Particles Using Direct Numerical Simulation and Validation Through Experiment”, May 2016.

  9. Abas Abdoli: “Optimization of Cooling Protocols for Hearts Destined for Transplantation”, December 2014.

  10. Ramon J. Moral: “Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization and Hybridized Self-Organizing Response Surface Method”, August 2008.

  11. Seckin Gokaltun: “Lattice Boltzmann Method for Flow and Heat Transfer in Microgeometries”, August 2008.


The Pennsylvania State University

  1. Thomas J. Martin: “Computer-Automated Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades," May 2001.

  2. Brian H. Dennis: “Simulation and Optimization of Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows,” December 2000.

  3. Eunseok Lee: “Optimization of Turbomachinery Airfoil Shapes in Viscous Unsteady Compressible Flows,” August 2000.

  4. Kwang-Yoon Choi: "Sensitivity-Based Minimum Residual Methods for Convergence Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms,” December 1994.

  5. Seungsoo Lee: “Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms for Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations,” May 1990.


The University of Texas at Austin

  1. Stephen R. Kennon: "Numerical Solution of Weak Forms of Conservation Laws on Optimal Unstructured Triangular Grids," August 1987.

  2. Chung-Yuan Huang: "Optimization of Explicit Time-Stepping Algorithms and Stream-Function-Coordinate (SFC) Concept for Fluid Dynamics Problems," May 1987.

  3. Charles R. Olling: "Viscous/Inviscid Interaction in Transonic Separated Flows Over Solid and Porous Airfoils and Cascades," December 1985.


M. Sc. Students Supervised

Florida International University

  1. Ruben Alejandro Fernandez: “Inverse Determination of Unsteady Thermal Boundary Conditions on Inaccessible Boundaries ”, expected August 2023.

  2. Mateo Pachano Landazuri: “Aerodynamics of Star-Shaped Hypersonic Missiles: Multi-Objective Design Optimization”, expected August 2023.

  3. Joseph Coverston: “Numerical Simulation of Flushing Deposits in Pipelines”, May 2019.

  4. Sohail R. Reddy: “Multi-Objective Analysis and Optimization of Integrated Cooling in Micro-Electronics With Hot Spots”, August 2015.

  5. Eric J. Inclan: “The Development of a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for the Evaluation and Optimization of the Asynchronous Pulse Unit”, December 2014.

  6. Karla Keldani Quintao: “Optimization of Supersonic/Hypersonic Nozzle Shapes for Maximum Uniformity of Exit Flow”, December 2012.

  7. Edgard Espinosa: “Design Optimization of Submerged Jet Nozzles for Enhanced Mixing”, December 2011.

  8. Stephen Wood: “Modeling of Pipeline Transients: Modified Method of Characteristics”, August 2011.

  9. Amanda Vianna: “Minimizing Response Time of a Pressure Wave Traveling in Hydraulic Fluid Flowing in a Long Elastic Tube with Axial Temperature Variation”, December 2010.

  10. Carlos Velez: “Electric Arc Melting and Suction Casting Furnace for Manufacturing and Experimental Evaluation of Hf-based Bulk Metallic Glasses”, non-thesis M.S. degree option, August 2010.

  11. Suvrat Bhargava (co-advised with Prof. Arvind Agarwal): “Optimization of the Molecular Structure of Refrigerants”, August 2010.

  12. Ricardo Ardila: “Optimization of Three-dimensional Branching Networks of Microchannels for Thermal Management of Microelectronics”, December 2009.

  13. Riken R. Patel (co-advised with Prof. Arvind Agarwal): “A Computational and Experimental Algorithm for Near Net Shape Fabrication of Thin Walled Ceramic Structure by Plasma Spray Forming”, August 2009.

  14. Souma Chowdhury: “Modified Predator-Prey (MPP) Algorithm for Constrained Single –and Multi-Objective Optimization Problems”, December 2008.

  15. Alexandre Aidov: “Modified Continuous Ant Colony Algorithm for Function Optimization”, August 2008.

  16. Debasis Sahoo: “Wavelet-Based Neural Networks for Response Surfaces in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization”, December 2005.

  17. Mickael Gonzalez: “Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Topology and Performance of Fractal Branching Networks of Cooling Passages”, December 2005.

  18. Nenad Jelisavcic: “Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of Branching Channel Cooling Systems”, August 2005.


The University of Texas at Arlington

  1. Ravi Abram (Krishnamurti): “Convergence Acceleration of Inverse Design of Aerodynamic Configurations Using an Elastic Membrane Concept Based on Fourier Series”, non-thesis M.S. degree option, May 2000.


The Pennsylvania State University

  1. Daniel P. Baker: “A Fourier Series Approach to the Elastic Membrane Inverse Shape Design Problem in Aerodynamics”, May 1999.

  2. Craig Bates: "Forward and Inverse Electro-Cardiographic Calculations on a Multidipole Model of Human Cardiac Electrophysiology”, August 1997.

  3. Brian H. Dennis: "A Software Package for Thermoelastic Optimization with Application to the Design of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades”, August 1997.

  4. Norman F. Foster: "Shape Optimization Using Genetic Evolution and Gradient Search Constrained Algorithms," August 1995.

  5. Scott G. Sheffer:  "Shape Optimization of Three-dimensional Hypersonic Flight Vehicles for Minimum Drag and Aerodynamic Heating," May 1993.

  6. Thomas J. Martin: "Inverse Design and Optimization of Two-and-Three Dimensional Coolant Flow Passages," May 1993.

  7. Branko Kosovic: "Inverse Problems in Heat Transfer and Computation of Electrohydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Flows Including Solidification," December 1991.

  8. Joel V. Madison: "Analysis and Optimization of Objects Subject to Unsteady Heat Conduction," May 1988.


The University of Texas at Austin

  1. Yio-Wha Shau: "Comparative Study of Numerical Dissipation in Transonic Potential Flow Calculations," January 1986.

  2. Ting-Lung Chiang: "Inverse Design of Composite Multiholed Internally Cooled Turbine Blades," December 1985.

  3. Richard Carcaillet: "Generation and Optimization of Flow Adaptive Computational Grids," August 1985.

  4. Tatsuo Fujinami: "Computation of Unsteady Separated Compressible Flows Using Free Vortex Method," August 1985.

  5. David M. Sommerfield: "Computational Grid Generation for Wing-Body-Tail-Fin-Stabilizer Configurations," December 1984.

  6. Stephen R. Kennon: "Novel Approaches to Computational Grid Generation, Inverse Design and Acceleration of Iterative Schemes," May 1984.


Undergraduate Honors Theses and Senior Year Projects Supervised

Florida International University

  1. Gabriel de Armas, Jonathan Chavez, Manuel Gonzalez, Mellony Ladino: “Hydrofoil Design and Optimization”, April 2019.

  2. Steven Castano, Karina Cornieles, Brian O’Farrell: “VTOL UAV for Littoral Combat Ships”, April 2019.

  3. Naadir Kirlew, Daniel Klumpp, Nicholas Saint-Reid, Betsy Roque: “Clima-Drone”, April 2019.

  4. Anthony Lozano, Jefrey Jimenez, Mariella Masforroll, Joshua Samuels: “Air-Cooled Three-Valve SOHC Sylinder Head Design”, April 2019.

  5. Santiago Ruales, Kathryn Diaz, Eric Jones, Nicole Robinson and Brianna Gogins: “Bladelets - Winglets on Blades of Wind Turbines: A Multi-objective Design Optimization Study”, May 2018.

  6. Joseph Coverston, Shane Colon and Amr Hosni: “Aerospike Nozzle Conversion for Commercial Rocket Motors”, December 2016.

  7. Daniela Chavez Guevara, Sami Miguel El Awad Azrak and Daniel Steigerwald: “Design Optimization of a DeLaval Nozzle With Electro-Hydrodynamic Control of Flow Separation”, May 2016.

  8. Marc Linares, Alessandro Ciampitti and Marco Robaina: “Design Optimization of a Supersonic Nozzle”, December 2015.

  9. Peter Garcia, Saad Khan and Prajeep Nair: “Hydro-Thermal Weed Cleaner”, May 2015.

  10. Andres Cardenas, Arjav Patel and Nestor Paz: “Design, Build and Test Fly Heavy Lift Radio Controlled Airplane – SAE Competition”, December 2014.

  11. David M. Dominguez, Gianni Jimenez and Genesis Vasquez: “Design, Analysis and Construction of a Reaction Control System for an Orbital Launch Vehicle”, December 2014.

  12. Fernando Lopez, Xavier Medina and Gianfranco Pisani: “Design Optimization of Car Engine Air Compressor Rotor for Higher Efficiency”, December 2014.

  13. Sohail Reddy, Shannae Powell and Samuel Ness: “Optimization of Airplane Winglets of Scimitar Type”, April 2014.

  14. Patricia Mathews, Rebekah Santana, Rafael Sanz and Marcelo Torrentes: “Temperature Field Measurements in a Realistic Heart During Perfusion Cooling”, December 2013.

  15. Yoelmir Santana, Andres Ancarola and Rodrigo Redondo: “Ducted Fan Blended Wing UAV Design”, December 2012.

  16. Daniel Gonzalez, Eduardo Vargas and Jorge Mar: “Design of a Four-Rotor UAV Controlled via Mobile Phone and Internet”, December 2012.

  17. Cesar Rivera, Eduardo Espina and Stephanie George: “Electric Car Design and Competition”, April 2012.

  18. Rinaldo Gonzalez Galdamez, Diego Moreno Ferguson and Juancarlo Rodriguez Gutierrez: “Design Optimization of Winglets for Wind Turbine Blades”, December 2011.

  19. Byron Gaskin, Christopher Roath and Gregory Burrow: “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Measurement of Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity of Thin Coatings of Graphene”, April 2011.

  20. Octavio Oliva, Francisco Morocz and Rinaldo Gonzalez: “Design Optimization of Exit Diffuser for a Portable 1kW Hydro-Electric Turbine”, April 2011.

  21. Gianluca Minnella, Antonio Ugas and Yuniesky Rodriguez: “Aerodynamic shape design optimization of airplane winglets”, December 2010.

  22. Raymundo Onetto, Holger Pass and Homero Perez: “Cube Satellite Design”, April 2010.

  23. Octavio Oliva: “Examining a Theory Linking Earth Surface Magnetic Field Variation and Trajectories of Category 5 Hurricanes”, Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, FIU, August 2009.

  24. Stephen Wood: “Verification and Validation of the AMROC Fluid Solver Framework Coupling with DYNA3D within the Virtual Test Facility Fluid Structure Interaction Suite”, Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, FIU, August 2009.

  25. Edgard Espinosa and Daniel Llanes: “Design Optimization of Three-Bladed Shrouded Water Turbine for Extracting Energy from Deep Ocean Currents”, December 2008.

  26. Alain Hernandez, Chris Hoffman, Shakur Kazi, Emanuele Colognato and Ramon Duran: “Resizing the Micro-Jet Engine Test Stand and Measuring Engine Efficiencies and Chemical Composition of Exhaust Gases from Various Bio-Diesel Fuel Mixtures”, December 2008.

  27. Keron Howe, Andres Escobar, Brian Harris, Ricardo Ardilla and Carlos Rueda: “CFD Analysis of 3D Aerodynamics of Formula-1 Racing Cars”, December 2007.

  28. Dan Becker, Ivan Darias, Dwayne Gordon, Michelle Heethawakage and Kin Ng: “Instrumenting a Micro-Jet Engine and Building a Complete On-Line Test Stand”, December 2007.

  29. Damien Lloyd, Duy Nguyen, Robert Jordan and Sergio Sanchez: “Design and CFD Simulation of Chevron-Type Separator of Solid Microparticles from Exhaust Gases”; December 2006.


The Pennsylvania State University (Honors B.Sc. theses supervised)

  1. Daniel P. Baker: “A Graphically Interactive Design Environment for Multicomponent Airfoils”, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, May 1997.

  2. Craig Bates: "Inverse Determination of Locations and Strengths of Electric Impulses Inside a Human Heart Based on Chest Surface Measurements of Electric Potential", Dept. of Eng. Science & Mechanics, May 1996.

  3. Chris Gross: "Feasibility Study of a Magnetohydrodynamic Blood Pump", Dept. of Eng. Science & Mechanics, May 1996.

  4. Jonathan D. Halderman: "The Boundary Element Method Application to Elastostatics and Development of a Two-dimensional Analysis Code", Dept. of Eng. Science and Mechanics, May 1994 (Best Thesis Award).

  5. Brian Smith: "Computational Grid Generation Using Optimization", Dept. of Eng. Science & Mechanics, May 1994.


Visiting Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows Hosted and Supervised

  1. Mr. Mathias Scharrer (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria), “Algorithms for Parameters Identification in Models of Electrochemistry in Li-Ion Batteries”, (04/19).

  2. Ms. Ainagul Jumabekova (LOCIE, Savoie Mont Blanc University, France), “Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Parameters in Topology Detection”, (04-06/19).

  3. Prof. Julien Berger (LOCIE, Savoie Mont Blanc University, France), “Parameter Identification of Heat and Mass Transfer in Moist Walls”, (02/19).

  4. Prof. Daniel Watzenig (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria), “Algorithms for Autonomous Road Vehicles”, (10/18).

  5. Mr. Michal Butterweck (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland), “Stream-Function-as-a-Coordinate Concept for Inverse Axisymmetric Nozzle Shape Design in Compressible Viscous Flow”, (03/13-06/13).

  6. Prof. Nirupam Chakraborti (Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur, India), “Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Metallic Alloys”, (08/12-05/13).

  7. Mr. Flavio Vianna (Petrobras, Brazil), “Detection of the Location of Hydrides Formation in Pipelines Using Inverse Heat Transfer and Bayesian Filters,” (12/08-06/10).

  8. Ms. Priscila Ferreira Barbosa de Sousa (Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil), “Inverse Problem Applied to Bioengineering: Studies of Thermal Process during Bone Drilling,” (01/08-12/08).

  9. Prof. Marcelo J. Colaco, (Military Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): “Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization and Response Surface Formulation Concepts,” (09/06-11/06; 01/08).

  10. Mrs. Dejana Herceg, Ph.D. student (University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia), “Optimization of Electric Grid Topologies for a Balanced Load”, (07/07)

  11. Prof. Andres Tremante, Senior Visiting Scientist (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela): “Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization of Multi-phase Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, (8/05-8/06)

  12. Prof. William Annicchiarico, Senior Visiting Scientist (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela): “Parallel Processing of FEM Codes for 3-D Elasticity Analysis”, (10/04; 08/06-12/07).

  13. Dr. Huiyuan Fan, Senior Visiting Scientist (Technion, Haifa, Israel): “Multidisciplinary Optimization of Combustion Chambers,” (03/03-03/04).

  14. Prof. Helcio R. B. Orlande, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): “Inverse Determination of Diffusion Coefficients in Unsteady Diffusion Models,” (01/03-02/03; 02/07; 01/08-02/08; 03/12; 03/18; 01/20-06/20).

  15. Dr. Marcelo J. Colaco, Postdoctoral Fellow, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): “Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization of EMHD Controlled Solidification, Fuel Cells, and Cooled Turbine Blades,” (09/01-10/02; 09/06-11/06; 07/11; 02/15; 03/18; 01/19).

  16. Prof. Igor N. Yegorov, (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia): “Multiobjective Constrained Optimization,” (01/00-02/00; 07/00; 04/03-08/03; 11/04-01/05; 02/17).

  17. Mr. Valentino Pediroda, Research Associate (University of Udine, Udine, Italy): “Benchmarking of Multiobjective Constrained Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics Software”, (01/99-07/99).

  18. Prof. Milan V. Petrovic, (University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia): “Aerodynamic Optimization of Multistage Axial Flow Turbine Blade Rows Inlet/Exit Parameters,” (06/98-08/98).

  19. Prof. Zhen-Xue Han, (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, P. R. China): “3-D Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Navier-Stokes Codes on Non-Structured Grids,” (03/98-01/00).

  20. Prof. Hyung-Jong Ko, (Kumoh National University of Technology, Kyungbuk, Korea): “Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization Involving Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics,” (02/98-01/99).

  21. Dr. George Savu, Senior Research Scientist (National Research Design Institute for Turbomachinery COMOTI, Bucharest, Romania): “Turbulent and Transitional Boundary Layer Models Without Adjustable Parameters,” (10/97-12/97).

  22. Prof. Zhengming Wang, (Academia Sinica, Institute for Engineering Thermophysics, Beijing, P. R. China): "Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Shape Inverse Design Using Navier-Stokes Equations," (01/94-07/94).

  23. Prof. Myong Hwan Sohn, (Dept. of Aero. Eng., Air Force Academy, Choongbula-Do, Korea):  "Aerodynamic Shape Inverse Design and Optimization," (08/93-08/94).

  24. Prof. Xiuying Li, (Dept. of Aerospace Technology, Changsha Institute of Technology, Changsha, Hunan, P. R. China) "Characteristic and Non-Reflecting Exit Flow Boundary Conditions," (08/93-03/94).

  25. Prof. Vadim I. Polezhaev, (Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia): "Electrophoretic Separation and Crystal Growth in Microgravity," (02/93-05/93)

  26. Prof. Helmut Sobieczky, (Institut fuer Stroemungsmechanik, DLR-Goettingen, F. R. Germany):  "Transonic and Hypersonic Shape Inverse Design," (10/91; 10/93).

  27. Dr. Seungsoo Lee, Postdoctoral Fellow (Defense Research Agency, Taejeon, Korea): "Magnetohydrodynamic and Electrohydrodynamic Flow Modeling and Computations," (02/90-06/90).

  28. Dr. Lionel Marraffa, Group Leader (ONERA, Chatillon, France and ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands):  "Hypersonic Radiating Flow Modeling and Computations," (08/85-03/87; 04/88-06/88; 10/89; 01/93; 01/96).

  29. Prof. Bing Ren, (Changsha Institute of Technology, Changsha, P. R. China): "A Survey of Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) Schemes," (05/87-11/87).

  30. Mr. Andrej Lipej, Senior Researcher (Turboinstitut, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia):  "Numerical Methods for Hydraulic Turbomachinery Flow Computations," (09/87-11/87).


Member of Ph.D. Dissertation Committee

Roy Knight (1984)                         Shu-Cheng Simon Chen (1984)

Hsien-Jan Chang (1984)              Kyuem R. Cho (1984)

Philippe Devloo (1984)                 S. V. Krishnamachari (1985)

Theofanis Strouboulis (1985)       Bo-Nan Jiang (1985)

Roy Bhat (1987)                            K. H. G. Giridharan (1987)

K. Viswanathan (1988)                 Robert McClay (1988)

Gregory Molvik (1989)                  Michael M. Tom (1989)

Robert Kunz (1991)                      Anton Basson (1991)

Yushen Zhang (1991)                   Sixin Fan (1991)

Yan Sheng Liu (1993)                   Jiang Luo (1994)

Jaianthi Pallinti (1994)                  K. P. Sandeep (1994)

Andrei Chernobrovkin (1995)       Philip E. O. Buelow (1995)

Xinwen Xiao (1997)                      Marty Chiaverini (1997)

Yongfu Liu (1998)                         Cuauhtemoc Aviles-Ramos (2000)

George Nnanna (2001)                 Frederic Felten (2002)

Dion Fleitas (2002)                       Cora Martinez (2006)

Bo Yu (2006)                                 Jiajia Ge (2006)

Dagnew Agerneh (2008)              Ricardo Gasparini (2012)

Abhignyan Nagesetti (2012)         Kamran Moradi (2013)

Siavash Rastkar (2013)                Olubunmi Popoola (2014)

Ali Hajikhani (2014)                      Long Tran Bao Phan (2015)

Pradip Shinde (2016)                   Dale DeJong (2017)

Joel Adams (2020)                       Antonio Abrahao (2020)

Kumar Shah (2020)                      Sandeep Ramteke (2022)


External Committee Member or a Co-Advisor for a Ph.D. Candidate

  1. Shuxin Zhang (1993), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada

  2. Edi Sofyan (2001), RMIT, Melbourne, Australia

  3. Vili Panov (2006), Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom

  4. Priscila de Sousa (2009), Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Brazil

  5. Flavio Vianna (2010), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  6. S. L. Gombi (2012), Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Karnataka, India

  7. Diego Estumano (2014), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  8. Cesar Pacheco (2015), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  9. Bruna R. Loiola (2016), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  10. Ainagul Jumabekova (2020), LOCIE, Savoie Mont Blanc University, France

  11. Roberto da Fonseca Junior (2020), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Habilitacion Committee Member

  1. Antonio Silva Neto (2012), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  2. Viorel I. Bostan (2013), Technical University of Moldova, Chishinew, Moldova


Member of M.Sc. Thesis Committee

Juhji Nakata (1985)                               M. Sharma (1985)

Brett Siebert (1990)                               Ripu Daman Singh (1995)

Michael Koiro (1997)                             Jason Ferrara (1997)

Eric Engebretsen (1997)                       Michael Huh (2002)

Sudhir Reddy Posireddy (2008)            Donovan Buckley (2010)

Maryam Zahedy (2012)                         Tom Kosta (2012)

Jaime Mudrich (2013)                            John Goolcharan (2015)


Professional Societies Administrative Activities

Member, ASME Technical Committee on Turbomachinery, Gas Turbine Division, October 1984-present.

Member, ASME Technical Committee on Computational Heat Transfer (K-20), August 1993-present.

Member, ASME Technical Committee on Bioengineering Heat Transfer (K-17), December 1988-present.

Member, AIAA Technical Committee on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 1/91-5/93; 5/03-5/06.

Member, AIAA Technical Committee on Space Processing, May 1993-Dec. 2002.

Member, AIAA National Technical Committee on Applied Aerodynamics, May 1985-May 1988.

Chairman, AIAA Education Committee, Southwest Texas Section, May 1983-January 1986.

Faculty Advisor, AIAA Student Branch, University of Texas at Austin, 1982-1984.

Faculty Advisor, AIAA Student Branch, University of Texas at Arlington, 2001-2002.

Founding Faculty Advisor, AIAA Student Branch, Florida International University, 2009-present.

3. Scholarly Work
3. Scholarly Work

Books and Conference Proceedings

  1. Fudym, O., Battaglia, J.-L., Dulikravich, G. S., Orlande, H. R. B. and Colaco, M. J. (editors): IPDO 2013 - 4th Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium, ISBN 979-10-91526-01-2, Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, France, June 26-28, 2013.

  2. Dulikravich, G. S., Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B. and Tanaka, M. (editors): Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007) Vol. I, ISBN: 978-1-59916-279-9, Florida International University, Miami, FL, June 2007.

  3. Dulikravich, G. S., Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B. and Tanaka, M. (editors): Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007) Vol. II, ISBN: 978-1-59916-280-5, Florida International University, Miami, FL, June 2007.

  4. Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors) Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization – IPDO, Vol. I, ISBN: 85-7650-029-9, E-papers Publishing House, Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March, 2005.

  5. Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors) Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization – IPDO, Vol. II, ISBN: 85-7650-030-2, E-papers Publishing House, Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March, 2005.

  6. Tanaka, M. and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors) Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics III, a book of selected proceedings of International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2001 (ISIP’01), Nagano, Japan, Elsevier Science, Ltd., U.K., 2001 (ISBN 0 08 043951 9).

  7. Tanaka, M. and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors) Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics II, a book of selected proceedings of International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2000 (ISIP’2K), Nagano, Japan, Elsevier Science, Ltd., U.K., 2000 (ISBN 0 08 043693 5).

  8. Fujii, K. and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors):  Recent Development of Aerodynamic Design Methodologies - Inverse Design and Optimization, Vieweg Series on Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 68, Springer, April 1999. (ISBN: 978-3-322-89954-5).

  9. Dulikravich, G. S., Woodbury, K. A., Blackwell, B. and Amon, C., (editors):  Proceedings of Symposium on Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems and Optimization in Heat Transfer, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 16-20, 1998, ASME HTD-Vol. 361-5.

  10. Tanaka, M. and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors) Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics I, a book of selected proceedings of International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 1998 (ISIP’98), Nagano, Japan, Elsevier Science, Ltd., U.K., 1998 (ISBN 0-08-043319-7).

  11. Dulikravich, G. S. and Woodbury, K. A. (editors):  Proceedings of Symposium on Inverse Design Problems in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 10-12, 1997, ASME HTD-Vol. 340, Volume 2.

  12. Siginer, D. A. and Dulikravich, G. S. (editors):  Proceedings of Symposium on Developments in Electrorheological Flows-1995, ASME WAM'95, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995, ASME FED-Vol. 235, MD-Vol. 71.

  13. Dulikravich, G. S. (editor):  Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III), Washington, D.C., October 23-25, 1991; also NASA CR-188125, January 1992.

  14. Dulikravich, G. S. (Invited Editor):  Interdisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization, a special issue of the Applied Mechanics Reviews, June 1988.

  15. Dulikravich, G. S. (editor):  Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-II), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, October 26-28, 1987.

  16. Dulikravich, G. S., (editor):  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-I), University of Texas at Austin, College of Engineering, October 17-18, 1984.


Book Chapters

  1. Jha, R., Dulikravich, G. S., Colaço, M. J., Fan, M., Shwartz, J., and Koch, C. C., “Magnetic Alloys Design Using Multi-Objective Optimization”, (eds.: Oechsner, A., Altenbach, H.), Properties and Characterization of Modern Materials, Advanced Structured Materials series, Springer, Singapore, 2017, Vol. 33, pp. 261-284.

  2. Dulikravich, G. S. and Colaco, M. J., “Hybrid Optimization Algorithms and Hybrid Response Surfaces”, Chapter 2 in Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control in Engineering and Sciences (eds.: D. Greiner, B. Galván, J. Periaux, N. Gauger, K. Giannakoglou, G. Winter), Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Series, Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 19-47.  ISBN: 978-3-319-11541-2  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11541-2_2

  3. Dulikravich, G. S. and Egorov, I. N., “Inverse Design of Alloys’ Chemistry for Specified Thermo-Mechanical Properties by Using Multi-Objective Optimization”, Chapter 8 in Computational Methods for Applied Inverse Problems (eds: Wang, Y. F., Yagola, A. G. and Yang, C. C.), Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series 56, Walter De Gruyter and Higher Education Press, P. R. China, ISBN: 978-3-11-025905-6, September 2012, pp. 197-219.

  4. Colaco, J. M. and Dulikravich, G. S., “A Survey of Basic Deterministic, Heuristic and Hybrid Methods for Single-Objective Optimization and Response Surface Generation”, Chapter 10 in Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, (eds: Orlande, H. R. B., Fudym, O., Maillet, D. and Cotta, R.), Taylor & Francis, May 2011, pp. 355-405.

  5. Dulikravich, G. S., Orlande, H. R. B. and Dennis, B. H., “Inverse Engineering,” in Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems (eds: Mota Soares, C.A., Martin, J.A.C., Rodrigues, H.C. and Ambrosio, J.A.C.), Springer, Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-8, 2006, pp. 269-288.

  6. Dennis, B. H. and Dulikravich, G. S., “Control of Flow Separation Over a Circular Cylinder Using Electro-Magnetic Fields: Numerical Simulation,” Chapter 12 in Computing the Future IV: Frontiers of Computational Fluid Dynamics – 2006, (eds: Caughey, D. A. and Hafez, M. M.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2005, pp. 265-284.

  7. Colaco, J. M., Dulikravich, G. S., Orlande, H. R. B. and Martin, T. J., “Hybrid Optimization With Automatic Switching Among Optimization Algorithms”, a chapter in Evolutionary Algorithms and Intelligent Tools in Engineering Optimization (eds: W. Annicchiarico, J. Périaux, M. Cerrolaza and G. Winter), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain/WITpress, UK, (ISBN 1-84564-038-1), 2005, pp. 92-118.

  8. Dulikravich, G. S., Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Egorov, I. N., “Aero-Thermal-Elasticity-Materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades: Part I,” chapter in Lecture Series on Numerical Optimization Methods & Tools for Multi-Criteria/Multi-Disciplinary Design with Applications to Aeronautics and Turbomachinery, VKI LS 2004-07, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, November 15 – 19, 2004.

  9. Dulikravich, G. S., Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Egorov, I. N., “Aero-Thermal-Elasticity-Materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades: Part II,” chapter in Lecture Series on Numerical Optimization Methods & Tools for Multi-Criteria/Multi-Disciplinary Design with Applications to Aeronautics and Turbomachinery, VKI LS 2004-07, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, November 15 – 19, 2004.

  10. Martin, T. J. and Dulikravich, G. S., “Boundary Element Techniques for Inverse Problems”, Chapter 6 in Inverse Engineering Handbook (ed.: Woodbury, K. A.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002, pp. 361-394.

  11. Martin, T. J. and Dulikravich, G. S., “Aero-Thermo-Elastic Concurrent Design Optimization of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades”, Chapter 5 in Coupled Field Problems, Series on Advances in Boundary Elements (eds: Kassab, A. J. and Aliabadi, M. H.), WIT Press, Boston, MA, 2001, pp. 137-184.

  12. Dulikravich, G. S.: “Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics and Solidification,” Chapter no. 9 in Advances in Flow and Rheology of Non-Newtonian Fluids, Part B (eds: D. A. Siginer, D. De Kee and R. P. Chhabra), Rheology Series, 8, Elsevier Publishers, June 1999, pp. 677-716.

  13. Dulikravich, G. S., Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Foster, N. F.: “Multidisciplinary Hybrid Constrained GA Optimization”, Invited lecture, Chapter 12 in EUROGEN’99 - Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advances and Industrial Applications, (eds: K. Miettinen, M. M. Makela, P. Neittaanmaki and J. Periaux), John Wiley & Sons, Jyvaskyla, Finland, May 30-June 3, 1999, pp. 231-260.

  14. Dulikravich, G. S. and Baker, D. P.: “Using Existing Flow-Field Analysis Codes for Inverse Design of Three-dimensional Aerodynamic Shapes,” a chapter in Recent Development of Aerodynamic Design Methodologies - Inverse Design and Optimization, (eds: Fujii, K. and Dulikravich, G. S.), Vieweg Series on Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 68, Springer, April 1999, pp. 89-112.

  15. Dulikravich, G. S.: “Design and Optimization Tools Development”, Chapters no. 10-15 in New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport, (ed: H. Sobieczky), Springer, Wien/New York, 1997, pp. 159-236.

  16. Dulikravich, G. S. and Martin, T. J.: "Inverse Shape and Boundary Condition Problems and Optimization in Heat Conduction", Chapter no. 10 in Advances in Numerical Heat Transfer - Volume I (eds: Minkowycz, W. J. and Sparrow, E. M.), Taylor & Francis, November 1996, pp. 381-426.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. A Self-Adapting Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization (with Reddy, S.R.), Applied Soft Computing, vol. 129 (1), 2022, pp. 1-28,

  2. Thermal Ablation Effects on Rotors that Characterize Functional Re-entry Cardiac Arrhythmia (with Dantas, E., Orlande, H.R.B.), Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38 (2), 2022, pp. 1-24, doi:10.1002/cnm.3614

  3. Temperature Regimes and Chemistry for Stabilizing Precipitation Hardening Phases in Al-Sc Alloys: Combined CALPHAD - Deep Machine Learning (with Jha, R.), ASME Open Journal of Engineering, Vol. 1, 2022, pp. 011021-1 to 011021-12.

  4. Effects of Thin Film Heat Spreader on Hot Spots Mitigation in Heat Sinks (with Reddy, S.R., Blanchard, A.K.), ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 14, Issue 8, August 2022, pp. 081013-1 to 081013-10.

  5. Optimization and Inverse Design of Floor Tile Airflow Distributions in Data Centers Using Response Surface Method (with Phan, L., Hu, B.-C., Lin, C.-X.), ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 144, Issue 1, January 2022, pp. 011503-011523.

  6. Computational Model of Nanoparticle Penetration into Tumor Spheroids: Effects of Surface Functionalization and Hyperthermia (with Nagesetti, Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., McGoron, A.J.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, June 20, 2021, pp. 1-21,

  7. Effects of Atmospheric Uncertainties on Sonic Boom Perceived Loudness (with Reddy, S.R., Chitale, J.), ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 143 (4), 2021, pp. 041504-1-12.

  8. Discovery of New Ti-Based Alloys Aimed at Avoiding/Minimizing Formation of a” and ω -  Phase Using CALPHAD and Artificial Intelligence (with Jha, R.), Metals, 11 (1), 2021, pp. 1-15.

  9. Solidification and Heat Treatment Simulation for Aluminum Alloys with Scandium Addition through CALPHAD Approach (with Jha, R.), Computational Materials Science, 182, 1-8, Sept. 2020, 109749.

  10. Searching an Optimal Experiment Observation Sequence to Estimate the Thermal Properties of a Multilayer Wall Under Real Climate Conditions (with Jumabekova, A., Berger, J., Foucquier, A.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 155, July 2020, pp. 119810.

  11. Estimation of State Variables and Model Parameters for the Evolution of Covid-19 in the City of Rio de Janeiro (with Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Ferreira, L.), medRxiv preprint doi:

  12. Approximate Bayesian Computation Applied to the Identification of Thermal Damage of Biological Tissues Due to Laser Irradiation (with Loiola, B.R., Orlande, H.R.B.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 151, May 2020, 106243.

  13. Real-Time Temperature Estimation with Enhanced Spatial Resolution During MR-Guided Hyperthermia Therapy (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Varon, L.A.B., Lamien, B.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A, 2020, Vol. 77, Issue 8, pp. 782-806.

  14. Accelerating Parameter Estimation in Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries (with Reddy, S.R., Scharrer, M.K., Pichler, F., Watzenig, D.), COMPEL – The International Journal of Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 5, 2019, pp. 1533-1544.

  15. Evaluation of the Reliability of a Heat and Mass Transfer Model in Hygroscopic Material (with Berger, J., Busser, T., Reddy, S.R.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 142, 118258.

  16. Design of High Temperature Ti-Al-Cr-V Alloys for Maximum Thermodynamic Stability Using Self-Organizing Maps (with Jha, R.), Metals, Vol. 8, Issue 537, 2019, pp. 1-14.

  17. Bladelets - Winglets on Blades of Wind Turbines: A Multiobjective Design Optimization Study (with Reddy, S.R., Sobieczky, H., Gonzalez, M.), ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation, Vol. 141, 2019, 061003-1 – 061003-6.

  18. Many-Objectives Differential Evolution Optimization Based on Reference Points: NSDE-R (with Reddy, S.R.), Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2019, pp. 1455-1473.

  19. Simultaneous Determination of Spatially Varying Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat Using Boundary Temperature Measurements (with Reddy, S.R.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 27, Issue 11, 2019, pp. 1635 - 1649.

  20. Thermal Damage During Ablation of Biological Tissues (with Loiola, B.R., Orlande, H.R.B.), Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 73, Issue 10, 2018, pp. 685-701.

  21. State Estimation Problems in PRF-Shift Magnetic Resonance Thermometry (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 315-335.

  22. Non-Destructive Estimation of Spatially Varying Thermal Conductivity in 3D Objects Using Boundary Thermal Measurements (with Reddy, S.R., Zeidi, S.M.J.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 118, 2017, pp. 488-496.

  23. Constrained Reduced Order Models Based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (with Reddy, S.R., Freno, B.A., Cizmas, P.G.A., Gokaltun, S., McDaniel, D.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 321, 2017, pp. 18-34.

  24. Multiscale Modeling of Nonequilibrium Gas-Liquid Mixture Flows in Phase Transition Regions (with Sattarov, R.M., Sattarzada, I.R.), Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 36, 2018, Issue 7, pp. 824-831.

  25. Self-Organizing Maps for Pattern Recognition in Design of Alloys (with Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Fan, M., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C., Colaco, M.J., Poloni, C., Egorov, I.N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 10, 2017, pp. 1067-1074.

  26. Effect of Cooling Fluids on High Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields in Microelectronic Systems with Integrated TSVs (with Abdoli, A., Reddy, S.R., Zeidi, S.M.J.), Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 64, 2017, pp. 19-28.

  27. Bayesian Estimate of Pre-Mixed and Diffusive Rate of Heat Release Phases in Marine Diesel Engines (with Pasqualette, M.A., Estumano, D.C., Hamilton, F.C., Colaço, M.J., Leiroz, A.J.K., Orlande, H.R.B., Carvalho, R.N.), Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 39, 2017, pp. 1835-1844.

  28. Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Pin-Fin Arrays for Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics With a Hot Spot (with Reddy, S.R., Abdoli, A., Pacheco, C.C., Vasquez, G., Jha, R., Colaco, M.J. and Orlande, H.R.B.), Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 14-15, 2017, pp. 1235-1246.

  29. Inverse Design of Cooling Arrays of Micro Pin-Fins Subject to Specified Coolant Inlet Temperature and Hot Spot Temperature (with Reddy, S.R.), Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 13, 2017, pp. 1147-1156.

  30. Demonstration of Effective Global Optimization Techniques via Comparative Analysis on a Large Analytical Problem Set (with Inclan, E.J.), Structural and Multidiscplinary Optimization, Vol. 55, No. 1, 2017, pp. 179-204.

  31. Real Time Identification of High-Magnitude Boundary Heat Flux on a Plate (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, Issue 9, 2016, pp. 1661-1679.

  32. Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Hafnium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass at Room and Elevated Temperatures (with Keshri, A.K., Behl, L., Lahiri, D., Agarwal, A.), Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25, Issue 9, 2016, pp. 3931-3937.

  33. On the Formation and Evolution of Cu-Ni-rich Bridges of ALNICO Alloys With Thermomagnetic Treatment (with Fan, M., Liu, Y., Jha, R., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C.), IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2016, pp. 1-10.

  34. On the Evolution of Cu-Ni-rich Bridges of AlNiCo Alloys with Tempering (with Fan, M., Liu, Y., Jha, R., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C.), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 420, July 2016, pp. 296-302.

  35. Algorithms for Design Optimization of Chemistry of Hard Magnetic Alloys Using Experimental Data (with Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Fan, M., Schwartz, J, Koch, C.C., Colaco, M.J., Poloni, C, Egorov, I.N.), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 682, 2016, pp. 454-467.

  36. Inverse Parameter Identification in Solid Mechanics Using Bayesian Statistics, Response Surfaces and Minimization (with Pacheco, C.C., Vesenjak, M., Borovinsek, M., Duarte, I.M.A., Jha, R., Reddy, S., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Technische Mechanik, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 2016, pp. 120-131.

  37. Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Material Coefficients in Solid Objects (with Reddy, S.R., Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B., Coverston, J.), Journal on Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Vol. 24, No. 2, March 2016, pp. 181-194.

  38. Performance Improvement of Existing Drag Models in Two-Fluid Modeling of Gas-Solid Flows Using a PR-DNS Based Drag Model (with Abbasi Baharanchi, A, Gokaltun, S.), Powder Technology, Vol. 286, 2015, pp. 257-268.

  39. Multi-Winglets: Multiobjective Optimization of Aerodynamic Shapes (with Reddy, S., Sobieczky, H., Abdoli, A.), AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 53, No. 4, July 2016, pp. 992-1000.

  40. Human Heart Preservation Analysis Using Convective Cooling (with A. Abdoli, G. S. Dulikravich, C. Bajaj, D. F. Stowe and M. S. Jahania), International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2015, pp. 1426-1443.

  41. Estimation of a Location-and-Time Dependent High Magnitude Heat Flux in a Heat Conduction Problem Using the Kalman Filter and the Approximation Error Model (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A, Vol. 68, Issue 11, 2015, pp. 1198-1219.

  42. Estimation of Tumor Size Evolution Using Particle Filters (with Costa, J.M., Orlande, H.R.B., Campos Velho, H.F., de Pinho, S.T.R., Cotta, R.M. and da Cunha Neto, S.H.), Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 22, No. 7, 2015, pp. 1-17.

  43. Thermo-Fluid-Stress-Deformation Analysis of Two-Layer Microchannels for Cooling Chips With Hot Spots (with Abdoli, A., Vasquez, G., Rastkar, S.), ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 137(3), 2015. 031003  DOI:1115/1.4030005.

  44. Thermo-Fluid Analysis of Micro Pin-Fin Array Cooling Configurations for High Heat Fluxes With a Hot Spot (with Abdoli, A., Jimenez, G.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 90, April 2015, pp. 290-297.

  45. Scratch Induced Deformation Behavior of Hafnium Based Bulk Metallic Glass at Multiple Load Scale (with Lahiri, D., Karp, J., Keshri, A., Zhang, C., Kecskes, L., Agarwal, A.), Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 410, 2015, pp. 118-126.

  46. Commercial Aircraft Performance Improvement Using Winglets, (with Gavrilović, N. N., Rašuo, B. P., Parezanović, V. B.), FME Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-8.

  47. Evolutionary Design of Nickel Based Superalloys Using Data-driven Genetic Algorithms and Related Strategies (with Jha, R., Pettersson, F., Saxén, H. Chakraborti, N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 11, Vol. 30, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 488-510.

  48. Lattice Boltzmann Method for Rarefied Channel Flows with Heat Transfer (with Gokaltun, S.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 78, 2014, pp. 796-804.

  49. Human Heart Conjugate Cooling Simulation: Unsteady Thermo-Fluid-Stress Analysis (with Abdoli, A., Bajaj, C., Stowe, D. F. and Jahania, M. S.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 30, 2014, pp. 1372-1386.

  50. Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Branching, Multi-Floor, Counterflow, Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 136, Oct. 2014, pp. 101801-1 – 101801-10.

  51. Optimized Multi-Floor Throughflow Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 78, April 2014, pp. 111-123.

  52. Accelerated Bayesian Inference for the Estimation of Spatially Varying Heat Flux in a Heat Conduction Problem (with Orlande, H.R.B., Neumayer, M., Watzenig, D., Colaco, M.J.), Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 65, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 1-25.

  53. Automatic Switching Algorithms in Hybrid Single-Objective Optimizers (with Martin, T.J., Colaco, M.J., Inclan, J.E.), FME Transactions, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2013, pp. 167 - 179.

  54. Pipeline Heating Method Based on Optimal Control and State Estimation (with Vianna, F.L.V., Orlande, H.R.B.), Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 34, no. 5-6, 2013, pp. 511-519.

  55. Inverse Problems in Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer, Elasticity and Materials Design (with Dennis, B.H., Baker, D.P., Kennon, S.R., Orlande, H.R.B. and Colaco, M.J.), International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2012, pp. 405-420.

  56. Inverse Determination of Unsteady Temperature and Heat Fluxes on Inaccessible Boundaries (with Dennis, B.H.), Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Vol. 20, No. 5-6, December 2012, pp. 791-804.

  57. Application of Two Bayesian Filters to Estimate Unknown Heat Fluxes in a Natural Convection Problem (with Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B., da Silva, W.B.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 134, No. 9, September 2012, 092501-1-10.

  58. State Estimation Problems in Heat Transfer (with Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Vianna, F.L.V., da Silva, W.B., da Fonseca, H.M. and Fudym, O.), International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2012, pp. 239-258.

  59. On the Inverse Noether’s Theorem in Nonlinear Micropolar Continua (with Jaric, J.P., Golubovic, Z.Dj., Kuzmanovic, D.S.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 423-443.

  60. Application of the Finite Element Method to Inverse Problems in Solid Mechanics (with Dennis, B.H., Jin, W. and Jaric, J.), International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011, pp. 11-21.

  61. Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistant Aluminum Alloys: Optimizing Concentrations of Alloying Elements and Tempering (with Bhargava, S., Murty, S., Agarwal, A. and Colaco, M.J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 26, 2011, pp. 363-374.

  62. Effect of Mandrel Rotation on the Accuracy of Computed Temperature Profile during Near Net Shape Forming by Plasma Spraying (with Patel, R.R. and Agarwal, A.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 25, Issue 12, 2010, pp. 1365-1382.

  63. An Experimental and Computational Methodology for Near Net Shape Fabrication of Thin Walled Ceramic Structures by Plasma Spray Forming (with Patel, R.R., Keshri, A.K. and Agarwal, A.), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 210, 2010, pp. 1260-1269.

  64. Inverse Determination of Eroded Smelter Wall Thickness Variation Using an Elastic Membrane Concept (with Baker, D.P., Dennis, B.H. and Martin, T.J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 132, Issue 5, May 2010, pp. 052101-1/052101-8.

  65. Improvements to Single-Objective Constrained Predator-Prey Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm (with Chowdhury, S.), Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 41, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 541-554 DOI: 10.1007/s00158-009-0433-x.

  66. Lattice Boltzmann Computations of Incompressible Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in a Constricted Channel (with Gokaltun, S.), Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 59, No. 7, 2010, pp. 2431-2441.

  67. Three-Dimensional Parametric Shape Optimization using Parallel Computers (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov-Yegorov, I. N., Yoshimura, S. and Herceg, Dj.), Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, Vol.17, no.4:32, 2009, pp. 256-266.

  68. Modified Predator-Prey Algorithm for Constrained and Unconstrained Multi-objective Optimization (with Chowdhury, S. and Moral. R.J.), International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, 2009, pp. 1-38.

  69. Magneto-Hydrodynamic Simulations Using Radial Basis Functions (with Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H. R. B.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, 2009, pp. 5932-5939.

  70. Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficients and Solidification of an Aluminum Alloy in a Rotary Continuous Caster (with Cheung, N., Santos, N.S., Quaresma, J.M.V., Garcia, A.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, 2009, pp. 451-459.

  71. Approximation of the Likelihood Function in the Bayesian Technique for the Solution of Inverse Problems (with Orlande, H.R.B. and Colaco, M.J.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2008, pp. 677-692.

  72. A Response Surface Method-Based Hybrid Optimizer (with Colaco, M. J. and Sahoo, D.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2008, pp. 717-741.

  73. Optimizing Chemistry of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Improved Thermal Stability (with Egorov, I.N. and Colaco, M.J.), Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 7, 2008, 075010 (19pp).

  74. Multi-Objective Hybrid Evolutionary Optimization With Automatic Switching Among Constituent Algorithms (with Moral, R.J.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, March 2008, pp. 673-700.

  75. Inverse Estimation of Moisture Diffusivity by Utilizing Temperature Response of a Drying Body (with Kanevce, G., Kanevce, Lj., Mitrevski, V.), International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1-6.

  76. Identification and Design of a Source Term in a Two-Region Heat Conduction Problem (with Silva, P. P., Orlande, H. R. B., Colaco, M. J., Shiakolas, P. S.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 7, 2007, pp. 661-677.

  77. Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Topology and Performance of Branching Networks of Cooling Passages (with Gonzalez, M.J., Jelisavcic, N., Moral, R.J., Sahoo, D. and Martin, T.J.M.), International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 46, 2007, pp. 1191-1202.

  78. Solidification of Double-Diffusive Flows Using Thermo-Magneto-Hydrodynamics and Optimization (with Colaco, M.J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 22, 2007, pp. 594-606.

  79. Inverse Approaches to Drying of Thin Bodies With Significant Shrinkage Effects (with G. H. Kanevce, L. P. Kanevce, V. B. Mitrevski, H.R.B. Orlande), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 129, March 2007, pp. 379-386.

  80. A Multilevel Hybrid Optimization of Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in Double-Diffusive Fluid Flow (with Colaco, M. J.), Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 67, 2006, pp. 1965-1972.

  81. Convective Heat Transfer Control Using Magnetic and Electric Fields (with Colaco, M. J.), Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006, pp. 139-155.

  82. Inverse Problems of Aircraft Structural Parameter Estimation: Application of Neural Networks (with Trivailo, P., Sgarioto, D. and Gilbert, T.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2006, pp. 351-364.

  83. Inverse and Optimization Problems in Heat Transfer (with Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H.R.B), Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, January-March 2006, pp. 1-23.

  84. Application of Inverse Concepts to Drying (with Kanevce, Lj. and Kanevce, G. H.), Thermal Science, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2005, pp. 31-44.

  85. Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of Moist Materials Under Different Drying Conditions (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2005, pp. 341-354.

  86. Chemical Composition Design of Superalloys for Maximum Stress, Temperature and Time-to-Rupture Using Self-Adapting Response Surface Optimization (with Egorov-Yegorov, I. N.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 20, No. 3, May 2005, pp. 569-590.

  87. Control of Unsteady Solidification via Optimized Magnetic Fields (with Colaco, M. J. and Martin, T. J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 20, No. 3, May 2005, pp. 435-458.

  88. Aerodynamic Data Modeling Using Support Vector Machines (with Fan, H.-Y. and Han, Z.-X.), Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2005, pp. 261-278.

  89. Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Surfaces and Interfaces of Multi-domain Three-Dimensional Electronic Components (with Dennis, B. H. and Han, Z.-X.), ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 126, No. 4, December 2004, pp. 457-464.

  90. Optimization of Wall Electrodes for Electro-Hydrodynamic Control of Natural Convection Effects During Solidification (with Colaco, M. and Martin, T. J.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2004, pp. 719-736.

  91. Optimization of Intensities, and Orientations of Magnets Controlling Melt Flow During Solidification (with Colaco, J. M., Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J., Egorov-Yegorov, I. N. and Lee, S.), Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2004, pp. 695-718.

  92. Simultaneous Estimation of Spatially-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient and Source Term in Nonlinear 1D Diffusion Problems (with Rodrigues, F. A. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 66, issues 4-5, 2004, pp. 409-424.

  93. Parallel Thermoelasticity Optimization of 3-D Serpentine Cooling Passages in Turbine Blades (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Sobieczky, H. and Yoshimura, S.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2004, pp. 57-68.

  94. An Implicit and Explicit BEM Sensitivity Approach for Thermo-Structural Optimization (with Martin, T. J.), Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2004, pp. 257-266.

  95. A Finite Element Formulation for the Determination of Unknown Boundary Conditions for 3-D Steady Thermoelastic Problems (with Dennis, B. H. and Yoshimura, S.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 126, February 2004, pp. 110-118.

  96. Finite Element Simulation of Cooling of 3-D Human Head and Neck (with Dennis, B. H., Eberhart, R. C. and Radons, S. W.), ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 125, December 2003, pp. 832-840.

  97. Rotor Cascade Shape Optimization With Unsteady Passing Wakes Using Implicit Dual Time Stepping and Genetic Algorithm (with Lee, E.-S. and Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 9, 2003, pp. 1-9.

  98. An Inverse Method Allowing User-Specified Layout of Magnetized Micro-Fibers in Solidifying Composites (with Colaco, M., Martin, T. J. and Lee, S.), Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 37, No. 15, 2003, pp. 1351-1366.

  99. Analysis and Multi-disciplinary Optimization of Internal Coolant Networks in Turbine Blades (with Martin, T. J.), AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002, pp. 896-906.

  100. Magnetic Field Suppression of Melt Flow in Crystal Growth (with Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, no. 3, 2002, pp. 269-277.

  101. Numerical Simulation of Laser Induced Plasma During Pulsed Laser Deposition (with Zhang, Z.-Y. and Han, Z.-X.), Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 90, No. 12, December 2001, pp. 5889-5897.

  102. Multi-Objective Optimization of Turbomachinery Cascades for Minimum Loss, Maximum Loading, and Maximum Gap-to-Chord Ratio (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Han, Z.-X., and Poloni, C.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2001, pp. 201-210.

  103. Optimization of Multistage Turbines Using a Through-flow Code (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 215, Part A, 2001, pp. 559-569.

  104. Optimization of Turbomachinery Airfoils with a Genetic/Sequential-Quadratic-Programming Algorithm (with Dennis, B. H. and Han, Z.-X.), AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2001, pp. 1123-1128.

  105. Optimization of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Control of Diffuser Flows Using Micro-Genetic Algorithm and Least Squares Finite Elements (with Dennis, B. H.), Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2001, pp. 349-363.

  106. Simultaneous Prediction of External Flow-Field and Temperature in Internally Cooled 3-D Turbine Blade Material (with Han, Z.-X. and Dennis, B. H.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2001, pp. 47-58.

  107. Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Model of Axisymmetric Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 4, Dec. 2000, pp. 247-256.

  108. Maximizing Multistage Turbine Efficiency by Optimizing Hub and Shroud Shapes and Inlet and Exit Conditions of Each Blade Row (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, Vol. 17, 2000, pp. 267-278.

  109. Inverse Determination of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity Using Steady Surface Data on Arbitrary Objects (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, August 2000, pp. 450-459.

  110. Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Two-dimensional Model of Planar Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (EMHD) (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 36, No. 1, August 2000, pp. 155-163.

  111. A Fully Non-Linear Theory of Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (with Ko, H.-J.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 35, No. 4, February 2000, pp. 709-719.

  112. Simultaneous Determination of Temperatures, Heat Fluxes, Deformations, and Tractions on Inaccessible Boundaries (with Dennis, B. H.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 121, Aug. 1999, pp. 537-545.

  113. Inverse Determination of Steady Heat Convection Coefficient Distributions (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, May 1998, Vol. 120, pp. 328-334.

  114. Unified Electro-Magneto-Fluid Dynamics (EMFD): A Survey of Mathematical Models (with Lynn, S. R.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 923-932.

  115. Unified Electro-Magneto-Fluid Dynamics (EMFD): Introductory Concepts (with Lynn, S. R.), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 32, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 913-922.

  116. Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Genetic and Gradient Search Algorithms (with Foster, N. F.), AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 34, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1997, pp. 36-42.

  117. Inverse Determination of Boundary Conditions and Sources in Steady Heat Conduction with Heat Generation (with Martin, T. J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 118, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 546-554.

  118. Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms on Highly Clustered Grids (with Choi, K.-Y.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 691-699.

  119. Finding Unknown Surface Temperatures and Heat Fluxes in Steady Heat Conduction (with Martin, T. J.), IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) - Part A, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 1995, pp. 540-545.

  120. An Inverse Method for Finding Unknown Surface Tractions and Deformations in Elastostatics (with Martin, T. J. and Halderman, J. D.), Computers and Structures, Vol. 56, No. 5, Sept. 1995, pp. 825-836.

  121. Geometrical Inverse Problems in Three-dimensional Non-Linear Steady Heat Conduction (with Martin, T. J.), Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 15, 1995, pp. 161-169.

  122. Sensitivity-Based Methods for Convergence Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with Choi, K.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 123, Nos. 1-4, June 1995, pp. 161-172.

  123. Modeling Three-dimensional Solidification With Magnetic Fields and Reduced Gravity (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1994, pp. 837-853.

  124. Modeling of Dielectric Fluid Solidification With Charged Particles in Electric Fields and Reduced Gravity (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), Numerical Heat Transfer: Fundamentals, Part B, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1994, pp. 357-373.

  125. Inverse Design of Super-Elliptic Cooling Passages in Coated Turbine Blade Airfoils (with Martin, T. J.), AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 8, No. 2, April-June, 1994, pp. 288-294.

  126. Simulation of Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer (with Ahuja, V. and Lee, S.), Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 1993, pp. 115-126.

  127. Magnetized Fiber Orientation Control in Solidifying Composites: Numerical Simulation (with Kosovic, B. and Lee, S.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 115, Feb. 1993, pp. 255-262.

  128. Aerodynamic Shape Design and Optimization: Status and Trends, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 29, No. 5, Nov./Dec. 1992, pp. 1020-1026.

  129. Minimization of the Number of Cooling Holes in Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kosovic, B.), International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1992, pp. 277-283.

  130. Magnetohydrodynamic Steady Flow Computations in Three Dimensions (with Lee, S.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 13, No. 7, Oct. 1991, pp. 917-936.

  131. Accelerated Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows with Heat Transfer (with Lee, S.), Numerical Heat Transfer:  Fundamentals, Part B, Vol. 19, June 1991, pp. 223-241.

  132. Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method for Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with Lee, S.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 86, 1991, pp. 245-262.

  133. Physically Consistent Models for Artificial Dissipation in Transonic Potential Flow Computations (with Mortara, K. W. and Marraffa, L.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 79, May 1990, pp. 309-320.

  134. Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms for Euler Equations of Gasdynamics (with Lee, S.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5, May 1990, pp. 939-942.

  135. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows Generated by Dissociating Nitrogen Diffusion (with Marraffa, L. and Deiwert, G. S.), AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1989, pp. 254-259.

  136. Analysis of Artificial Dissipation Models for Transonic Full Potential Equation, AIAA Journal, Vol. 26, No. 10, October 1988, pp. 1238-1245.

  137. Theory of Compressible Irrotational Flows Including Heat Conductivity and Longitudinal Viscosity (with Kennon, S. R.), International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 10, No. 8, 1988, pp. 583-592.

  138. Inverse Design and Active Control Concepts in Strong Unsteady Heat Conduction, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 41, No. 6, June 1988, pp. 270-277.

  139. Supercritical Cascade Flow Analysis with Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction and Shock-Free Redesign (with Niederdrenk, P. and Sobieczky, H.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 109, July 1987, pp. 413-419.

  140. Fast Iterative Algorithms Based on Optimal Explicit Time-Stepping (with Huang, C.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 63, August 1987, pp. 15-36.

  141. Viscous-Inviscid Computations of Transonic Separated Flows Over Solid and Porous Cascades (with Olling, C. R.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 109, April 1987, pp. 220-228.

  142. A Hodograph-Based Method for the Design of Shock-Free Cascades (with Hassan, A.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1987, pp. 197-213.

  143. Porous Airfoil Analysis Using Viscous-Inviscid Coupling at Transonic Speeds (with Olling, C. R.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 2, Feb. 1987, pp. 103-129.

  144. Stream Function and Stream-Function-Coordinate (SFC) Formulation for Inviscid Flow Field Calculations (with Huang, C.-Y.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 59, Nov. 1986, pp. 155-177.

  145. Grid Orthogonalization for Curvilinear Alternating-Direction Techniques (with Hayes, L. J. and Kennon, S. R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 59, November 1986, pp. 141-154.

  146. Inverse Design of Composite Turbine Blade Circular Coolant Flow Passages (with Chiang, T.-L.), ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 108, Oct. 1986, pp. 275-282.

  147. Generalized Non-Linear Minimal Residual (GNLMR) Method for Iterative Algorithms (with Huang, C.-Y. and Kennon, S. R.), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 16, November 1986, pp. 215-232.

  148. Generation of Solution-Adaptive Computational Grids Using Optimization (with Carcaillet, R. and Kennon, S. R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 57, Sept. 1986, pp. 279-295.

  149. Generation of Computational Grids Using Optimization (with Kennon, S. R.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7, July 1986, pp. 1069-1073.

  150. Optimization of Three-dimensional Computational Grids (with Carcaillet, R. and Kennon, S. R.), AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 23, No. 5, May 1986, pp. 415-421.

  151. Inverse Design of Coolant Flow Passage Shapes with Partially Fixed Internal Geometries (with Kennon, S. R.), International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1986, pp. 13-20.

  152. Inverse Design of Multiholed Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kennon, S.R.), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1986, pp. 363-375.

  153. The Inverse Design of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with Kennon, S. R.), ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 107, January 1985, pp. 123-126.

  154. Optimum Acceleration Factors for Iterative Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Differential Systems (with Kennon, S.R.), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 47, 1984, pp. 357-367.

  155. Shockless Design and Analysis of Transonic Cascade Shapes (with Sobieczky, H.), AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 11, Nov. 1982, pp. 1572-1578.

Peer Reviewed Journal and Book Publications Under Review

  1. Optimal Design of the Thermal Ablation Treatment of Functional Re-Entry Cardiac Arrythmia (with Dantas, E., Orlande, H.R.B.), Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering.

  2. Stream Functions as Coordinates Formulation for Inverse Design of Shapes in Viscous Compressible Flows (with Butterweck, M., Reddy, S.R.), Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems.

  3. Thermo-Fluid-Structural Analysis Multi-Objective Optimization of Compact, Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers Utilizing sCO2 (with Chitale, J.), ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.

  4. Dulikravich, G.S., Dennis, B.H. and Colaco, M.J., “Electro-Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics (EMHD): Theory and Simulations”, a book contract with Wiley & Sons.


Papers in Conference Proceedings (*Refereed)

  1. Laser Heating of Spheroids Containing Nanoparticles (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., McGoron, A.J.), Paper IHTC-17-0813, Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 14 – 18 August, 2023.

  2. Parametric Analysis of the Thermal Ablation Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmia (with Dantas, E., Orlande, H.R.B.), paper TFEC-2022-41205, 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Las Vegas, NV, May 16-18, 2022.

  3. *A Multi-Objective Hybrid Optimization Methodology for Minimizing Sonic Boom of Aircraft at Fixed Lift (with Blanchard, A.-K., Schoppe, J., Reddy, S.R., Cizmas, P.G.A.), AIAA SciTech2022, San Diego, CA, January 4-8, 2022.

  4. *Heat Transfer Performance of a Supercritical CO2 Based Microchannels Recuperator Including Thermal Buoyancy (with Chitale, J.), CHT-21-271 - 8th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15 - 19, 2021.

  5. Multi-Disciplinary Disciplinary Practical Solutions of Inverse Problems, Plenary Lecture, Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems-XIII International Scientific Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 12-20, 2021.

  6. Computational Design of Alloy Chemistry for Optimized Multiple Macroscopic and Microscopic Properties (with Jha, R.), Best Poster Award, NSF-JST Joint Workshop on Thermal Transport, Materials Informatics and Quantum Computing, March 22-25, 2021.

  7. *Design of Ti-Al-Cr-V Alloys for Maximum Thermodynamic Stability (with Jha, R.), 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 15-18, 2021.

  8. *Inverse Design of Chemistry of High Temperature Ni-Base Superalloys Using CALPHAD and Machine Learning (with Jha, R.), 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 15-18, 2021.

  9. *Discovery of Optimized ω-Phase Free Ti-Based Alloys Using CALPHAD and Artificial Intelligence Approach (with Jha, R.), 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 15-18, 2021.

  10. *Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Supercritical CO2 Based Counter-Flow Micro Channels 3D Heat Exchanger (with Chitale, J., Abdoli, A., Sabau, A.S., Black, J.B.), IThrerm-19th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, pp. 23-29, Orlando, FL, July 2020.

  11. Interaction of Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization, Plenary Lecture, Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium – IPDO2019, Tianjin, China, Sept. 24-26, 2019.

  12. *A Hybrid Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization (with Reddy, S.R), Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium – IPDO2019, Tianjin, China, Sept. 24-26, 2019.

  13. *Achieving Quieter Supersonic Flight Through Outer-Mold Line Modifications: An Optimization Study (with Reddy, S.R., Carpenter, F.L., Cizmas, P.G.), AIAA Aviation 2019, Dallas, TX, June 17-21, 2019.

  14. *Controlling Sonic Boom Loudness Through Outer Mold Line Modification: A Sensitivity Study (with Carpenter, F.L., Cizmas, P.G., Reddy, S.R.), AIAA paper 3019495, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2019, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019.

  15. *Magnetic Resonance Thermometry During the Localized Heating of Biological Tissues, (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, J.M.), paper IHTC16-22069, The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, Beijing, China, August 10-15, 2018.

  16. *Simultaneous Model Selection and Parameter Estimation in Heat Conduction (with Loiola, B.R., Orlande, H.R.B.), Joint ICVRAM-ISUMA Uncertainties Conference, paper ICWRAMISUMA2018-0132, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, April 8-11, 2018.

  17. *Experimental Estimation of a Heat Flux Imposed by a Laser Diode With the Steady State Kalman Filter (with da Fonseca, H.M., Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Fudym, O.), American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers ASTFE, paper TFEC-2018-20899, Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 4-7, 2018.

  18. *Bladelets - Winglets on Blades of Wind Turbines: A Design Optimization Study (with Reddy, S.R., Sobieczky, H.), paper ASME IMECE-70220, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  19. Materials Processing Control Using Electric and Magnetic Fields, (with Colaco, M.J., Dennis, B.H., Reddy, S.R.), Plenary Lecture, ASME IMECE2017-71221, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  20. High Frequency and High Power Electro-Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics and Heat Transfer (with Abdoli, A., Zeidi, S.M.J., Reddy, S.R.), Invited Lecture, ASME IMECE2017-70221, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  21. *An Effective Parameter Screening Strategy for High Dimensional Models (with Chitale, J., Khare, Y., Munoz-Carpena, R., Martinez, C.), paper ASME IMECE2017-71458, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  22. Parameter Identification in Differential Equations: A Hybrid Minimization Based Method, (with Reddy, S.R., Colaco, M.J. and Orlande, H.R.B.), Invited Lecture, New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models: Applications to PDEs and Integral Equations, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2017.

  23. *Reduced Order Model for Fluid Flow and Transport of Passive Scalars in Fluidized Beds (with Reddy,, S.R., Chitale, J., Cizmas,, P.G.A., Gokaltun,, S., McDaniel, D.), VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Rhodos Island, Greece, June 12-14, 2017.

  24. *Analysis of Anisotropic Graphene Platelet Heat Spreaders to Reduce Hot Spot Temperature and Temperature Non-Uniformity (with Reddy, S.R.), IEEE iTherm 2017, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 30-June 2, 2017.

  25. *Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Thermal Capacity and Thermal Conductivity in Arbitrary 2D Objects (with Reddy, S.R, Zeidi, S.M.J.), International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, paper CHT-17-106, Naples, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2017.

  26. *Effects of Needle Lift and Fuel Type on Cavitation Formation and Heat Transfer Inside Diesel Fuel Injector Nozzle (with Zeidi, S.M.J., Reddy, S.R., Darvish, S.), International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, paper CHT-17-102, Naples, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2017.

  27. *Conjugate Cooling Protocols for Human Hearts Including Epicardial Blood Vessels (with Abdoli, A., Zeidi, S.M.J.), CMBE2017, Pittsburgh, PA, April 10-12, 2017.

  28. *Development of Reduced Order Model for Reacting Gas-Solid Flow Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (with Chitale, J., Cizmas, P., Gokaltun S. and McDaniel D.), Crosscutting Research Portfolio Review, DOE NETL, Pittsburgh, PA, March 22nd, 2017.

  29. *State Estimation Problems in PRF-Shift Magnetic Resonance Thermometry (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems – ThermaComp2016 (eds.: Massarotti, N., Nithiarasu, P., Joshi, Y.), Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, July 6-8, 2016.

  30. Microscopic Characterization of Cu-Ni-rich Bridges in Alnico Alloys (with Fan, M., Liu, Y., Jha, R., Schwartz, J. and C.C. Koch, C.C.) 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, CA, January 11-15, 2016.

  31. *Design and Optimization of Magnetic Alloys and Nickel-Based Superalloys for High Temperatures Applications (with Jha, R., Colaco, M.J.), COBEM-2015, paper 1284, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 6-11, 2015.

  32. *Identification of Material Properties Through a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique and a Response Surface Approximation (with Pacheco, C., Vesenjak, M., Borovinsek, M., Jha, R., Reddy, S.R, Orlande, H., Colaço, M.), COBEM-2015, paper 0584, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 6-11, 2015.

  33. *Conjugate Analysis of Thin Film Heat Spreaders to Reduce Temperature at Hot Spots (with Reddy, S., Abdoli, A., Jha, R.), ASME IMECE, paper 52804, Houston, TX, November 13-19, 2015.

  34. *Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro Pin-Fin Arrays for Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics (with Reddy, S.R.), ASME IMECE, paper 54166, Houston, TX, November 13-19, 2015.

  35. *Silica Nanoparticle Transport in Simulated Tumor Microenvironments: The Role of Surface Functionalization and Cellular Autophagy (with Nagesetti, A., Estumano, D., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., McGoron, A.), BMES2015, Tampa, FL, October 7-10, 2015.

  36. *Inverse Determination of Spatial Variation of Diffusion Coefficients in Arbitrary Objects Creating Desired Non-Isotropy of Field Variables (with Reddy, S.R., Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B.), MS&T15-Materials science and Technology 2015 Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 4-8, 2015.

  37. *Multi-Objective Design and Optimization of Hard Magnetic Alloys Free of Rare Earths (with R. Jha, M.J. Colaco, I.N. Egorov, C. Poloni, N. Chakraborti, M. Fan, J. Schwartz, C.C. Koch), MS&T15-Materials Science and Technology 2015 Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 4-8, 2015.

  38. *Multi-Objective Optimization of Micro-Pin Fin Arrays for Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics with a Hot Spot (with Reddy, S.R., Abdoli, A., Pacheco, C.C., Vasquez, G., Jha, R., Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B.), paper InterPACKICNMM2015-48242, San Francisco, CA, July 6-9, 2015.

  39. *Inverse Design of Cooling of Electronic Chips Subject to Specified Hot Spot Temperature and Coolant Inlet Temperature (with Reddy, S.R.), paper InterPACKICNMM2015-48346, San Francisco, CA, July 6-9, 2015.

  40. Magnetic Alloys Design Using Multi-Objective Optimization (with R. Jha, M.J. Colaco, M. Fan, J. Schwartz, C.C. Koch), ACEX2015-9th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, Munich, Germany, June 29 – July 2, 2015.

  41. Algorithms for Design Optimization of Hard Magnetic Alloys Using Experimental Data (with Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Fan, M., Schwartz, J., Koch, C.C., Colaco, M.J., Poloni, C., Egorov, I.N.), ICMM4-International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, CA, May 27-29, 2015.

  42. Inverse Parameter Identification in Solid Mechanics Using Bayesian Statistics, Response Surfaces and Minimization (with Pacheco, C.C., Vesenjak, M., Borovinsek, M., Duarte, I.M.A., Jha, R., Reddy, S.R., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), ICMM4-International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, CA, May 27-29, 2015.

  43. *Multi-Winglets: Multiobjective Optimization of Aerodynamic Shapes (with Reddy, S., Abdoli, A., Sobieczky, H.), paper AIAA-2015-1489, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, January 5-9, 2015.

  44. Estimation of a Position and a Time Dependent High Magnitude Heat Flux Using the Kalman Filter (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., da Fonseca, R.M.), 15th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering-ENCIT2014, Belem, PA, Brazil, November 10-13, 2014.

  45. *Simulation of Cooling Preservation Systems for Human Hearts Destined for Transplantation (with Abdoli, A., Bajaj, C., Stowe, D. F., Jahania, M. S.), BMES2014, San Antonio, TX, October 22-25, 2014.

  46. *The Effect of Surface Functionalization and Temperature on Nanoparticle Penetration into Tumor Spheroids (with Nagesetti, A., Estumano, D., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., McGoron, A.), BMES2014, San Antonio, TX, October 22-25, 2014.

  47. Bayesian Estimate of Mass Fraction of Burned Fuel in Internal Combustion Engines using Pressure Measurements (with Estumano, D.C., Hamilton, F.C., Colaco, M.J., Leiroz, A.J.K., Orlande, H.R.B., Carvalho, R.N.), EngOpt2014, (eds: Rodrigues, H.C., Herskovits, J., Mota Soares, C.M., Guedes, J.M., Araujo, A.L., Folgado, J.O., Moleiro, F., Madeira, J.F.A.), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 8-11, 2014, pp. 997-1003.

  48. A Combined Computational-Experimental Approach to Design of High-Intensity Permanent Magnetic Alloys (with Jha, R., Fan. M., Schwartz, J., Koch, C., Egorov, I.N., Poloni, C.), CONEM2014- National Congress of Mechanical Engineering (eds: Steffen, V., Bandarra, E., Rade, D.A.), Uberlandia, Brazil, August 10-15, 2014.

  49. Identification of Unsteady Location and Intensity a Heat Flux Using Kalman Filter and Improved Lumped Analysis in 3D Heat Conduction (with Pacheco, C.C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaço, M.J.), 5th International Conference on Computational Methods - ICCM), Cambridge, UK, July 28-30, 2014.

  50. *A Comparison of Particle Filters Applied to the Heat Transfer Coefficient Estimation in Internal Combustion Engines (with Estumano, D.C., Hamilton, F.C., Colaco, M.J., Leiroz, A.J.K., Carvalho, R.N., Orlande, H.R.B.), 11th World Congress of Computational Mechanics – WCCM XI, Barcelona, Spain, July 20-25, 2014.

  51. *Winglets – Multiobjective Optimization of Aerodynamic Shapes (with Reddy, S, Sobieczky, H., Abdoli, A.), paper number 2781, 11th World Congress of Computational Mechanics – WCCM XI, Eds. E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta, Barcelona, Spain, July 20-25, 2014.

  52. *Bayesian Estimation of Parameters in Hodgkin-Huxley’s Model of Biomedical Electric Signals (with Estumano, D. C., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Ritto, T.G., Riera Diaz, J.J.), Uncertainties2014 - 2nd International Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling, Rouen, France, July 7-11, 2014.

  53. Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Cooling Protocols for Human Heart Destined for Transplantation (with Abdoli, A., Bajaj, C., Stowe, D. F., Jahania, M. S.), Invited Lecture, ThermaComp2014 - Third International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems (eds: N. Massarotti, P. Nithiarasu, B. Sarler), Bled, Slovenia, June 2-4, 2014.

  54. Thermo-Fluid-Stress Analysis of Two-Layer Microchannels for Cooling of Electronics With Hot Spots (with Abdoli, A., Vasquez, G., Rastkar, S.), ThermaComp2014 - Third International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems (eds: N. Massarotti, P. Nithiarasu, B. Sarler), Bled, Slovenia, June 2-4, 2014.

  55. *Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Diffusion Coefficient in Two-Dimensional Objects (with Pasqualette, M.A, Colaco, M.J. and Orlande, H.R.B.), 7th International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling & Simulation”, Oludeniz, Fethiye, Turkey, May 26-31, 2014.

  56. *A Combined Experimental-Computational Approach to Design Optimization of High Temperature Alloys (with Jha, R., Pettersson, F., Saxen, H., Chakraborti, N.), paper no. ETS2014-1008, ASME Symposium on Elevated Temperature Application of Materials for Fossil, Nuclear, and Petrochemical Industries, Seattle, WA, March 25-27, 2014.

  57. Bayesian Particle Filters Applied to Heat Transfer and Biomedical Problems (with Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B., Silva, W.S., Estumano, D.C., Hamilton, F.C., Leiroz, A.J.K. and Carvalho, R.N.), 5th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics – APCOM2013, Singapore, December 11-14, 2013.

  58. *Optimized Multi-Floor Throughflow Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), paper IMECE2013-63590, ASME IMECE, San Diego, CA, November 15-21, 2013.

  59. *Hybrid Optimization Algorithms and Hybrid Response Surfaces (with Colaco, M.J.), Plenary Lecture, Eurogen2013, (eds.: Greiner, D., Galvan, B., Periaux, J., Gauger, N., Giannakoglou, K., Winter, G.), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, October 7-9, 2013.

  60. *Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Multi-Floor, Branching, Micro Heat Exchangers (with Abdoli, A.), paper HT2013-17738, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19, 2013.

  61. Inverse Determination of Spatially Varying Thermal Conductivity Based on Boundary Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements (with Pasqualette, M.A., Colaco, M.J., Orlande, H.R.B., Martin, T.J.), Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization-IPDO2013, (eds.: Fudym, O., Battaglia, J.-L.), Albi, France, June 26-28, 2013.

  62. Modern Optimization Algorithms and Particle Swarm Variations (with Inclan, E.J., Yang, X.-S.), Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization-IPDO2013, (eds.: Fudym, O., Battaglia, J.-L.), Albi, France, June 26-28, 2013.

  63. *Effective Modifications to Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm (with Inclan, E.), International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problem in Science and Engineering, (eds.: Idelsohn, S., Papadrakakis, M., Schrefler, B.), Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, Spain, June 17-19, 2013.

  64. *A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm with Search Vector Based Automatic Switching (with Inclan, E.J.), World Congress of Multidisciplinary Optimization, (eds.: Kim, N.-H., Haftka, R.), Orlando, FL, May 15-19, 2013.

  65. Applications of Bayesian Filters to Biomedical Engineering (with Estumano, D., Costa, J.M., Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J.), 29th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference-SBEC, Miami, FL, May 5-6, 2013.

  66. Certain Specifics of Nano-Modeling of Various Rheologically Complex Fluids (with Sattarov, R. M., Kurbanbaev, M.I., Sattarzada, I. R., Abitova, A. Zh., Nugiev, M.A. and Muhambetov, B. T.), Khazarneftgazyatag-2012- Scientific Practical Conference, Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 4-5, 2012.

  67. Inverse Determination of 3D Shapes in Field Problems, Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, October 21-26, 2012.

  68. Inverse Heat Transfer Problems and Their Solutions Within the Bayesian Framework (with Orlande, H.R.B.), ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference – Numerical Heat Transfer 2012 (eds: Nowak, A. and Bialecki, R.A.), Gliwice-Wroclaw, Poland, September 4-6, 2012.

  69. Fast Bayesian Inference for an Inverse Heat Transfer Problem Using Approximations (with Neumayer, M., Watzenig, D., Orlande, H. R. B., Colaco, M. J.), Article no. 6229538, pp. 1923-1928, 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2012, Graz, Austria, May 12-16, 2012.

  70. *Application of a Bayesian Filter to Estimate Unknown Heat Fluxes in a Natural Convection Problem (with Colaco, M. J., Orlande, H. R. B. and da Silva, W. B.), Best Paper Award by AMS Technical Committee, ASME paper DETC2011-47652, Symposium at the 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Vol. 2, Parts A and B, pp, 425-434 (eds. Dennis, B. H., Dulikravich, G. S., Michopoulos, J. and Kumar, A. V.), Washington, DC, August 28-31, 2011.

  71. Estimation of Drying Parameters Including Moisture Diffusivity by Using Temperature Measurements (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P., Mitrevski, V. B.), 15th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements – CMEM2011, Vol. 51, pp. 111-119, New Forest, UK, May 31-June 6, 2011.

  72. A Fourier Series Method for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Non-Constant Coefficients Arising in Inverse Shape Design (with Baker, D. P.), (eds: Kassab, A. J. and Divo, E. A.), International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering - ICIPE2011, Orlando, FL, May 4-6, 2011, pp. 275-280.

  73. Inverse Problems in Thermoelasticity, Keynote Lecture, 13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering-ENCIT, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, December 5-10, 2010.

  74. Pipeline Heating Method Based on Optimal Control and State Estimation (with Vianna, F.L.V. and Orlande, H.R.B.), 13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering-ENCIT, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, December 5-10, 2010.

  75. Inverse Determination of Shapes and Boundary Conditions, Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Computational Methods, Zhangjiajie, P. R. China, November 19-21, 2010.

  76. A Hybrid Multi-Objective Constrained Optimization Algorithm (with Moral, J. R. and Chowdhury, S.), Invited Lecture, International Conference on Computational Methods, Zhangjiajie, P. R. China, November 19-21, 2010.

  77. *Design of Molecules for Pareto Optimal Functionalities (with Bhargava, S.), Keynote Lecture, IPDO2010-Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, August 25-27, 2010.

  78. *Temperature Field Prediction of a Multilayered Composite Pipeline Based on the Particle Filter Method (with Vianna, F. and Orlande, H.R.B.), paper IHTC14-22462, 14th International Heat Transfer Conference - IHTC, Vol. 2, pp. 523-532, Washington, D.C., August 7-13, 2010

  79. *Optimization of 3D Branching Networks of Micro-channels for Microelectronic Device Cooling (with Martin, T. J.), paper IHTC14-22719, 14th International Heat Transfer Conference – IHTC-14, Vol. 3, pp. 503-516, Washington, D.C., August 7-13, 2010.

  80. Optimization of Cooling Protocols for Living Organs, Invited Lecture, Panel on Bioheat Transfer (org: Kahlen, F.-J.), 14th International Heat Transfer Conference – IHTC-14, Washington, D.C., August 7-13, 2010.

  81. Inverse Design of Alloys for Specified Thermo-Mechanical Properties by Using Multi-Objective Optimization, Plenary Lecture, Second International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications (ed: Wang, Y.-F.), Beijing, P. R. China, July 12 – July 15, 2010.

  82. Optimal Heating Control to Prevent Solid Deposits in Pipelines (with Vianna F. L. V. and Orlande, H.R.B.), Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics - ECCOMAS CFD2010, (eds: Pereira, J.C.F. and Sequeira, A.), Lisbon, Portugal, June 14-17, 2010.

  83. Design of Heating System for Petroleum Pipelines Based on State Estimation and Optimal Control (with F. L. V. Vianna, H. R. B. Orlande), IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, May 16-21, 2010, Paris, France.

  84. Multi-Objective Optimization of Topology and Performance of Three-dimensional Networks of Cooling Passages (with Ardila, R.), Keynote Lecture, Energy and Thermal Sciences Symposium at COBEM, 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Gramado, Brazil, November 15-20, 2009.

  85. Prediction of the Temperature Field in Pipelines Using Bayesian Filters and Non-Intrusive Measurements (with Vianna, F. and Orlande, H. R. B.), COBEM, 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Gramado, Brazil, November 15-20, 2009.

  86. A Survey of Basic Deterministic, Heuristic and Hybrid Methods for Single Objective Optimization and Response Surface Generation (with Colaco, M. J.), Franco-Brazilian Advanced School, METTI IV – Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, (ed: Orlande, H. R. B. and Fudym, O.), Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil, November 8-13, 2009.

  87. Statistical Modeling of Rarefied Gas Channel Flows (with Gokaltun, S. and Sukop, M. C.), ASME paper FEDSM2009-78523, ASME 2009 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vol. 2, pp. 519-527, Vail, Colorado, August 2-5, 2009.

  88. *Modified Predator-Prey (MPP) Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization (with Chowdhury, S. and Moral, R. J.), EUROGEN 2009-Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control, (ed: Burczynski, T. and Periaux, J.), Cracow, Poland, June 15-17, 2009, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2009, pp. 156-161.

  89. Modified Continuous Ant Colony Algorithm (with Aidov, A.), 2nd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palic (Subotica), Serbia, June 1-5, 2009.

  90. Estimation of the Temperature Field in Pipelines by Using Kalman Filter (with Vianna, F., Orlande, H. R. B.), 2nd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Palic (Subotica), Serbia, June 1-5, 2009.

  91. Radial Basis Functions Applied to the Solution of the Natural Convection Problem in Square Cavities (with Magalhaes, A. C., Colaco, M. J and Orlande, H. R. B.), ENCIT2008 - 12th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, November 10-14, 2008.

  92. Development of Digital Filters for Inverse Heat Conduction Problems (with de Sousa, P., Fernandes, A. P., Guimaraes, G.), ENCIT2008 - 12th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, November 10-14, 2008.

  93. *A Hybrid Self-Organizing Response Surface Methodology (with Moral, R. J.), paper AIAA-2008-5891, 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-12, 2008.

  94. *A Hybrid RBF Based Methods for Highly Multidimensional Response Surfaces Using Scarce Data Sets (with Colaco, M. J.), paper AIAA-2008-5892, 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-12, 2008.

  95. Bayesian Estimation of the Thermal Conductivity Components of Orthotropic Solids (with Orlande, H. R. B. and Colaco, M. J.), 5th Brazilian National Congress of Mechanical Engineering - CONEM, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, August 18-21, 2008.

  96. *Identification of Parameters in a System of Differential Equations Modeling Evolution of Infectious Diseases (with Hernandez, A., Colaco, M. J. and Moral, R. J.), ASME paper DETC2008-49595, Symposium at the 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), (eds. Dulikravich, G.S., Michopoulos, J. and Kumar, A. V.), Brooklyn, NY, August 3-6, 2008.

  97. *Dynamic Observer Method Based on Modified Green’s Functions for Robust and More Stable Inverse Algorithms (with Sousa, P.F.B., Fernandes. A.P., Borges, V.L. and Guimaraes, G.), ASME paper DETC2008-49062, Symposium at the 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), (eds. Dulikravich, G.S., Michopoulos, J. and Kumar, A. V.), Brooklyn, NY, August 3-6, 2008.

  98. Predator-Prey Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm: Performance and Improvements (with Chowdhury, S. and Moral, R. J.), 7th conference of Association for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization in the UK (ed: Toropov, V. V.), Bath, U.K., July 7-8, 2008.

  99. A Comparison of Different Response Surface Methods (with Colaco, M. J., Silva, W., Magalhaes, A.), Minisymposium on “Metamodels for High Dimensionality Response Surfaces in Multiobjective Optimization”, 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, (eds: Dulikravich, G. S. and Colaco, M. J.), Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  100. Magneto-Hydrodynamic Simulations Using Radial Basis Functions (with Colaco, M. J.), Minisymposium on “Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics”, 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, (eds: Gerbeth, G., Dulikravich, G. S. and Pericleous, K.), Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  101. Application of Bayesian Filters to Heat Conduction Problems (with Orlande, H. R. B. and Colaco, M. J.), EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization, (ed: Herskovits, J.), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008.

  102. Response Surface Method Applied to Scarce and Small Sets of Training Points – A Comparative Study (with Colaco, J. M., Magalhaes, W. B.), EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization, (ed: Herskovits, J.), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008.

  103. Inverse Estimation of Moisture Diffusivity by Utilizing Temperature Response of a Drying Body (with G. Kanevce, L. Kanevce, V. Mitrevski), ICCES'08: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 17-22, 2008.

  104. Titanium Based Alloy Chemistry Optimization for Maximum Strength, Minimum Weight and Minimum Cost Using JMatPro and IOSO Software (with Kumar, A. and Egorov, I. N.), TMS Annual Meeting, Materials Informatics: Enabling Integration of Modeling and Experiments in Materials Science, ed: Rajan, K., New Orleans, LA, March 9-13, 2008.

  105. Electro-Thermo-Hydrodynamic Control of Solidification of Binary Mixtures (with Colaco, M. J.), 9th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization – FLUCOME 2007, ed. Chen, C.-Y., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Sept. 16-19, 2007.

  106. Lattice Boltzmann Method for Steady Gas Flows in Microchannels With Imposed Slip Wall Boundary Condition (with Gokaltun, S.), Paper ICNMM2007-30060, 5th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM07), Universidad de la Americas, Puebla, Mexico, June 18-20, 2007, pp. 351-356.

  107. Statistical Modeling of Rarefied Gas Flows in Microchannels (with Gokaltun, S., Skudarnov, P.V. and Sukop, M.C.), paper AIAA-2007-4583, 18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Miami, FL, USA, June 25-28, 2007.

  108. Approximation of the Likelihood Function in the Bayesian Technique for the Solution of Inverse Problems (with Orlande, H.R.B. and Colaco, M.J.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007), (eds.: Dulikravich, G.S., Orlande, H.R.B., Tanaka, M. and Colaco, M.J.), Miami Beach, FL, April 16-18, 2007.

  109. Multiobjective Nonlinear Shape Optimization of Stent Based on Evolution Principles (with Annicchiarico, W.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007), (eds.: Dulikravich, G.S., Orlande, H.R.B., Tanaka, M. and Colaco, M.J.), Miami Beach, FL, April 16-18, 2007.

  110. A Comparison of Two Methods for Fitting High Dimensional Response Surfaces (with Colaco, M. J. and Sahoo, D.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007), (eds.: Dulikravich, G.S., Orlande, H.R.B., Tanaka, M. and Colaco, M.J.), Miami Beach, FL, April 16-18, 2007.

  111. Inverse Approaches to Drying of Sliced Foods (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P., and Mitrevski, V. B.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007), (eds.: Dulikravich, G.S., Orlande, H.R.B., Tanaka, M. and Colaco, M.J.), Miami Beach, FL, April 16-18, 2007.

  112. Inverse Approaches in Improvement of Air Pollution Plume Dispersion Models for Regulatory Applications (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P., and Andreevski, I. B.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007), (eds.: Dulikravich, G.S., Orlande, H.R.B., Tanaka, M. and Colaco, M.J.), Miami Beach, FL, April 16-18, 2007.

  113. *Controlling Solidification of Particle Laden Melts Using Thermo-Magnetohydrodynamics and Optimization (with Colaco, M. J.), Symposium on Processing for Reliability, (ed: Mullins, W. M.), Materials Science & Technology 2006, Cincinnati, OH, October 15-19, 2006.

  114. *Evolutionary Wavelet Neural Network for Large Scale Function Estimation in Optimization (with Sahoo, D.), AIAA Paper AIAA-2006-6955, 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, September 6-8, 2006.

  115. *Multi-Objective Hybrid Evolutionary Optimization With Automatic Switching (with Moral, R. J. and Sahoo, D.), AIAA Paper AIAA-2006-6976, 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, September 6-8, 2006.

  116. Inverse Approaches to Drying With and Without Shrinkage (with Kanevce, G., Kanevce, Lj., Mitrevski, V. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Proceedings of 15th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2006), (eds: Farkas, I.), Vol. A, pp. 576-584, Budapest, Hungary, August 20-23, 2006.

  117. *Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Topology and Performance of Branching Networks of Cooling Passages, (with Gonzalez, M. J., Moral, R. J., Sahoo, D. and Martin, T. J. M.), ASME paper ICNMM2006-96151, ASME Fourth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, (eds.: Kandlikar, S.) University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, June 19-21, 2006.

  118. Evolutionary Optimization of Chemistry of Bulk Metallic Glasses (with Egorov, I. N. and Jelisavcic, N.), III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics (eds: Mota Soares, C. A., Martins, J.A.C., Rodrigues, H.C., Ambrosio, J.A.C., Pina, C.A.B., Mota Soares, C.M., Pereira, E.R.B. and Folgado, J.), Springer, Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-8, 2006.

  119. *Optimizing Chemistry of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Improved Thermal Stability (with Egorov, I. N.), Symposium on Bulk Metallic Glasses, TMS 2006 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, eds: Liaw, P. K. and Buchanan, R. A., San Antonio, TX, March 12-16, 2006.

  120. Magnetohydrodynamic Optimization of the Fluid Flow During Solidification of Binary Mixtures in Enclosures (with Colaco, M. J.), 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Ouro Preto, Mato Groso, Brazil, November 6-11, 2005.

  121. *Design Optimization of Networks of Cooling Passages (with Jelisavcic, N., Martin, T.J., Moral, R., Sahoo, D. and Gonzalez, M.), ASME paper IMECE2005-79175, ASME IMECE, Orlando, FL, November 5-11, 2005.

  122. *Design of Alloy’s Concentrations for Optimized Strength, Temperature, Time-to-Rupture, Cost and Weight (with Egorov, I. N.), Sixth International Special Emphasis Symposium on Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Derivatives, eds: Loria, E. A., TMS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2-5, 2005, pp. 419-428.

  123. Aero-Thermal-Elasticity-Materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades: Summary (with Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Egorov, I. N.), EUROGEN 05 - Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, (eds: R. Schilling, W. Haase, J. Periaux, H. Baier, G. Bugeda), Munich, Germany, September 12-14, 2005.

  124. *A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Hybrid Optimizer (with Moral, R. and Sahoo, D.), EUROGEN 05 - Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, (eds: R. Schilling, W. Haase, J. Periaux, H. Baier, G. Bugeda), Munich, Germany, September 12-14, 2005.

  125. Self-Adapting Response Surface Optimization of Alloying Elements Concentrations for Specified Strength, Temperature, Time-to-Rupture, Cost and Weight (with Egorov, I. N.), Advances in Computational Mechanics and Optimization: Symposium in honor of Prof. Subrata Mukherjee's 60th birthday, 8th National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 25-27, 2005.

  126. Energetics and Dynamical Pathways of Dislocation Cross-slip in Copper (with Pendurti, S., Lee, I.-H., and Jun, S.), 8th National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, July 25-27, 2005.

  127. *Estimation of Spatially and Time Dependent Source Term in a Two-Region Problem (with Silva, P. P., Orlande, H. R. B., Colaco, M. J., Shiakolas, P. S.), 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, (ed. Lesnic, D.), Cambridge, U.K., July 11-15, 2005.

  128. *Inverse Approaches to Drying of Bodies With Significant Shrinkage Effects (with G. H. Kanevce, L. P. Kanevce, V. B. Mitrevski, H.R.B. Orlande), 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, (ed. Lesnic, D.), Cambridge, UK, July 11-15, 2005.

  129. Robust Optimization of Concentrations of Alloying Elements in Steel for Maximum Temperature, Strength, Time-to-Rupture and Minimum Cost and Weight (with Yegorov-Egorov, I. N.), Invited Lecture, ECCOMAS – Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (eds: Papadrakakis, M., Onate, E., Schrefler, B.), Fira, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25-28, 2005.

  130. Obtaining Pre-Specified Concentration Profiles in Thermosolutal Flows by Applying Magnetic Fields Having Optimized Intensity Distribution (with Colaco, M. J.), Invited Lecture, ECCOMAS – Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (eds: Papadrakakis, M., Onate, E., Schrefler, B.), Fira, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25-28, 2005.

  131. A Multilevel Hybrid Optimization of Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in Double-Diffusive Fluid Flow (with Colaco, M. J.), SMEC 2005 Conference (ed: Saxena, S.), Miami Beach, FL, April 17-21, 2005.

  132. Inverse and Optimization Problems in Heat Transfer (with Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H.R.B.), Invited Lecture, 10th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering – ENCIT2004, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, November 29 - December 3, 2004.

  133. Aero-Thermal-Elasticity-Materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades: Part I (with Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Egorov, I. N.), in Lecture Series on Numerical Optimization Methods & Tools for Multi-Criteria/Multi-Disciplinary Design with Applications to Aeronautics and Turbomachinery, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, November 15 – 19, 2004.

  134. Aero-Thermal-Elasticity-Materials Optimization of Cooled Gas Turbine Blades: Part II (with Martin, T. J., Dennis, B. H. and Egorov, I. N.), in Lecture Series on Numerical Optimization Methods & Tools for Multi-Criteria/Multi-Disciplinary Design with Applications to Aeronautics and Turbomachinery, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, November 15 – 19, 2004.

  135. Inverse Determination of Steady Boundary Conditions in Heat Transfer and Elasticity (with Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J.), Invited Lecture, mini-symposium on “Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics”, 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Beijing, China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  136. Control of Flow Separation Over a Circular Cylinder With Electro-Magnetic Fields: Numerical Simulation, (with Dennis, B. H. and Yoshimura, S.), Invited Lecture, mini-symposium on “Computational Electro-magneto-hydro-dynamics”, 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Beijing, China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  137. *Optimization of Alloy Chemistry for Maximum Stress and Time-to-Rupture at High Temperature (with Yegorov-Egorov, I. N.), paper AIAA-2004-4348, 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, NY, Aug. 30 – Sept. 1, 2004.

  138. Convective Heat Transfer Control Using Magnetic and Electric Fields (with Colaco, M. J.), Keynote Lecture, International Thermal Science Seminar - ITSS II, ASME-ICHMT-ZSIS, (eds: Bergles, A. E., Golobic, I., Amon, C. H. and Bejan, A.), Bled, Slovenia, June 13-16, 2004, pp. 133-144.

  139. *Inverse Problem of Aircraft Structural Parameter Estimation: Application of Neural Networks, (with Trivailo, P., Sgarioto, D. and Gilbert, T.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization – IPDO, Vol. II, (eds.: Colaço, M.J., Dulikravich, G. S. and Orlande, H.R.B.), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004, pp. 330-337.

  140. *Inverse Design of Alloys for Specified Stress, Temperature and Time-to-Rupture by Using Stochastic Optimization (with Yegorov-Egorov, I. N.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization – IPDO, (eds: Colaco, M. J., Dulikravich, G. S. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004.

  141. *Aerodynamic Data Modeling Using Support Vector Machines (with Fan, H.-Y. and and Han, Z.-X.), AIAA paper 03-13510, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 10-13, 2004.

  142. *Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Surfaces and Interfaces of Multi-domain Three-Dimensional Electronic Components (with Dennis, B. H. and Han, Z.-X.), ASME paper IMECE2003-42273, Symposium on Cooling of Microlectronics, MEMS, Photonics, and Nano Devices, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 2003.

  143. *Optimization of Wall Electrodes for Electro-Hydrodynamic Control of Natural Convection Effects During Solidification (with Colaco, M. J. and Martin, T. J.), ASME paper IMECE2003-41703, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 2003.

  144. *An Analytical Model of Phase Changing Chemically Reacting Mixture Flows (with Colaco, M. J.), ASME paper IMECE2003-41702, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 2003.

  145. *A Comparison of Two Solution Techniques for the Inverse Problem of Simultaneously Estimating the Spatial Variations of Diffusion Coefficients and Source Terms (with Rodrigues, F. and Colaco, M. J. and Orlande, H. R. B.), ASME paper IMECE2003-42058, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 2003.

  146. *Improvements to Mutation Donor of Differential Evolution (with Fan, H.-Y. and Lampinen, J.), EUROGEN2003 - International Congress on Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems, (eds: G. Bugeda, J. A- Désidéri, J. Periaux, M. Schoenauer and G. Winter), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, September 15-17, 2003.

  147. Reducing Convection Effects in Solidification by Applying Magnetic Fields Having Optimized Intensity Distribution (with Colaco, M. J. and Martin, T. J.), Keynote Lecture, ASME paper HT2003-47308, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 21-23, 2003.

  148. *An Inverse Method for Drying Processes at High Mass Transfer Biot Number (with Kanevce, G. H. and Kanevce, Lj. P.), ASME paper HT2003-40146, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 21-23, 2003.

  149. *Inverse Determination of Eroded Smelter Wall Thickness Variation Using an Elastic Membrane Concept (with Baker, D. P., Dennis, B. H. and Martin, T. J.), ASME paper HT2003-47307, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 21-23, 2003.

  150. *Optimization of Perfusion Freezing Protocols for Preservation of Three-Dimensional Organs (with Dennis, B. H.), 2003 Bioengineering Summer Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, June 26-31, 2003.

  151. *Optimization of a Large Number of Coolant Passages Located Close to the Surface of a Turbine Blade (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N. and Yoshimura, S.), ASME paper GT2003-38051, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, June 16-19, 2003.

  152. *Parallel Thermoelasticity Optimization of 3-D Serpentine Cooling Passages in Turbine Blades (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Sobieczky, H. and Yoshimura, S.), ASME paper GT2003-38180, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, June 16-19, 2003.

  153. Calibration of Microprocessor Control Systems for Specified Levels of Engine Exhaust Toxicity (with Egorov, I. N.), 2003 JUMV Conference - Science and Motor Vehicles, (ed: Duboka, C.), Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, May 27-28, 2003.

  154. Brain Cooling Strategies: Numerical Simulations on a Realistic Human Head Geometry (with Dennis, B. H., Eberhart, R. C. and Radons, S. W.), 5th International Conference on Simulations in Biomedicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 2-4, 2003.

  155. *Semi-Stochastic Optimization of Chemical Composition of High-Temperature Austenitic Steels for Desired Mechanical Properties (with Egorov, I. N., Sikka, V. K. and Muralidharan, G.), 2003 TMS Annual Meeting, Yazawa International Symposium: Processing and Technologies, TMS Publication, (eds: Kongoli, F., Itakagi, K., Yamaguchi, C. and Sohn, H.-Y.), Vol. 1, pp. 801-814, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003.

  156. Optimization of Intensities and Orientations of Magnets Controlling Melt Flow During Solidification (with Colaco, J. M., Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J. and Lee, S.), Symposium on Materials Processing Under the Influence of Electrical and Magnetic Fields, 2003 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003.

  157. Magnetized Fiber Orientation and Concentration Control in Solidifying Composites (with Colaco, M., Martin, T. J. and Lee, S.), Symposium on Materials Processing Under the Influence of Electrical and Magnetic Fields, 2003 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003.

  158. Non-Destructive Inverse Determination of Refractory Wall Material Wear Configurations in Melting Furnaces (with Baker, D. P., Martin, T. J. and Dennis, B.H.), 2003 TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003.

  159. Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of a Drying Body at High Mass Transfer Biot Number (with Kanevce, G. and Kanevce, Lj.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’03, (ed: Tanaka, M.), Nagano, Japan, February 18-21, 2003, Elsevier, pp. 13-20.

  160. *Inverse Determination of Smelter Wall Erosion Shapes Using a Fourier Series Method  (with Baker, D. P. and Martin, T. J.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’03, (ed: Tanaka, M.), Nagano, Japan, February 18-21, 2003,Elsevier, pp. 231-240.

  161. *Finite Element Simulation of Cooling of 3-D Human Head and Neck (with Dennis, B. H., Eberhart, R. C. and Radons, S. W.), ASME IMECE 2002, paper IMECE2002-HT-32045, New Orleans, LA, November 17-22, 2002.

  162. Simultaneous Estimation of Spatially-Dependent Diffusion Coefficient and Source Term in Nonlinear 1-D Diffusion (with Rodrigues, F. A. and Orlande, H. R. B.), Workshop on Inverse Obstacle Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, November 4-6, 2002.

  163. *Implicit and Explicit Sensitivities for Optimization of Cooled Turbine Blades (with Martin, T. J.), 9th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization Symposium, paper AIAA-2002-5435, Atlanta, GA, Sept. 4-6, 2002.

  164. A 3-D Finite Element Formulation for the Determination of Unknown Boundary Conditions for Steady Thermoelastic Problems (with Dennis, B. H. and Yoshimura, S.), Keynote Lecture, mini-symposium on “Computational Treatment of Inverse Problems in Mechanics” at the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-V), Vienna, Austria, July 7 – 12, 2002.

  165. Multi-Disciplinary Hybrid and Evolutionary Optimization (with Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J. and Egorov, I. N.), Invited Lecture, minisymposium on “Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Optimization”, at the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-V), Vienna, Austria, July 7 – 12, 2002.

  166. Parameterized Structures for Inverse Design and Optimization (with Sobieczky, H. and Dennis, B. H.), 4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (4icipe), Angra dos Reis, Brazil, May 26-31, 2002.

  167. Estimation of Drying Food Thermophysical Properties by Using Temperature Measurements (with Kanevce, Lj. and Kanevce, G. H.), 4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (4icipe), Angra dos Reis, Brazil, May 26-31, 2002.

  168. Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of Moist Materials Under Different Drying Conditions (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. and Orlande, H. R. B.), 4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (4icipe), Angra dos Reis, Brazil, May 26-31, 2002.

  169. *Rotor Cascade Shape Optimization With Unsteady Passing Wakes Using Implicit Dual Time Stepping and Genetic Algorithm (with Lee, E.-S. and Dennis, B. H.), ASME ISROMAC-9 Conference, Hawaii, February 10-14, 2002.

  170. *Inverse Determination of Steady Surface Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Arbitrary 3-D Objects (with Dennis, B. H.), paper ASME IMECE2001/HTD-24310, New York, November 11-16, 2001.

  171. *Analysis and Multi-disciplinary Optimization of Internal Coolant Networks in Turbine Blades (with Martin, T. J.), paper ASME IMECE2001/HTD-24316, New York, November 11-16, 2001.

  172. Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization (with Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J. and Egorov, I. N.), Invited Lecture, EUROGEN 2001 - Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems, (ed.: Giannakoglou, K., Tsahalis, D. T., Periaux, J. and Fogarty, T.), Athens, Greece, Sept. 19-21, 2001, Published by International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 11-18.

  173. Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization (with Dennis, B. H., Martin, T. J. and Egorov, I. N.), Invited Lecture, Mini-Symposium on Inverse Problems - State of the Art and Future Trends, XXIV Brazilian Congress on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Sept. 10-13, 2001, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

  174. Multi-disciplinary Inverse Design (with Martin, T. J. and Dennis, B. H.), Invited Lecture, Mini-Symposium on Inverse Problems - State of the Art and Future Trends, XXIV Brazilian Congress on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Sept. 10-13, 2001, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

  175. Stokes’ Hypothesis and Compression Shock Structure, Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Shock Waves,(ed. Lu, F. and Wilson, D.), Fort Worth, Texas, July 23-27, 2001, pp. 158.

  176. *Magnetic Field Suppression of Melt Flow in Crystal Growth (with Dennis, B. H.), International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer - CHT’01, (eds.: de Vahl Davis, G. and Leonardi, E.), Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, May 20-25, 2001, Begell House, Inc., New York, Vol. 2, pp. 1145-1152.

  177. *Simultaneous Estimation of Thermophysical Properties and Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients of a Drying Body (with Kanevce, G. H. and Kanevce, Lj.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’01, (eds: Tanaka, M. and Dulikravich, G. S.), Nagano, Japan, February 6-9, 2001, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 3-12.

  178. *A 3-D Finite Element Formulation for the Determination of Unknown Boundary Conditions in Heat Conduction (with Dennis, B. H.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’01, (eds: Tanaka, M. and Dulikravich, G. S.), Nagano, Japan, February 6-9, 2001.

  179. *Electromagnetohydrodynamics (EMHD): Numerical Experiments in Steady Planar Flows (with Dennis, B. H.), Symposium on Recent Advances in the Mechanics of Structured Continua, (eds: Massoudi, M. and Rajagopal, K. R.), ASME IMECE 2K, Orlando, FL, Nov. 5-10, 2000, AMD-Vol. 244/MD.-Vol. 92, pp. 17-24.

  180. *Optimization of Organ Freezing Protocols With Specified Allowable Thermal Stress Levels (with Dennis, B. H. and Rabin, Y.), Symposium on Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, (eds: Scott, E. P. and Bischof, J. C.), ASME IMECE 2K, Orlando, FL, Nov. 5-10, 2000, HTD-Vol. 368/BED-Vol. 47, pp. 33-48.

  181. *Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamics With Heat Transfer (with Dennis, B. H.), ECCOMAS2000 (European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering), (ed: Onate, E., Bugeda, G. and Suarez, B.), Barcelona, Spain, September 11-14, 2000. 

  182. Inverse Design and Optimization Using CFD (with Dennis, B. H.), Session on Contributions to Automated Design Using CFD, ECCOMAS2000 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, (eds: Onate, E., Bugeda, G. and Suarez, B.), Barcelona, Spain, September 11-14, 2000, pp. 595.

  183. *Multi-Objective Optimization of Turbomachinery Cascades for Minimum Loss, Maximum Loading, and Maximum Gap-to-Chord Ratio (with Dennis, B. H., Egorov, I. N., Han, Z.-X., and Poloni, C.), AIAA Paper 2000-4876, 8th AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Long Beach, CA, September 6-8, 2000.

  184. *Moisture Diffusivity Estimation from Temperature Measurements: Influence of Measurement Accuracy (with Kanevce, G. H., Kanevce, Lj. P. and Mitrevski, V. B.), 12th International Drying Symposium (IDS2000), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August 28-31, 2000.

  185. Heat Transfer, Inverse Problems, and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (with Martin, T. J. and Dennis. B. H.), Proceedings of a Conference of International Society for Computational Engineering & Sciences (ISCES), Los Angeles, CA, August 21-25, 2000, (editors: Atlury, S. N. and Brust, F. W.), Vol. I, Tech Science Press, pp. 868-873.

  186. *Influence of Boundary Conditions on Moisture Diffusivity Estimation by Temperature Response of a Drying Body (with Kanevce, G. H. and Kanevce, Lj. P.), ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000, ASME paper NHTC2000-12296.

  187. *Inverse Determination of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity Using Steady Surface Data on Arbitrary Objects (with Martin, T. J.), Symposium on Inverse Thermal Problems, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, (editors: G. S. Dulikravich, K. Woodbury and B. F. Blackwell), Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000, ASME paper NHTC2000-12038.

  188. *Simulation of Electro-Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics (EMHD) with p-Version Least-Squares Finite Element Method (with Dennis, B. H.), International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems 2000, Austin, TX, April 30 - May 4, 2000.

  189. *Determination of Unsteady Container Temperatures During Freezing of Three-dimensional Organs With Constrained Thermal Stresses (with Dennis, B. H.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’2k, (editors: M. Tanaka and G. S. Dulikravich), Nagano, Japan, March 7-10, 2000, Elsevier Science Ltd, Amsterdam, pp. 139-148.

  190. *Moisture Diffusivity Estimation by Temperature Response of a Drying Body (with Kanevce, G. H. and Kanevce, Lj. P.), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’2k, (editors: M. Tanaka and G. S. Dulikravich), Nagano, Japan, March 7-10, 2000, Elsevier Science Ltd, Amsterdam, pp. 43-52.

  191. Metamodel Integration Technology for Multidisciplinary Design (with Barton, R. R.), 2000 NSF Design & Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Vancouver, Canada, January 5-8, 2000.

  192. *Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Model of Axisymmetric Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows (with Ko, H.-J.), Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials, ASME IMECE’99, Editor: D. A. Siginer, Nashville, TN, November 14-19, 1999, ASME FED-Vol. 249, pp. 97-104.

  193. *Maximizing Multistage Axial Gas Turbine Efficiency Over a Range of Operating Conditions (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), Proceedings of 10TH Thermal & Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS’99), Ed: L. W. Griffin, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 13-17, 1999.

  194. *Non-Reflective Boundary Conditions for a Consistent Two-dimensional Planar Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flow Model (with H.-J. Ko), Forum on Functional Fluids, 1999 Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, Editors: G. S. Dulikravich, S. Sawada, and K. Yamane, San Francisco, CA, July 18 - 23, 1999.

  195. Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems (with Martin, T. J. and Dennis, B. H.), Invited Lecture, 3rd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (3icipe): Theory and Practice, Editor: K. Woodbury, Port Ludlow-Puget Sound, WA, June 13-18, 1999; ASME Engineering Foundation, pp.1-8.

  196. *Metamodel Integration Technology for Multidisciplinary Design, (with R. R. Barton), 1999 NSF Design & Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Los Angeles, CA, January 5-8, 1999.

  197. *Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Gas Turbine Blades, 1999 NSF Design & Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Los Angeles, CA, January 5-8, 1999.

  198. *Simultaneous Determination of Temperatures, Heat Fluxes, Deformations, and Tractions on Inaccessible Boundaries (with B. H. Dennis), Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics, ASME IMECE’98, Editors: L. G. Olson and S. Saigal, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 15-20, 1998, ASME AMD-Vol. 228, pp. 1-10.

  199. *A Fully Non-Linear Theory of Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (with H.-J. Ko), Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Non-Linear Materials, ASME IMECE’98, Editors: D. A. Siginer and D. De Kee, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 15-20, 1998, ASME FED-Vol. 246/MD-Vol.81, pp. 173-182.

  200. Aero-Thermal Optimization of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with T. J. Martin and Z.-X. Han), Minisymposium on Multidisciplinary-Optimum Design, Fourth ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Editors: K. Papailiou, D. Tsahalis, J. Periaux, D. Knoerzer, Athens, Greece, September 7-11, 1998, Vol. 2, pp.158-161, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

  201. *Aero-Thermo-Structural Design Optimization of Cooled Turbine Blades (with T. J. Martin, B. H. Dennis, E.-S. Lee, and Z.-X. Han), AGARD - AVT Propulsion and Power Systems Symposium on Design Principles and Methods for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines, NATO-RTO-MP-8 AC/323(AVT)TP/9, Ch. 35, Toulouse, France, May 11-15, 1998.

  202. *Fourier Series Solution for Inverse Design of Aerodynamic Shapes (with D. P. Baker), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’98, Editors: M. Tanaka and G.S. Dulikravich, Nagano City, Japan, March 24-27, 1998, Elsevier Science, pp. 427-436.

  203. *A Finite Element Formulation for the Detection of Boundary Conditions in Elasticity and Heat Conduction (with B. H. Dennis), International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics – ISIP’98, Editors: M. Tanaka and G. S. Dulikravich, Nagano, Japan, March 24-27, 1998, Elsevier Science, pp. 61-70.

  204. *Boundary Conditions for Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics (with Y.-H. Jing ), Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Non-Linear Materials, Editors: S. G. Advani and D. A. Siginer, ASME IMECE'97, Dallas, TX, Nov. 16-21, 1997, ASME FED-Vol. 243/MD-Vol. 78, pp. 101-117.

  205. *Thermo-Elastic Analysis and Optimization Environment for Internally Cooled Turbine Airfoils (with B. H. Dennis), XIII International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines (XIII ISABE), Editor: F. S. Billig, Chattanooga, TN, Sept. 8-12, 1997, ISABE 97-7181, Volume 2, pp. 1335-1341.

  206. *Aero-Thermal Analysis and Optimization of Internally Cooled Turbine Airfoils (with T. J. Martin), XIII International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines (XIII ISABE), Editor: F. S. Billig, Chattanooga, TN, Sept. 8-12, 1997, ISABE 97-7165, Volume 2, pp. 1232-1250.

  207. *Inverse Determination of Steady Local Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients (with T. J. Martin), Symposium on Inverse Design Problems in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Editors: G. S. Dulikravich and K. A. Woodbury, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 10-12, 1997, ASME HTD-Vol. 340, Volume 2, pp. 151-158.

  208. *Non-Iterative Inverse Determination of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivities (with T. J. Martin), Symposium on Inverse Design Problems in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Editors: G. S. Dulikravich and K. A. Woodbury, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 10-12, 1997, ASME HTD-Vol. 340, Volume 2, pp. 141-150.

  209. Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems and Solution Methods, (Invited Lecture with T. J. Martin), Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics - ATEM97, Editor: Y. Morimoto, Wakayama City, Osaka, Japan, July 25-26, 1997, pp. 83-88.

  210. Software for Solving Thermoelastic Problems on Arbitrary Domains Using Multigrid and Adaptive Mesh Refinement (with Dennis, B. H.). Third IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation, Jackson, WY, July 9-12, 1997.

  211. Inverse Determination of Boundary Conditions in Multi-domain Heat Transfer Problems, (Invited Lecture with T. J. Martin), BETECH '97 - 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology, Editor: J. Frankel, Knoxville, TN, April 9-11, 1997, pp. 99-110.

  212. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades, 1997 National Science Foundation Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Seattle, WA, January 7-10, 1997, pp. 29-30.

  213. Inverse Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Surfaces of 3-D Objects (with T. J. Martin), PanAmerican Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM-V), San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 2-4, 1997, in Applied Mechanics in the Americas, Editors: M. Rysz, L. A. Godoy and L. E. Suarez, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Vol. 5, pp. 133-136.

  214. Aero-Thermal-Structural Optimization (with T. J. Martin and B. H. Dennis), NASA/ICOMP 1996 Coolant Flow Management Workshop, Cleveland, Editors: S. Hippensteele and J. Gladden, OH, December 12-13, 1996, NASA Conference CP 10195, pp. 311-334.

  215. *Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Surfaces of Multidomain Three-Dimensional Electronic Components (with T. J. Martin), Symposium on Application of CAE/CAD to Electronic Systems, Editors: D. Agonafer, R. E. Fulton, G. J. Kowalski and P. Cierkus, 1996 ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, November 17-22, 1996, ASME EEP-Vol. 18, pp. 1-10.

  216. *Fully Conservative Forms of a System of Unified Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Equations (with Y.-H. Jing), Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials, Editors: D. A. Siginer and S. G. Advani, 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, November 17-22, 1996, AMD-Vol. 217, pp. 309-314.

  217. Finding Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Inaccessible Surfaces in 3-D Coated Rocket Nozzles (with T. J. Martin), 1995 JANNAF Non-Destructive Evaluation Propulsion Subcommittee Meeting, Tampa, FL, Dec. 4-8, 1995, Chemical Propulsion Information Agency - CPIA Publication 637, Dec. 1995, pp. 119-129.

  218. *Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics: Part 2 - A Survey of Mathematical Models (with S. R. Lynn), Symposium on Developments in Electrorheological Flows-1995, Editors: D. A. Siginer and G. S. Dulikravich, ASME WAM'95, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995, ASME FED-Vol. 235, MD-Vol. 71, pp. 59-70.

  219. *Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics: Part 1 - Introductory Concepts (with S. R. Lynn), Symposium on Developments in Electrorheological Flows-1995, Editors: D. A. Siginer and G. S. Dulikravich, ASME WAM'95, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995, ASME FED-Vol. 235, MD-Vol. 71, pp. 49-58.

  220. *Inverse Determination of Boundary Conditions in Steady Heat Conduction With Heat Generation (with T. J. Martin), Symposiums on Conjugate Heat Transfer, Inverse Problems, and Optimization, and Inverse Problems in Heat Transfer, Editors: W. J. Bryan and J. V. Beck, ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Portland, OR, August 6-8,1995, ASME HTD-Vol. 312, pp. 39-46.

  221. *Magnetic Field Control of Vorticity in Steady Incompressible Laminar Flows (with K.-Y. Choi and S. Lee), Symposium on Developments in Electrorheological Flows and Measurement Uncertainty 1994, ASME WAM'94,  Editors: D. A. Siginer, J. H. Kim, S. A. Sheriff and H. W. Colleman, Chicago, IL, November 6-11,1994, ASME FED-Vol. 205/AMD-Vol. 190, pp. 125-142.

  222. *An Interactive Multidisciplinary Analysis, Design & Optimization (MDA&O) Approach to Electronic Packaging (with N. F. Foster, T. J. Martin and J. D. Halderman), Symposium on CAE/CAD Application to Electronic Packaging, ASME WAM'94, Eds: D. Agonafer and R. E. Fulton, Chicago, IL, November 6-11,1994, ASME EEP-Vol. 9, pp. 15-24.

  223. *An Inverse Method for Finding Unknown Surface Tractions and Deformations in Elastostatics (with J. D. Halderman and T. J. Martin), Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics, ASME WAM'94, Editors: S. Saigal and L. G. Olson, Chicago, IL, November 6-11,1994, ASME AMD-Vol. 186, pp. 57-66.

  224. *Inverse Problems and Design in Heat Conduction (with T. J. Martin), 2nd IUTAM International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics, Editors: H. D. Bui, M. Tanaka, M. Bonnet, H. Maigre, E. Luzzato and M. Reynier, Paris, France, November 2-4, 1994, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994, pp. 13-20.

  225. Convergence Rate Enhancement of Navier-Stokes Codes on Clustered Grids (with K.-Y. Choi), 6th Annual Symposium of the Penn State - NASA Propulsion Eng. Research Center, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, September 13-14, 1994, pp. 177-181.

  226. *Finding Unknown Surface Temperatures and Heat Fluxes in Steady Heat Conduction (with T. J. Martin), 4th Intersociety Conference on Thermal Phenomena in Electronic Systems, Editors: A. Ortega and D. Agonafer, Washington, D. C., May 4-7, 1994, pp. 214-221.

  227. Convergence Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms Using a Sensitivity-Based Minimal Residual (SBMR) Method (with K. Y. Choi), 12th Workshop for Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications in Rocket Propulsion, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, April 19-21, 1994.

  228. *Inverse Determination of Temperatures and Heat Fluxes on Inaccessible Surfaces (with T. J. Martin), 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology - BETECH 94, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Eds: C. Brebbia and A. Kassab, Orlando, FL, March 16-18, 1994, pp. 69-76.

  229. *Dielectric Fluids Solidification With Charged Particles in Electric Fields and Reduced Gravity (with V. Ahuja), ASME WAM'94, Symposium on Heat Transfer in a Microgravity, Editors:  C. T. Avedisian and V. S. Arpaci, New Orleans, LA, November 29-December 3, 1993, ASME HTD-Vol. 269, pp. 119-130.

  230. Inverse Design of Three-Dimensional Shapes With Overspecified Thermal Boundary Conditions, Monograph on Inverse Problems in Mechanics, Editor: S. Kubo, Atlanta Technology Publications, Atlanta, GA, September1993, pp. 128-140.

  231. Reliability Enhancement of Navier-Stokes Codes Through Convergence Enhancement (with K.-Y. Choi), 5th Annual Symposium of the Penn State - NASA Propulsion Engineering Research Center, Editor: C. L. Merkle, University Park, PA, Sept. 8-9, 1993, pp. 173-178.

  232. A Direct Approach to Finding Unknown Boundary Conditions in Steady Heat Conduction (with T. J. Martin), 5th Annual Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop, Ohio Aerospace Institute-NASA Lewis Research Center, Editor: D. Darling, Brookpark, OH, August 16-20, 1993, NASA CP-10122, pp. 137-149.

  233. Three-Dimensional Solidification and Melting Using Magnetic Field Control (with V. Ahuja), 5th Annual Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop, Ohio Aerospace Institute-NASA Lewis Research Center, Editor: D. Darling, Brookpark, OH, August 16-20, 1993, NASA CP-10122, pp. 449-466.

  234. Unsteady Three-Dimensional Thermal Field Prediction In Turbine Blades Using Nonlinear BEM (with T. J. Martin), 5th Annual Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop, Ohio Aerospace Institute-NASA Lewis Research Center, Editor: D. Darling, Brookpark, OH, August 16-20, 1993, NASA CP-10122, pp. 467-476.

  235. *Simulation of Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer (with V. Ahuja and S. Lee), ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Symposium on Fundamentals of Heat Transfer in Electromagnetic, Electrostatic, and Acoustic Fields, Editors: Y. Bayazitoglu and V. S. Arpaci, Atlanta, GA, August 8-11, 1993, ASME HTD-Vol. 248, pp. 43-52.

  236. Computer Simulation of Free Flow Electrophoretic Separation (with S. Lee and V. Ahuja), 2nd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (ICFM-II), Editor: Zhang Zhaosun, Beijing, P. R. China, July 7-10, 1993.

  237. *Computations of Electro-Thermo-Convective Phenomena in Electro-Rheological Fluids (with S. Lee and V. Ahuja), ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Symposium on Electro-Rheological Flows, Eds:  D. A. Siginer, J. H. Kim and R. A. Bajura, Washington, D. C., June 21-24, 1993, ASME FED-Vol. 164, pp. 29-42.

  238. Transonic Airfoil Thickness Variation Requirements for Maintaining Shock-Free Flow (with H. Sobieczky), Smart Structures and Materials '93, Editors: N. W. Hagood and G. J. Knowles, Albuquerque, N.M., February1-4, 1993, SPIE Vol. 1917, pp. 119-124.

  239. Three-Dimensional Control of Crystal Growth Using Magnetic Fields (with V. Ahuja), Smart Structures and Materials ‘93, Smart Materials, Editor: V. K. Varadan, Albuquerque, N.M., February 1-4, 1993, SPIE Vol. 1916, pp. 65-75.

  240. Electrohydrodynamic Flow Simulation, Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM-III), Eds: M. R. M. Crespo da Silva, D. T. Mook, D. L. Zagottis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 4-8, 1993, pp. 303-306.

  241. Inverse Design of Super Elliptic Coolant Passages in Coated Turbine Blades With Specified Temperatures and Heat Fluxes (with T. J. Martin), AIAA paper 92-4714, 4th AIAA/Air Force/NASA/OAI Symposium of Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Cleveland, OH, September 21-23, 1992, pp. .

  242. *Determination of the Proper Number, Locations, Sizes and Shapes of Superelliptic Coolant Flow Passages in Turbine Blades (with T. J. Martin), Proceedings of ICHMT International Symposium on Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery, August 24-28, 1992, Athens, Greece, in Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery, Eds: R. J. Goldstein, A. I. Leontiev, D. E. Metzger, Begell House, Inc., New York, pp. 31-42.

  243. *Magnetized Fiber Orientation Control in Solidifying Composites: Numerical Simulation, (with B. Kosovic), 9th National Heat Transfer Conference, Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing, San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-12, 1992, ASME/HTD-Vol. 196, pp. 135-144.

  244. Unsteady Solidification in Microgravity (with B. Kosovic), 9th National Heat Transfer Conference, Symposium on Topics in Heat Transfer, Eds: R. S. Downing, L. Haas, S. Chellaiah, E. E. Anderson, K. Vafai, W. S. Chang and G. R. Cunnington, ASME/HTD-Vol. 206-3, San Diego, CA, Aug. 9-12, 1992, pp. 13-20.

  245. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Hypersonic Configurations Including Viscous Effects (with S. Sheffer), AIAA paper 92-2635, AIAA 10th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Palo Alto, June 22-24, 1992, pp. 343-351.

  246. Inverse Design and Optimization in Aerothermodynamics, 4th Annual Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Editor: J. V. Beck, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, June 11-12, 1992, pp. 112-127.

  247. Reliability Enhancement of Navier-Stokes Codes Through Convergence Enhancement (with C. Merkle, S. Venkateswaran, K. Choi and P. Buelow), Conference on Advanced Earth-to-Orbit Propulsion Technology, Editors:  R. J. Richmond and S. T. Wu, NASA MSFC, Huntsville, AL, May 19-21, 1992, NASA CP-3174, Vol. 2, pp. 114-123.

  248. Determination of Void Shapes, Sizes and Locations Inside an Object with Known Surface Temperature and Heat Flux (with T. J. Martin), IUTAM Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics, Tokyo, Japan, May 11-16, 1992, Editors: M. Tanaka and H. D. Bui, Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 489-496.

  249. Inverse Design of Proper Number, Shapes, Sizes and Locations of Coolant Flow Passages, 10th Workshop for Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications in Rocket Propulsion, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, April 28-30, 1992, NASA CP-3163, Part 1, pp. 467-486.

  250. *Solidification in Reduced Gravity With Magnetic Fields and Temperature-Dependent Physical Properties (with B. Kosovic and S. Lee), ASME WAM '91, Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer in Solidification Processing, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1-6, 1991, Editors: G. S. Advani and C. Beckermann, HTD-Vol. 175/MD-Vol. 25, pp. 61-73.

  251. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Arbitrary Hypersonic Vehicles (with S. Sheffer), 3rd Int. Conf. on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III), Editor: G. S. Dulikravich, Washington, DC, Oct. 23-25, 1991, pp. 347-358.

  252. *Freezing Under the Influence of a Magnetic Field:  Computer Simulation (with B. Kosovic and S. Lee), 1991 ICHMT International Symposium on Macroscopic and Microscopic Heat & Mass Transfer in Biomedical Eng., Athens, Greece, Sept. 2-6, 1991, Editors: K. R. Diller and A. Shitzer, Hemisphere Publishing Co., 1992, pp. 337-356.

  253. *Computation of Magnetohydrodynamic Flows With Joule Heating and Buoyancy (with S. Lee), International Aerospace Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 13-17, 1991.

  254. Interaction of a Magnetic Field With Blood Flow (with B. Kosovic and S. Lee), 17th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT, April 4-5, 1991, pp. 79.

  255. Computer Simulation of Electrophoretic Separation Processes, (with B. Kosovic and S. Lee), 17th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Univ. of Connecticut, Hartford, CT, April 4-5, 1991, pp. 89.

  256. Reliability Enhancement of Navier-Stokes Codes Through Convergence Acceleration (with S. Lee), 2nd Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM), Editors: D. Mook and P. Kittl, Valpareiso, Chile, January 2-5, 1991, pp. 433-435.

  257. *Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms Using Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method (with S. Lee), 2nd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Editor: I. Doltsinis, Stuttgart, F. R. Germany, August 27-31, 1990, pp. 128-131.

  258. *Grid Generation Using a Posteriori Optimization With Geometrically Normalized Functionals (with B. W. Siebert), AIAA paper 90-3048, AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 20-22, 1990, pp. 917-924.

  259. *Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Hypersonic Missiles (with R. Buss, E. Strang and S. Lee), AIAA paper 90-3073, AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 20-22, 1990, pp. 840-845.

  260. *Accelerated Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows With Heat Transfer (with S. Lee), First International Conference on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Editor: Chen, N.-X. and Jiang, H.-D., Beijing, P.R. China, July 7-11, 1990, pp. 25-34.

  261. Shape Determination Via Optimization in Multiply Connected Domains, 3rd Annual Inverse Problems in Engineering Seminar, Ed: J. V. Beck, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI, June 25-26, 1990. pp. 75-86.

  262. A Stream-Function-Coordinate (SFC) Concept in Aerodynamic Shape Design, AGARD Specialist Workshop on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications, AGARD-R-780, Editor: R. V. D. Braembussche, VKI, Brussels, Belgium, May 14-18, 1990, pp. 6.1-6.6.

  263. Aerodynamic Shape Design, AGARD Specialist Workshop on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications, AGARD-R-780, Editor: R. V. D. Braembussche, VKI, Brussels, Belgium, May 14-18, 1990, pp. 1.1-1.10.

  264. *Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method for Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with S. Lee), CFD Symposium on Aeropropulsion, Editors: M.-S. Liou and L. I. Povinelli, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, April 24-26, 1990, NASA CP 3078, pp. 259-279.

  265. Computer Simulation of Convective Cooling Effectiveness Inside Turning Passages (with S. Lee), 16th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Editor: R. Gaumont, Penn State University, University Park, PA, March 26-27, 1990, pp. 27-28.

  266. A Fast Iterative Algorithm for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations, (with S. Lee), Proceedings of 10th Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Editor: A. M. D. de Figueiredo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 7-10, 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 193-195.

  267. *An Active Control System for Thermal Fields in Hypothermic Processes (with C. Ambrose and L. J. Hayes), National Heat Transfer Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 6-9, 1989, Editor: S. B. Yilmaz, AIChE Symposium Series 269, Vol. 85, pp. 440-405.

  268. Cryopreservation Perfusion Flow Simulation Using Navier-Stokes Equations (with S. Lee), CRYO '89 Cryobiology Society 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, June 11-16, 1989, Abstract no. 136.

  269. *Physically Based Artificial Dissipation Concepts in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 7th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Editor: T. J. Chung, Huntsville, AL, April 3-7, 1989, pp. 1199-1204.

  270. Control of Interior Cooling Rates in Heterogeneous Materials by Varying, Surface Thermal Boundary Conditions (with J. V. Madison and L. J. Hayes), 1st Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM), Editors: C. R. Steele and L. Bevilacqua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 3-6, 1989, pp. 420-423.

  271. *Control of Surface Temperatures to Optimize Survival in Cryopreservation, (with L. J. Hayes), ASME WAM'88, Chicago, IL, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2. 1988, Symposium on Computational Methods in Bioengineering, Editors: R. L. Spilker and B. R. Simon, ASME BED -Vol. 9, pp. 255-265.

  272. *Iterative Acceleration and Physically Based Dissipation for Euler Equations of Gasdynamics (with D. J. Dorney and S. Lee), ASME WAM'88, Chicago, IL, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2. 1988, Symposium on Advances and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ed.,: O. Baysal, ASME FED - Vol. 66, pp. 81-92.

  273. Distributed Minimal Residual (DMR) Method for Explicit Algorithms Applied to Nonlinear Systems (with S. Lee and D. J. Dorney), Conference on Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems, Editor: D. Kinkaid, Austin, TX, Oct. 19-21, 1988, pp. 13.

  274. A Cavitation Model Based on Gasdynamic Formulation, Conference on Hydraulic Machinery, Editor: B. Velensek, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Sept. 13-15, 1988, pp. 353-360.

  275. *Physically Consistent Models for Artificial Dissipation in Transonic Potential Flow Computations (with K. W. Mortara and L. Marraffa), AIAA Paper 88-3653, First National Fluid Dynamics Congress, Cincinnati, OH, July 24-28, 1988, Volume I, pp. 280-287.

  276. *Optimization of Container Wall Temperature Variation During Transplant Tissue Cooling (with J. V. Madison and L. J. Hayes), International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Eng. Sciences (ICIDES-II), Editor: G. S. Dulikravich, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA, Oct. 26-28, 1987, pp. 321-336.

  277. *Computations of Unsteady Dissociating Nitrogen Flows (with L. Marraffa and G. S. Deiwert), 7th GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Sept. 9-11, 1987, Editor: M. Deville, in Notes on Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1988, Vol. 20, pp. 211-218.

  278. Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Viscous Unsteady Dissociating Nitrogen Flows (with L. Marraffa and G. S. Deiwert), AIAA paper 87-2549-CP, AIAA 5th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Monterey, CA, Aug. 17-19, 1987.

  279. Acceleration of Explicit Multi-Stepping Algorithms, First International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Paris, France, June 29-July 3, 1987, Book of Abstracts, pp. 130.

  280. Inverse Design and Optimization of Cryopreservation Procedures (with L. J. Hayes and T. L. Chiang), 2nd ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22-27, 1987; ASME Book #I02195, pp. 525-529.

  281. *Inverse Design of Coolant Flow Passages in Ceramically Coated Scram-Jet Combustor Struts (with T. L. Chiang and L. J. Hayes), ASME WAM'86, Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, Editors: Chen and K. Vafai, Anaheim, CA, Dec. 1986, ASME HTD-Vol. 62, pp. 1-6.

  282. A Comparison of Grid Generation Techniques (with S. R. Kennon), INFOMART-ACM/IEEE Computer Society 1986 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Editors: H. S. Stone and S. Winkler, Dallas, TX, Nov. 2-6, 1986, pp. 568-575.

  283. Acceleration Methods for Iterative Algorithms (with C. Y. Huang and S. R. Kennon), First World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, Sept. 22-26, 1986.

  284. *Composite Computational Grid Generation Using Optimization (with S. R. Kennon), First International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Editors: J. Haeuser and C. Taylor, Landshut, W. Germany, July 14-17, 1986, pp. 217- 226.

  285. *Analysis of Unsteady Compressible Cascade Flows Using Boundary Element and Free-Vortex Method (with T. Fujinami), 6th International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Antibes, France, June 16-20, 1986, pp. 131-136.

  286. Free-Vortex Method Simulation of Unsteady Airfoil/Vortex Interaction (with T. Fujinami and A. Hassan), AIAA 4th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, June 9-12, 1986, pp. 189-196.

  287. *Generation of Optimum Three-Dimensional Computational Grids (with R. Carcaillet and S. R. Kennon), 6th GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Editors: D. Rues and W. Kordulla, Goettingen, Germany, Sept. 25-27, 1985, pp. 39-46.

  288. *Inverse Design of Multiholed Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with S. R. Kennon), International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-I), Editor: G. S. Dulikravich, Austin, TX, October 17-18, 1984, pp. 217-240.

  289. *Efficient Turbomachinery Grid Generation Using Traupel's Conformal Mapping (with S. R. Kennon), 1983 ASME Applied Mechanics, Bioengineering and Fluids Conference, Symposium on Advances in Grid Generation, Houston, TX, June 20-22, 1983, Editors: K. N. Ghia and U. Ghia, ASME FED-Vol. 5, 1983, pp. 199-204.

  290. Artificial Mass Concept and Transonic Viscous Flow Equation (with P. Niederdrenk), First Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing, Washington, D.C., May 9-11, 1983, pp. 259-268.

  291. *Fast Generation of Three-Dimensional Computational Boundary Conforming Periodic Grids of C-type, in Numerical Grid Generation, Editor: J. F. Thompson, North Holland Publishers, The Netherlands, 1982, pp. 563-584.

  292. *Numerical Calculation of Transonic Axial Turbomachinery Flows, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 141, Springer-Verlag, 1981, pp. 164-169.

  293. Fast Generation of Body Conforming Grids for 3-D Axial Turbomachinery Flow Calculation, Workshop on Numerical Grid Generation Techniques for Partial Differential Equations, NASA Langley, Hampton, VA, Oct. 6-7, 1980, NASA CP-2166, 1980, AIAA paper 80-0605, pp. 241-252.

  294. Numerical Calculation of Steady Inviscid Full Potential Compressible Flow About Wind Turbine Blades, AIAA/SERI Wind Energy Conference, Boulder, CO, April 9-11, 1980, pp. 14-19.

Individual Technical Papers Not in Bound Proceedings (*Refereed)

  1. Optimization Approaches for Contamination Event Identification (with Baun, S. A. and Bagtzoglou, A. C.), Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Homeland Security, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, August 12-13, 2004.

  2. *Simultaneous Prediction of External Flow-Field and Temperature in Internally Cooled 3-D Turbine Blade Material (Z.-X. Han and B. H. Dennis), ASME Turbo-Expo-2000, Munich, Germany, May 8-11, 2000, ASME paper 2000-GT-0253.

  3. *Optimization of Multistage Turbines Using a Through-flow Code (with Petrovic, M. V. and Martin, T. J.), ASME Turbo-Expo-2000, Munich, Germany, May 8-11, 2000, ASME paper 2000-GT-0521.

  4. *Constrained Shape Optimization of Airfoil Cascades Using a Navier-Stokes Solver and a Genetic/SQP Algorithm (with B. H. Dennis and Z.-X. Han), ASME paper 99-GT-441, ASME Turbo Expo, Indianapolis, IN, June 7-10, 1999.

  5. *Minimization of Coolant Mass Flow Rate in Internally Cooled Gas Turbine Blades (with T. J. Martin, Z.-X. Han and B. H. Dennis), ASME paper 99-GT-146, ASME Turbo Expo, Indianapolis, IN, June 7-10, 1999.

  6. *Maximizing Multistage Turbine Efficiency by Optimizing Hub and Shroud Shapes and Inlet and Exit Conditions of Each Blade Row (with M. V. Petrovic and T. J. Martin), ASME paper 99-GT-071, ASME Turbo Expo, Indianapolis, IN, June 7-10, 1999.

  7. *Aerodynamic Shape Inverse Design Using a Fourier Series Method (with D. P. Baker), AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 11-14, 1999, AIAA paper 99-0185.

  8. *Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Genetic Evolution and Gradient Search Algorithms (with N. F. Foster and J. Bowles), AIAA paper 96-0555, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 15-19, 1996.

  9. *Shape Inverse Design and Optimization for Three-Dimensional Aerodynamics, Invited Lecture, AIAA paper 95-0695, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 9-12, 1995.

  10. *A Numerical Method for Solving Cascades Inverse Problems Using Navier-Stokes Equations (with Z.-M. Wang), AIAA paper 95-0304, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 9-12, 1995.

  11. *Three-Dimensional Coolant Passage Design for Specified Temperatures and Heat Fluxes (with T. J. Martin), AIAA paper 94-0348, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 10-13, 1994.

  12. Constrained Optimization of Three Dimensional Hypersonic Vehicle Configurations (with S. G. Sheffer), AIAA Paper 93-0039, Reno, NV, January 11-14, 1993.

  13. Three-Dimensional Solidification With Magnetic Fields and Reduced Gravity (with S. Lee and V. Ahuja), AIAA paper 93-0912, Reno, NV, January 11-14, 1993.

  14. Solidification of Variable Property Melts Under the Influence of Low Gravity, Magnetic Fields and Electric Fields (with B. Kosovic), AIAA paper 92-0694, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 6-9, 1992.

  15. *Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Flow Modeling and Computations (with S. Lee and B. Kosovic), AIAA paper 91-1469, AIAA Fluid Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-26, 1991.

  16. *Minimization of the Number of Cooling Holes in Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (with B. Kosovic), ASME paper 91-GT-101, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, Orlando, FL, June 3-6, 1991.

  17. *Aerodynamic Shape Design Using Stream-Function-Coordinate (SFC) Formulation, AIAA paper 91-0189, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 7-10, 1991.

  18. *Aerodynamic Shape Design and Optimization, AIAA paper 91-0476, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 7-10, 1991.

  19. *Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Computations in Three Dimensions (with S. Lee), AIAA Paper 91-0388, Aerospace Scienes Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 7-10, 1991.

  20. *Performance Analysis of DMR Method for Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms (with S. Lee), AIAA paper 91-0241, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 7-10, 1991.

  21. *A Criteria for Surface Velocity Specification in Aerodynamic Shape Design, AIAA paper 90-0124, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 8-11, 1990.

  22. *Accelerated Computation of Viscous, Steady, Incompressible Flows (with S. Lee), ASME paper 89-GT-45, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 4-8, 1989.

  23. *Artificial Dissipation Sensors for Computational Gasdynamics (with D. J. Dorney), AIAA paper 89-0643, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 8-12, 1989.

  24. *Numerical Versus Physical Dissipation in the Solution of Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations (with D. J. Dorney and S. Lee), AIAA paper 89-0550, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 8-12, 1989.

  25. *Acceleration of Iterative Algorithms for Euler Equations of Gasdynamics (with S. Lee and D. J. Dorney), AIAA paper 89-0097, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 8-12, 1989.

  26. *A Comparative Study of Iterative Algorithms for the Euler Equations of Gasdynamics (with D. J. Dorney and K. Lee), AIAA paper 89-0114, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 8-12, 1989.

  27. *A Survey of the Reaction Rate Constants for the Thermal Dissociation and Recombination of Nitrogen and Oxygen (with L. Marraffa, T. C. Keeney, and G. S. Deiwert), AIAA Paper 88-0754, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 12-15, 1988.

  28. *Analysis of Numerical Dissipation Models for Transonic Full Potential Equations, AIAA paper 88-0711, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 12-15, 1988.

  29. *Theory of Unsteady Compressible Irrotational Flows Including Heat Conductivity and Longitudinal Viscosity (with S. R. Kennon), AIAA paper 88-0709, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 12-15, 1988.

  30. *A Hodograph-Based Method for the Design of Shock-Free Cascades (with A. Hassan), AIAA paper 87-0606, AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 12-15, 1987.

  31. *Viscous/Inviscid Computations of Transonic Separated Flows Over Solid and Porous Cascades (with C. R. Olling), ASME Paper 86-GT-235, 31st ASME Gas Turbine Conference, Dusseldorf, W. Germany, June 9-12, 1986.

  32. *Inverse Design of Composite Turbine Blade Circular Coolant Flow Passages (with T. L. Chiang), ASME Paper 86-GT-190, 31st ASME Gas Turbine Conference, Dusseldorf, W. Germany, June 9-12, 1986.

  33. *Polynomial Elimination Theory and Non-Linear Stability Analysis for the Euler Equations (with S. R. Kennon and D. C. Jespersen), AIAA Paper 86-0554, AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 6-9, 1986.

  34. *Inverse Design of Coolant Flow Passage Shapes with Partially Fixed Internal Geometries (with S. R. Kennon), ASME Paper 85-GT-118, 30th ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, Houston, TX, March 17-21, 1985.

  35. *A Posteriori Optimization of Computational Grids (with S. R. Kennon), AIAA Paper No. 85-0483, AIAA 23rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 14-17, 1985.

  36. *Common Misconceptions in the Computations of Transonic Potential Flows, ASME Paper No. 84-GT-211, 20th ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-7, 1984.

  37. *Supercritical Cascade Flow Analysis with Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction (with P. Niederdrenk and H. Sobieczky), AIAA Paper No. 83-1752, AIAA 16th Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Conf., Denvers, MA, July 12-24, 1983.

  38. *Design of Shock-Free Compressor Cascades Including Viscous Boundary Layer Effects (with H. Sobieczky), ASME Paper No. 83-GT-134, 28th International Gas Turbine Conf., Phoenix, AZ, March 27-31, 1983.

  39. *A Computational Design Method for Transonic Turbomachinery Cascades (with H. Sobieczky), ASME Paper No. 82-GT-117, 27th International Gas Turbine Conference, London, Great Britain, April 18-22, 1982.


Technical Reports

  1. Parameterized Aerospace Vehicles for Aerothermodynamic Optimization (with H. Sobieczky), DLR-Technical Note H95F-12.93, Goettingen, Germany, December 1993.

  2. A Physically Consistent Model for Artificial Dissipation in Transonic Potential Flow Computations (with K. Mortara and L. Marraffa), NASA TM 100846, ICOMP-88-6, May 1988.

  3. CFD02-FORTRAN Program for Accurate Analysis of Steady Compressible Airfoil and Cascade Flows Using High Order Surface Panel Method (with T. Fujinami), Computational Fluid Dynamics Group, Report UTCFD200-85, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1985.

  4. GSD28-FORTRAN Program for Analysis and Design of Shock-Free Transonic Airfoils and Turbomachinery Cascades Including Viscous/Inviscid Interaction (with C. R. Olling), Computational Fluid Dynamics Group, Report UTCFD, 100-85, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, September 1985.

  5. WBCTG31-FORTRAN Program for Efficient Three-dimensional Computational Grid Generation for Wing-Body-Canard-Tail Realistic Aircraft Configurations (with D. M. Sommerfield), Fluid Dynamics Group of the Bureau of Engineering Research Report No. 84-100, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, November 1984.

  6. Artificial Mass Concept and Transonic Viscous Flow Equation (with P. Niederdrenk), ARO Report 84-1, Jan. 1984.

  7. GRID3C-Computer Program for Generation of C-Type Multilevel, Three-Dimensional, Boundary Conforming Periodic Grids, NASA CR 167846, March 1982.

  8. Fast Generation of Three-Dimensional Computational Boundary Conforming Periodic Grids of C-type, NASA CR 165596, June 1982.

  9. CAS22-FORTRAN Program for Fast Design and Analysis of Shock Free Airfoil Cascades (with H. Sobieczky), NASA CR 3507, January 1982.

  10. GRID30-Computer Program for Generation of Multilevel, Three-Dimensional, O-type Boundary Conforming Computational Grids, NASA TP 1920, September 1981.

  11. Shockless Design and Analysis of Transonic Blade Shapes (with H. Sobieczky), NASA TM 82611, June 1981.

  12. Numerical Calculation of Transonic Axial Turbomachinery Flows, NASA TM 81544, June 1980.

  13. WIND-Computer Program for Calculation of Three-Dimensional Potential, Compressible Flow About Wind Turbine Rotor Blades, NASA TP 1729, October 1980.

  14. CAS2D-FORTRAN Program for Nonrotating, Blade-to-Blade, Steady, Potential Transonic Cascade Flows, NASA TP 1705, July 1980.

  15. Numerical Calculation of Steady Inviscid Full Potential Compressible Flow About Wind Turbine Blades, NASA TM 81438, April 1980.

  16. Finite Volume Calculation of Transonic Potential Flow Through Rotors and Fans (with D. A. Caughey), FDA-80-03 Report, Mech. and Aerospace Eng. Dept., Cornell University, March 1980.


Published Book Reviews

  1. Magnetofluddynamics in Channels and Containers (by U. Mueller and L. Buehler), Sringer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001, 210 pp, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 55, no. 1, January 2002, pp. B14.

  2. A History of Aerodynamics and Impact on Flying Machines (by John D. Anderson, Jr.), McGraw Hill, 1998, 496 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 51, no. 7, July 1998, pp. B61-B62.

  3. Computational Grids: Generation, Adaptation, and Solution Strategies (by G. F. Carey), Taylor & Francis, Bristol, PA 1997, 496 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 51, no. 3, March 1998, pp. B23.

  4. Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows (by G. A. Bird), Oxford Engineering Science Series, Vol. 42, New York, 458 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 49, no. 4, April 1996, pp. B49-B50.

  5. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (by K. W. Morton and D. F. Mayers), Cambridge UP, NY, 1994, 227 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 48, No. 9, September 1995, pp. B122.

  6. Computational Methods in Physics and Engineering (by S. S. M. Wong), Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1992, 677 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 46, No. 5, May 1993, pp. B69.

  7. Heat Conduction Using Green's Function (by J. V. Beck, K. D. Cole, A. Haji-Sheikh, B, Lithouki), Hemisphere, NY, 1992, 523 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 45, No. 9, September 1992, pp. B128-B129.

  8. Boundary Element Methods for Two-Dimensional Contact Problems (by G. Karami), Springer, NY, 1989, 243 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 43, No. 6, June 1990, pp. B129.

  9. Boundary Elements (by C. A. Brebbia and J. Dominguez), McGraw-Hill, NY, 1989, 292 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1989, pp. B113.

  10. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed. with separate solutions manual (by J. A. Roberson and C. T. Crowe), Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 1985, 979 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 39, No. 7, July 1986, pp. 1035.

  11. Compressible Fluid Flow (by M. A. Saad), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985, 560 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 38, No. 12, December 1985, pp. 1661.

  12. Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Engines (by W. W. Bathie), Wiley, NY, 1984, 385 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 38, No. 3, Sec. 1, March 1985, pp. 276-277.

  13. A Mathematical Method for Design of Turbine Blade Cascades for Small Subsonic Mach Numbers (by M. Ruzicka and L. Spacek), Monographs and Memoranda no. 29, Nat. Research Institute for Machine Design, Bechovice, Czechoslovakia, 1981, 121 pp., Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 36, No. 1, Jan. 1983, pp. 121-122.


Other Technical Publications

  1. Inverse Design Methods in Internal Fluid Mechanics, Lecture Notes written by G. S. Dulikravich for a one-day course delivered at the United Technologies Research Center (UTECA/NMT), Hartford, CT, March 1988.

  2. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Research at Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (with E. F. Brown), ONR ESNIB 87-02, pp. 59-61.

  3. The Aerodynamic Inverse Problem, ASE/EM Department Lecture Notes No. 83-02 written by W. Chin (edited by G.S. Dulikravich), University of Texas at Austin, Dec. 1983.

  4. Design Aspects of Transonic Aerodynamics, ASE/EM Department Lecture Notes No. 83-01 written by H. Sobieczky (edited by G. S. Dulikravich), University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 1983.


Plenary, Keynote and Invited Lectures at Conferences

  1. Plenary Lecture, IIPP-XIII, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 12-20, 2021.

  2. Plenary Lecture, IPDO2019, Tianjin, China, September 24-26, 2019.

  3. Zienkiewicz Lecture, MAFELAP 2019, Brunnel University, U.K., June 17-21, 2019.

  4. Plenary Lecture, ASME IMECE2017, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  5. Invited Lecture, ASME IMECE 2017, Tampa, FL, Nov. 3-9, 2017.

  6. Keynote Lecture, CONEM214 - National Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Uberlandia, Brazil, August 10-15, 2014.

  7. Invited Lecture, ThermaComp2014, Bled, Slovenia, June 2-4, 2014.

  8. Plenary Lecture, EUROGEN2013, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, October 7-9, 2013.

  9. Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, October 21-26, 2012.

  10. Invited Lecture, High Fidelity 3D Multiscale Materials Modeling and Experimental Analysis Workshop, ARMY ERDC, Vicksburg, MS, Aug. 2-3, 2011.

  11. Best Paper Award by AMS Technical Committee, Symposium at the 2011 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Washington, DC, August 28-31, 2011.

  12. Keynote Lecture, 13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering-ENCIT, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, December 5-10, 2010.

  13. Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Computational Methods, Zhangjiajie, P. R. China, November 19-21, 2010.

  14. Keynote Lecture, IPDO2010-Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, August 25-27, 2010.

  15. Invited Lecture, Panel on Bioheat Transfer (org: Kahlen, F.-J.), 14th International Heat Transfer Conference - IHTC, Washington, D.C., August 7-13, 2010.

  16. Plenary Lecture, Second International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications, Beijing, P. R. China, July 12 – July 15, 2010.

  17. Keynote Lecture, Energy and Thermal Sciences Symposium at COBEM, 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Gramado, Brazil, November 15-20, 2009.

  18. Invited Lecture, ECCOMAS – Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Fira, Santorini Island, Greece, May 25-28, 2005.

  19. Invited Lecture, 10th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering – ENCIT2004, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, November 29 - December 3, 2004.

  20. Invited Lecture, mini-symposium on “Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics”, 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Beijing, China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  21.  Invited Lecture, mini-symposium on “Computational Electro-magneto-hydro-dynamics”, 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Beijing, China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  22. Keynote Lecture, International Thermal Science Seminar - ITSS II, ASME-ICHMT-ZSIS, Bled, Slovenia, June 13-16, 2004.

  23. Keynote Lecture, ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 21-23, 2003.

  24. Keynote Lecture, mini-symposium on “Computational Treatment of Inverse Problems in Mechanics” at the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 7 – 12, 2002.

  25. Invited Lecture, minisymposium on “Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Optimization”, at the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-V), Vienna, Austria, July 7 – 12, 2002.

  26. Invited Lecture, EUROGEN 2001 - Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems, Athens, Greece, Sept. 19-21, 2001.

  27. Invited Lecture, Mini-Symposium on Inverse Problems - State of the Art and Future Trends, XXIV Brazilian Congress on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Sept. 10-13, 2001, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

  28. Invited Lecture, 3rd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (3icipe): Theory and Practice, Editor: K. Woodbury, Port Ludlow-Puget Sound, WA, June 13-18, 1999.

  29. Invited Lecture, Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics - ATEM97, Wakayama City, Osaka, Japan, July 25-26, 1997.

  30. Invited Lecture, BETECH '97 - 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology, Knoxville, TN, April 9-11, 1997.

  31. Invited Lecture, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 9-12, 1995.

  32. Invited Lecture, 10th Seminar of Applied Mathematics, Budva, Yugoslavia, May 29-31, 1995.

4. Research
4. Research

Areas of Expertise

  1. Multi-Disciplinary (Aero-Thermo-Structural-Electro-Magnetics) Analysis, Inverse Design, and Optimization

  2. Hybrid Single-Objective and Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms and Response Surface Metamodels

  3. Methods for Accelerating Iterative Algorithms for Solution of Systems of Partial Differential Equations

  4. Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows and Solidification Modeling, Simulation, and Design Optimization

  5. Design Optimization of 3D Cooling Topology for Objects Subjected to High Heat Fluxes

  6. Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Elasticity Simulation, Inverse Design and Optimization

  7. Non-destructive evaluation algorithms using thermal and elasticity boundary conditions

  8. Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimization of Supersonic Low Boom Passanger Airplanes

  9. Multi-Objective Evolutionary Design Optimization of Alloy Chemistry and Molecules with Multiple Functionalities

  10. Computational Simulation and Optimization of Cooling Protocols for Living Organs Destined for Long Term Transportation to Transplantation Site


Current Research Interests

  1. Development of graphically interactive modular software for fluid dynamics-thermal-elasticity-electric-magnetic-chemistry multi-disciplinary analysis, inverse design, and constrained multi-objective evolutionary design optimization accounting for uncertainties in a distributed parallel computing environment

  2. Development of optimized control algorithms for using electric, magnetic and thermal fields in convective heat transfer with phase change

  3. Optimization of realistic three-dimensional flight vehicle configurations for minimized aerodynamic drag, maximum lift/drag ratio, and minimized aerodynamic surface heating

  4. Non-destructive inverse determination of temperature-dependent and spatially varying thermal conductivity and specific heat of solids

  5. Non-destructive detection of voids inside solid objects with over-specified thermal boundary conditions

  6. Development of methods for acceleration of iterative algorithms for large systems of nonlinear partial differential equations on highly clustered non-orthogonal computational grids using Krylov subspaces

  7. Development of hybrid multi-objective constrained evolutionary optimization algorithms

  8. Development of fast multi-dimensional response surface algorithms for very high number of variables

  9. Inverse parameter identification algorithms for large number of parameters

  10. Design optimization of multi-layer graphene based heat spreading coatings for very high heat flux loads

  11. Computation of turbulent, three-dimensional, multi-phase flows with heat transfer and chemistry

  12. Proper orthogonal decomposition methods for accelerating computations of multiphase flows

  13. Inverse design and optimization of two-and-three-dimensional branching coolant flow network topologies for cooling/heating of arbitrary shaped configurations with thermally-dependent properties

  14. Inverse methods for determining variable convective heat transfer coefficients on inaccessible surfaces

  15. Inverse determination of strengths and locations of heating sources inside arbitrarily shaped objects based on temperature and heat flux measurements on the boundaries

  16. Optimization of time-variation of thermal boundary conditions during constrained unsteady cooling of human organs with specified maximum allowed thermal stresses

  17. Prediction of two-dimensional and three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer in internally cooled configurations including optimally branched multi-floor networks of micro-channels

  18. Development of algorithms for design of molecules of new refrigerants having multiple desired functionalities (minimized GWP, flammability, toxicity and maximized thermodynamic efficiency)

  19. Inverse determination of modulus of elasticity spatial distribution using boundary measurements

  20. Development of a method for achieving desired orientations and concentrations of micro-particles in composites

  21. Development of optimization algorithms for determining optimum thermal treatment protocols for alloys

  22. Multi-objective optimization of concentrations of alloying elements in arbitrary alloys and metallic glasses

  23. Multi-objective design optimization of winglets and bladelets on propeller type wind turbine blades


Grants and Contracts

  1. Development of a Computer Program for the Finite Volume Computation of Full Potential Three-dimensional Transonic Axial Turbomachinery Flows (P. I.) (NRC-NAS-NASA, June 1, 1979-June 30, 1980). $20,000

  2. Development of a Computer Program for the Finite Volume Computation of Full Potential Three-Dimensional Transonic Radial Turbomachinery Flows (P. I.) (Universities Space Research Association-NASA Lewis Research Center, Nov. 9, 1980-May 9, 1982). $49,050

  3. Development of a Transonic Cascade Flow Analysis Code Using Viscous/Inviscid Coupling Concepts (P. I.) (NASA Lewis Research Center: (Sept. 1, 1982-August 31, 1983). $59,989

  4. Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Nonunique Solutions of the Full Potential Equation in the Case of Shocked Transonic Flows (P. I.) (University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 1, 1982-Aug. 31, 1983). $3,000

  5. Development of a Design Computer Program for Low Noise Shock-Free Cavitating Hydrofoils P. I.) (Univ. of Texas at Austin - Univ. Res. Inst.:  May 11, 1983-Aug. 31, 1983. $3,000

  6. Computational Grid Generation for Wing-Body-Canard-Tail Configuration (P. I.) (Lockheed-Georgia Co.:  Dec. 1, 1983-Aug. 31, 1984. $9,000

  7. The Inverse Design of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades (P. I.) (University of Texas at Austin - University Research Institute:  Dec. 21, 1983 - Aug. 31, 1984). $4,250

  8. Aerodynamic Analysis Package for AQUILA-Type Remotely Piloted Vehicle (P. I.) (Lockheed-Austin:  Aug. 1, 1984 -December 31, 1984). $9,938

  9. Optimum Acceleration Factors for Iterative Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Systems, (Co-P. I. with D. M. Young), (AFOSR:  Dec. 1, 1984-Nov. 31, 1986). $137,999

  10. Three-Dimensional Transonic Potential Flow Prediction About Complete High Wing Configuration (P. I.) (Lockheed-GA, Co.: Jan. 15, 1985-May 31, 1985). $3,500

  11. Optimum Relaxation Factors for Fast Iterative Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations (P. I.) (NASA: May 1, 1985-Sept. 30, 1985). $7,000

  12. Generation of Optimal Three-Dimensional Computational Grids (P. I.) (Lockheed-Georgia, Co., (Sept. 1, 1985 - Aug. 31, 1986). $12,000

  13. Generation of Composite Solution-Adaptive Computational Grids (P. I.) (NASA:  March 1, 1986-Feb. 28, 1988). $30,000

  14. Physical Modeling and Computations of Hypersonic Flows (P. I.) (NASA: April 1, 1986-March 31, 1988). $80,000

  15. Feasibility Study of Optimized Cooling Container for Living Tissue Banking (P. I.) (Pennsylvania Research Corp.: June 1, 1986 - May 31, 1987). $14,697

  16. Generalized Non-Linear Minimal Residual (GNLMR) Method for Optimal Multi-Step Iterative Algorithms (P. I.) (AFOSR: Jan. 15, 1987 - Jan. 14, 1988). $56,980

  17. Solution Adaptive 3-D Optimized Composite Computational Grid Generation with Applications to Turbomachinery and Reacting Flows (P. I.) (Allison Gas Turbine Company: January 1, 1987-December 31, 1988). $18,000

  18. International Conference of Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (P. I.) (ONR:  July 1, 1987 - Dec. 31, 1987). $20,000

  19. International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (P. I.) (ONR:  July 1, 1987 - Jan. 31, 1988). $20,000

  20. Generalized Non-Linear Minimal Residual (GNLMR) Method for Acceleration of Explicit Algorithms or Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (P. I.) (AFOSR:  Jan. 15, 1988 - Oct. 14, 1988). $48,871

  21. Radiation Modeling and Dissipation Effects in Hypersonic Flow Computations (P. I.) (NASA: May 1,1989-April 30, 1991). $25,000

  22. Three-Dimensional Unsteady Turbulent Thermoviscous Two-Phase Modeling of Volcanic Jets and Direction Blasts Including Radiation Effects Over Realistic Topography (Co-P.I. with B. Voight) (NSF: June 15, 1990 - Nov. 30, 1992).            $17,700

  23. Inverse Design and Optimization of High Bypass Jet Engine Inlet-Cowl Configuration (P. I.) (NASA:  Sept. 15, 1990 - Dec. 31, 1991). $21,757

  24. Reliability Enhancement of Navier-Stokes Codes Through Convergence Acceleration (Co-P.I. with C. L. Merkle) (NASA:  June 15, 1991 - Sept. 30, 1994). $445,000

  25. Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III) (P. I.) (NSF:  Sept. 1, 1990 - Dec. 31, 1991). $20,000

  26. Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III) P. I.) (ONR:  Sept. 1, 1990 - Dec. 31, 1991). $20,000

  27. Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III) (P. I.) (NASA:  Sept. 1, 1990 - Dec. 31, 1991). $20,000

  28. Modeling Flow and Heat Transfer of Particulate Food Suspensions During Holding Tube Sterilization (Co-P.I. with C. Zuritz) (Penn State: July 1, 1992 - June 30, 1995). $100,000

  29. Analysis of Regeneration Cooling of Rocket Engine Combustors (Co-P.I. with C. Merkle) (NASA: July 1, 1992 - Oct. 1, 1993). $53,000

  30. Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicle Shapes for Minimized Heating and Aerodynamic Drag (P. I.) (NASA:  Dec. 1, 1992 - Nov. 30, 1993). $40,000

  31. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization in Propulsion Systems: Phase I (P.I.) (NASA: October 1, 1993 - March 31, 1994). $50,000

  32. Electromagnetic Field Effects in Semi-Conductor Crystal Growth (Co-Investigator) (NASA: Sept. 15, 1994 - Sept. 14, 1996). $100,000

  33. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades - Supplement I (P.I.) (NSF: January 1, 1996 - December 31, 1996). $5,000

  34. Grant from Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) Foundation (P.I.) (July 1, 1996 - June 30, 1997). $7,500

  35. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades - Supplement II (P.I.) (NSF: January 1, 1997 - December 31, 1997). $5,000

  36. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades - Supplement III (P.I.) (NSF: September 1, 1997 - December 31, 1997). $10,000

  37. Grant from Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) Foundation (P.I.) (Aug. 15, 1997 – Aug. 14, 1998).  $10,000

  38. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades - Supplement IV (P.I.) (NSF: January 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998). $5,000

  39. Multidisciplinary Inverse Design and Optimization of Turbine Blades (P.I.) (NSF: January 1, 1996 - December 31, 1998). $234,704

  40. Grant for Graphically Interactive Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles – Phase I (P.I.) (Lockheed Martin: August 5, 1998 – December 31, 1998). $11,333

  41. Grant for Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) (P.I.) (NASA: July 1, 1997 – December 31, 1998).  $33,000

  42. Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization of MAGLIFTER Systems – I (P.I.) (LLNL: January 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998). $43,000

  43. Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization of MAGLIFTER Systems – II (P.I.) (LLNL: April 26, 1999 – July 15, 1999). $13,500

  44. Grant for Graphically Interactive Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles – Phase II (P.I.) (Lockheed Martin: January 1, 1999 – July 31, 1999). $20,000

  45. Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Unsteady Flow-Fields in Thermoacoustic Refrigeration Systems (P.I.) (PSU-ARL/Navy: January 15, 1999 – July 31, 2000). $60,000

  46. Aero-Thermo-Structural Design Optimization of Cooled Turbine Blades (P.I.) (NASA: November 27, 1996 - November 26, 1999).  $294,320

  47. Metamodel-Based Integration Technology for Multidisciplinary Design (Co-P.I. with R. Barton) (NSF: May 1, 1997 - April 30, 2000). $284,269

  48. Aerodynamic Analysis, Inverse Shape Design & Optimization of Cradle-Rail Maglifter Systems: Phase II (P.I.) (LLNL: August 1, 1999 - January 31, 2000). $40,000

  49. Computational Thermoacoustics and Distributed Parallel Processing (Co-P.I.) (PSU-ARL/Navy: August 15, 1999 – May 15, 2000). $33,000

  50. Analysis and Design Optimization of a CVD Reactor Flow Regulation Chamber (P.I.) (Millipore Corp.: June 1, 2000 – December 31, 2000). $15,000

  51. Helicopter H-V Performance Prediction Through Flight Path Optimization (P.I.) (Bell Helicopters Textron: June 19, 2000 – January 15, 2001). $5,000

  52. Finite Element Analysis of Head and Neck Temperature Cooling Profiles (Co-P.I. with R. Eberhart) (Medtronic/Physio-Controls Corporation: March 1, 2000 – Dec. 31, 2001).  $46,400

  53. Research in Robust and Efficient Computational Methods for Partial Differential Eqs. Arising in Fluid Flows and Electromagnetics (P.I.) (NSF: Aug. 1, 2000 - July 31, 2003). $103,089

  54. Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization of Heat and Corrosion Resistant Alloy Properties (P.I.) (DoE: January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2004). $175,855

  55. Alloys-by-Design Strategies Using Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization (P.I.) (ARO: Aug. 15, 2002 – Dec. 31, 2005). $302,973

  56. A Helical Turbine System for Wind and Hydraulic Energy Recovery (Co-P.I. with V. Dulgheru) (CRDF and MRDA: April 1, 2003 – March 31, 2005). $80,000

  57. U.S.-Brazil International Symposium:  Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO) Symposium, March 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (P.I.) (NSF) (February 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005). $25,000

  58. Shell Formulation for Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Calculations (P.I.) (DoD-PET: June 1, 2005 – May 31, 2006). $43,500

  59. Strategies for 3D Mesh Generation for Polycrystalline Materials (P.I.) (HPTi - High Performance Technologies, Inc.: January 1, 2006 – June 30, 2006). $6,474

  60. Hybrid Robust Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm (P.I.) (AFOSR: March 1, 2006 – November 30, 2008). $293,940

  61. Enhancements to ZAPOTEC – I (P.I.) (DoD-PET: June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2007). $44,500

  62. Multi-Objective Optimization of Bulk Metallic Glasses (co-P.I.) (ARO: July 25, 2006 – Dec. 31, 2009). $299,721

  63. Co-sponsorship of International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007) (P.I.) (ARO: April 1, 2007– August 31, 2007). $5,000

  64. Co-sponsorship of International Symposium on Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO-2007) (P.I.) (AFOSR: April 1, 2007 – October 31, 2007). $10,000

  65. Enhancements to ZAPOTEC – II (P.I.) (DoD-PET: June 1, 2007 – May 31, 2008). $43,500

  66. Multi-Objective Optimization and Inverse Design of Corrosion-Resistant Aluminum Alloys (P.I.) (NAVY/STTR Phase I – Touchstone Research Lab.: July 17, 2008 – Feb. 1, 2009). $35,000

  67. Multi-Objective Optimization of Corrosion Resistant Aluminum Alloys (P.I.) (NAVY/SBIR Phase I – Touchstone Research Lab.: September 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009).  $33,000

  68. CNPq-Science Without Borders Program-Visiting/Exchange Scholarship – Brazil/UFRJ/COPPE (P.I.) (September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2015). $173,000

  69. Direct and Inverse Design Optimization of Magnetic Alloys with Minimized Use of Rare Earth Elements (P.I.) (AFOSR/BRI: September 1, 2012 – October 31, 2015). $674,966

  70. Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization of Multi-Floor Micro-Electronics Cooling – Phase I (P.I.) (DARPA/GaTech: November 21, 2013 – April 30, 2016). $95,600

  71. Reduced Order Methods Based on Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics (co-P.I.) (NETL/DoE: Sept. 1, 2014 – Aug. 31, 2017). $250,000

  72. Multi-Disciplinary High Performance Computing and STEM Education (co-P.I.) (US Department of the Army: September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017). $497,701

  73. Multi-Scale Analysis of Cooling Protocols for Human Hearts (P.I.) (NSF-EAGER: July 15, 2016 – July 14, 2018). $100,000

  74. Adaptive Aerostructures for Revolutionary Civil Supersonic Transport – MDO Study (P.I.) (Texas A&M University/NASA: June 15, 2017 – June 14. 2022). $505,000

  75. Health Management of Hypersonic Aeroshell: Inverse Determination of Aero-thermo-mechanical State with Arrays of Internal Thin Film Sensors (P.I.) (University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics – UCAH/TAMU/DoD: April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023). $556,000

5. Community Engagement & Professional Services
5. Community Engagement and Professional Services

Academic Services


Florida International University

  1. Member, Thermo-Fluids Faculty Search Committee, 2021-2022

  2. Co-Chair, Faculty Search Committee, 2020-2021

  3. Chair, Search Committee for Three Faculty Positions, 2018

  4. Member, Research Advisory Committee, 2020-present

  5. Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, 2009-2011

  6. Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2009-present

  7. Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2009-present

  8. Member, Merit Raise Committee, 2011

The University of Texas at Arlington

  1. Member, Research Committee, 2000-2003

  2. Member, Computer Committee, 2002-2003

  3. Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2000-2003

  4. Coordinator, Invited Lecture Series, 2000-2003

  5. Graduate Student Advisor – Aerospace Program, 2002-2003

  6. Chair, AE Ph.D. Diagnostic Exam Committee, 2002-2003

  7. Chair, AE Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2002-2003

  8. Member, Distance Learning Committee, 2002-2003

  9. Member, Industrial Relations Committee. 2000-2002

  10. Local Organizer, South-West Mechanics Series Invited Lectures, 2002-2003

The Pennsylvania State University

  1. Organizer, Invited Weekly Lecture Series, 1986-1987

  2. Co-Organizer, Invited Lecture Series, 1988-1989

  3. Co-Editor, Departmental Newspaper, 1989-1990

  4. Member, Computer Coordination Committee, 1986-1999

  5. Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 1987-1988, 1990-1999

  6. Member, Graduate Academic Affairs Committee, 1988

  7. Member, Research Committee, 1987-1988

  8. Member, Space Allocation Committee, 1987-1988

  9. Member, Scholarships, Awards, and Academic Dishonesty Committee, 1988, 1990-1992

  10. Member, Boeing Professorship Search Committee, 1990-1991

  11. Member, International Programs Committee, 1990-1991

  12. Member, Faculty Search Committee, 1991-1992

  13. Member, Ad hoc Committee on Graduate Courses in Fluid Mechanics, 1994-1995

  14. Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1999


Florida International University

  1. Associate Member, HydRIS, Hydrosystems Research, Information and Solutions Institute at FIU

  2. Member, Search Committee for Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Chairperson, 2004

  3. Member, Search Committee for Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2005

  4. Chair, College Committee on Computational Science and Engineering, 2004-2005

  5. Member, Advisory Committee on the new Construction Engineering Program, 2005

  6. Member, Search Committee for Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty, 2006

  7. Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2013-2014

The Pennsylvania State University

  1. Member, Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies, 1986-1995

  2. Member, Excellence in Engineering Graduate Student Fellowship Committee, 1987

  3. Member, PSES Award Selection Committee, 1990

  4. Member, NASA -PSU Center for Space Propulsion, 1991-1999

  5. Chairman Committee on Research Initiative Grant Program, 1990

  6. Member, Composites Manufacturing Consortium, 1989

  7. Member, Internet Resources Advisory Committee, 1991

  8. Organizer, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) Interest Group, 1993-1999

  9. Member, Center for Gas Turbines and Power, 1993-1999

  10. Member, Fluid Mechanics Ad Hoc Coordination Team, 1995-1999

The University of Texas at Austin

  1. Member, Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics - TICOM, 1982-1985

  2. Director, TICOM Computing Laboratory, 1985

  3. Member, The Fluid Dynamics Group, 1982-1985

  4. Member, Center for Aeronautical Research, 1984-1985

  5. Member, Ad hoc Committee - Henry Beckman Resources Conservation Award, 1985


Florida International University

  1. Member, Search Committee for Technical Director of Applied Research Center, 2005-2006

  2. Member, HCET-DOE Performance review Committee, 2005

  3. Member, Advisory Board for FIU-Applied Research Center, 2006.

The University of Texas at Arlington

  1. Member, Faculty Senate, 2002-2003.

  2. Director, MAIDO Institute, 2002-2003.

  3. Member, Center for Numerical Simulation and Modeling, 2003

  4. Team Leader, President’s Cost Savings Study Group, 2003

The Pennsylvania State University

  1. Senior Member, Graduate Faculty, 1986-1999

  2. Member, International Resources Advisory Committee, 1991

  3. Member, Center for Food Manufacturing, 1997-1999

  4. Member, Graduate Faculty Council, 1997-1999

  5. Member, Graduate Faculty Council Graduate Research Committee, 1997-1999

  6. Member, Vice-Provost’s Task Force on Postdoctoral Fellows, 1999

  7. Member, Faculty Senate, 1999


Service to the Community

  1. Member, NSF/DEMS program proposals review panel, Washington, DC, April 2017

  2. Member, NSF Research Centers Program site evaluation visit team, May 2016

  3. Member, NSF Bio-Fluid Dynamics & Thermal Transport program proposals review panel, Washington, DC, Dec. 2011

  4. Member, NSF Bio-Fluid Dynamics program proposals review panel, Washington, DC, April 2010

  5. Member, NASA Microgravity Processing proposals review panel, Washington, DC, Nov. 2008

  6. Member, Mansfield Rotary Club, Mansfield, TX, 2001-2003

  7. Member, Technical Club of Dallas, Arlington, TX, 2000-2003

  8. Member, NSF Heat Transfer proposals review panel, Dec. 1997

  9. Member, National Research Council Eng. Committee - National Academy of Sciences, February 1991

Professional Meetings and Sessions Organization/Involvement

  1. “ICIPE2024 - 11th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice”, member of International Scientific Committee, Atlântico Búzios Convention & Resort, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 23-28, 2024.

  2. “MAGNETISMMEET2024 - 3rd International Meet on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Scientific Committee, Osaka, Japan, April 15-17- 2024.

  3. “BIODEVICES 2024 -17th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices”, member of International Program Committee, Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2024.

  4. “CMAEE 2023 - 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering”, member of Technical Program Committee, Chengdu, China, December 15-17, 2023.

  5. “EMET2023 - 4th International Conference on Energy Material and Energy Technology”, member of the Technical Program Committee, Wuhan, China, December 19-21, 2023.

  6. “GCMMM2023 - Global Congress on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Scientific Committee, London, UK, August 19-12, 2023.

  7. “ICCM2023 -14th International Conference on Computational Methods”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 6-10, 2023.

  8. “ISPEE2023 – International Summit on Power and Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, June 12-14, 2023.

  9. “MathSciCon2023 - International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Rome, Italy, March 27-29, 2023.

  10. “MechResCon2023 - International Conference on Mechanical & Automotive Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Rome, Italy, March 23-25, 2023.

  11. “ICMERR 2022 - 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Krakow, Poland, December 9-11, 2022. 

  12. “EMET2022 - Third International Conference on Energy Material and Energy Technology”, member of Technical Program Committee, Sanya, China, December 9-11, 2022.

  13. “2nd International Forum on Aerospace and Aeronautics – Forum 2022,” conference committee member, Valencia, Spain, November 17-19, 2022.

  14. “IOGP 2022 - International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineering (Hybrid Event)”, member of the Organizing Committee, Orlando, FL, October 21-22, 2022.

  15. “SES 2022 - Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science: Symposium on CFD for Engineering Applications”, member of the Organizing Committee, College Station, TX, Oct. 16-19, 2022.

  16. “ICMN 2022 - International Conference on Material Science and Nanotechnology”, member of the Organizing Committee, Rome, Italy, October 3-5, 2022.

  17. “GCMMM2022 - Global Congress on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, August 25-27, 2022.

  18. “GMMMM2022 - Global Meet on Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, August 22-24, 2022.

  19. “GMPOWER2022 - Global Meet on Power and Energy Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, August 22-24, 2022.

  20. “GSEMM2022 - 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Organizing Committee, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13-15, 2022.

  21. “ECCOMAS2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering”, co-organizer (with Orlande, H.R.B., Colaco, M.J., Bulinski, Z.) of Minisymposium on Inverse Problems, Design & Optimization in Heat Transfer, Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022.

  22. “MAGNETISMMEET-2022 - International Meeting on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Organizing Committee, Tokyo, Japan, April 18-20, 2022.

  23. “LOD2021 - 7th International Online & Onsite Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science”, member of the Program Committee, Grasmere, Lake District, England, UK, October 4-8, 2021.

  24. “Aerospace-2021 - 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering”, member of the Organizing Committee, Lyon, France, Sept. 27-29, 2021.

  25. “ATDMAE 2021 - 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering”, member of the Advisory Committee, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 25-27, 2021.

  26. “CHT21 – 8th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 16 - 19, 2021.

  27. “GSEMMM-2021 - Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, June 17-19, 2021.

  28. “2D Printing-2021 - Global Summit on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing”, member of the Organizing Committee, Paris, France, June 14-16, 2021.

  29. “IPMS-2021 - 10th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation”, member of the International Program Committee, Mellieha, Malta, May 16-22, 2021.

  30. “ICMEA 2020 - 7th Annual International Conference on Material Engineering and Application”, member of Technical Organizing Committee, Xi'an, China, Dec. 18-19, 2020.

  31. “ICMEM2020 - 3rd annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials”, member of Technical Program Committee, Chengdu, China, Nov. 20-21, 2020.

  32. “GSEMME-2020 - Global Summit and Expo on Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering”, Organizing Committee Member, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1-2, 2020.

  33. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization in Heat Transfer – Minisimposium MS81 at 14th WCCM ECCOMAS congress”, MS81 co-organizer, Paris, France, July 19-24, 2020.

  34. “LOD 2020 - 6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science”, member of the Program Committee, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Tuscany, Italy, July 13-17, 2020.

  35. “Mechanical 2020 - 3rd World Congress on Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, member of the Organizing Committee, Manchester, U.K., May 11-12, 2010.

  36. “IPDO2019 - Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium”, IPDO2019 honorary co-chair of the Symposium, Tianjin, China, September 24-26, 2019.

  37. “LOD 2019 - 5th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science”, member of the Program Committee, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Tuscany, Italy, September 10-13, 2019.

  38. European Advanced Materials Congress”, member of the Scientific Advisory Board Committee, Stockholm, Sweden, August 11-14, 2019.

  39. “ICCM2019 - 10th International Conference on Computational Methods”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Singapore, July 9-13, 2019.

  40. “Global Staunch Congress on Material Science & Technology”, member of the Organizing Committee, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June19-20, 2019.

  41. “IPM2019- 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems Methods”, member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Kombornia, Poland, May 22-24, 2019.

  42. “World Congress on Functional Materials and Nanotechnology”, member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Valencia, Spain, May 13-14, 2019.

  43. “EngOpt 2018 – 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-19, 2018.

  44. “LOD 2018 - 4th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science”, member of the Program Committee, Volterra (Pisa), Tuscany, Italy, September 13-16, 2018.

  45. “PhyCS 2018 – International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems”, member of International Program Committee, Madrid, Spain, July 28-29, 2017.

  46. “Materials San Diego 2018”, member of the Organizing Committee, San Diego, CA, August 29-31, 2018.

  47. “ICCM2018 - The 9th International Conference on Computational Methods”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Rome, Italy, August 6-10, 2018.

  48. “ThermaComp2018 – 5th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems”, member of the International Advisory Committee, Bangalore, India, July 9-11, 2018.

  49. “IPMS-2018 - 9th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation”, member of the International Program Committee, Mellieha, Malta, May 21-25, 2018.

  50. “CEAS2017 – Aerospace Europe Conference”, member of the Scientific Committee, Bucharest, Romania, October 16-20, 2017.

  51. “ACOMEN2017 – 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering”, member of the Scientific Committee, Ghent, Belgium, September 18-22, 2017.

  52. “MOD-2017 - Third International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and big Data”, member of the Program Committee, Volterra (Pisa), Tuscany, Italy, September 17-21, 2017.

  53. “PhyCS 2017 – International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems”, member of International Program Committee, Madrid, Spain, July 28-29, 2017.

  54. “ICCM2017 - The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Guilin, Guangxi, P.R. China, July 25-29, 2017.

  55. “IPM2017 - Inverse Problems in Mechanics”, member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Krasiczyn, Poland, May 31 – June 2, 2017.

  56. “CMBE2017 – Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering”, session co-chair, Pittsburgh, PA, April 10-12, 2017.

  57. “BIODEVICES 2017 – 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices”, member of International Program Committee, Porto, Portugal, February 21-23, 2017.

  58. “MOD-2016 - Second International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and big Data”, member of the Program Committee, Volterra (Pisa), Tuscany, Italy, August 26-29, 2016.

  59. “PhyCS 2017 – International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems”, member of International Program Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, July 27-28, 2016.

  60. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium MS805 at the 12th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, July 24-29, 2016.

  61. “ThermaComp2016 – 4th International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems, member of the International Advisory Committee, GeorgiaTech University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-13, 2016.

  62. “EngOpt 2016 – 5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, June 19-23, 2016.

  63. “IPMS-2016 - 8th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation”, member of the International Program Committee, Antalya, Turkey, May 23-28, 2016.

  64. “BIODEVICES 2016 – 9th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices”, member of International Program Committee, Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2016.

  65. “FAB2015 - International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Big Data Analytics, member of the Program committee, Paris, France, August 27-28, 2015.

  66. “MOD2015 – International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data”, member of the Program Committee, Taormina, (Sicily), Italy, July 21 – 24, 2015.

  67. “ICCM2015 - 6th International Conference on Computational Mechanics”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Auckland, New Zealand, July 15-17, 2015.

  68. “BIODEVICES 2015 – 8th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices”, member of Program Committee, Angers, France, March 3-6, 2015.

  69. “PhyCS 2015 – International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems”, member of International Program Committee, Angers, France, February 11-13, 2015.

  70. “AEROSPATIAL 2014” - International Conference for Aerospace Sciences, Member of the Scientific Committee, Bucharest, Romania, September 18 - 19, 2014.

  71. “EngOpt 2014 – 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, September 8-11, 2014.

  72. “ICCM2014 – 5th International Conference on Computational Mechanics”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Cambridge, UK, July 28-30, 2014.

  73. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, July 20-25, 2014.

  74. “7th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation (IPMS-2014)”, member of the International Program Committee, Antalya, Turkey, May 26-31, 2014.

  75. “8th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE)”, member of the Steering Committee and member of Scientific Committee, Cracow, Poland, May 12-15, 2014.

  76. “BIODEVICES 2014 – 7th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices”, member of Program Committee, Angers, France, March 3-6, 2014.

  77. “PhyCS 2014 – International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems”, member of International Program Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, January 7-9, 2014.

  78. ”Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Under Uncertainty”, co-organizer of the minisymposium at “Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics – APCOM’2013”, Singapore, December 12-15, 2013.

  79. “Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics – APCOM’2013”, member of International Scientific Committee, Singapore, December 12-15, 2013.

  80. “IPDO-2013 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium”, honorary conference chairman, Albi, France, June 26-28, 2013.

  81. “3rd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Mechanics of Structures and Materials - IPM 2013”, member of Scientific Advisory Board, Sieniawa-Rzeszow, Poland, April 24-27, 2013.

  82. “BIOSTEC 2013 – 6th International Conference on Biomedical Eng. Systems and Technologies”, member of international committee, Barcelona, Spain, February 11-14, 2013.

  83. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at ECCOMAS 2012-European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 10-14, 2012.

  84. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-13, 2012.

  85. “6th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation (IP:MS 2012)”, co-chair of the conference, Antalya, Turkey, May 21-26, 2012.

  86. “BIOSTEC 2012 – 5th International Conference on Biomedical Eng. Systems and Technologies”, member of international committee, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, February 1-4, 2012.

  87. “7th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE)”, member of International Scientific Committee, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 4-6, 2011

  88. “2nd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Mechanics of Structures and Materials - IPM 2011”,.member of Advisory Scientific Board, Sieniawa-Rzeszow, Poland, May 4-7, 2011.

  89. “6th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Identification, Design and Control”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Samara-Volgograd-Saratov-Ulianovsk-Kazan, Russia, October 15-19, 2010.

  90. “EngOpt2010 - 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization”, member of the Advisory Board, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 6-9, 2010.

  91. “IPDO-2010 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium”, co-chair of the symposium, Joao Pesoa, Brazil, August 25-27, 2010.

  92. “Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering”, co-organizer of a special topic area symposium at the 30th ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2010.

  93. “5th International Conference Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation (IP:MS 2010)”, co-chair, Antalya, Turkey, May 24-29, 2010.

  94. “Inverse Methods for Parameter Identification”, a mini-symposium at Fourth European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering) ECCM 2010, co-organizer, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.

  95. “Algorithms for Large Scale Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization”, a mini-symposium at Fourth European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering) ECCM 2010, co-organizer, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010.

  96. “CSC2009-First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering”, member of the Editorial Board, Funchal, Madeira Island, September 1-4, 2009.

  97. “Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering”, co-organizer of a special topic area symposium at the 2009 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), San Diego, CA, August 30 – September 2, 2009.

  98. “Inverse Problems 2009 Symposium”, member of the Steering Committee, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, May 31-June 2, 2009.

  99. “International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics of Structures and Materials -IPM 2009”, member of the Advisory Scientific Board, Lancut near Rzeszow, Poland, April 23-25, 2009.

  100. “Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering”, co-organizer of a special topic area symposium at the 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), New York, NY, August 3-6, 2008.

  101. “Metamodels for High Dimensionality Response Surfaces in Multiobjective Optimization”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  102. “Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  103. “New Trends for Evolutionary Optimization Methods Applied to Multidisciplinary Problems”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  104. “Inverse Problems for Parameter Identification”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 8th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2008.

  105. "EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization”, member of the Advisory Board, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008.

  106. “International Conference on "Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Materials Science & Engineering - NGMS 2008”, member of the International Advisory Committee, School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE) of Bengal Engineering and Science University, India, January 9-11, 2008.

  107. “Symposium on Genetic Algorithms in Materials Science and Engineering (GAMS2007) - European Materials Research Society”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2007.

  108. “NSA’07 – 3rd Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications”, member of the International Advisory Committee, Shanghai, P. R. China, June 6-10, 2007.

  109. “5th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Identification, Design and Control”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Kazan-Nizhniy Novgorod-Moscow, Russia, May 10-16, 2007.

  110. “IPDO-2007 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium”, general chair and co-organizer, Miami Beach, Florida, April 16-18, 2007.

  111. 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference”, session co-chair, Portsmouth, VA, September 6-8, 2006.

  112. “Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA, July 16-22, 2006.

  113. “Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics”, co-organizer of a mini-symposium at the 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA, July 16-22, 2006.

  114. “International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation”, member of International Program and Organizing Committee, Fethiye, Turkey, June 7-12, 2006.

  115. “III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics”, member of the Scientific Committee, Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-8, 2006.

  116. “Inverse Engineering” co-organizer of a mini-symposium and session chair of two sessions at the III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-8, 2006.

  117. “EUROGEN05”, member of the International Correspondents Committee, Munich, Germany, September 12-14, 2005.

  118. “5ICIPE -5th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice", member of the International Scientific Committee, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 11-15, 2005.

  119. “2nd Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications -2005 (Shanghai NSA'05)”, member of the International Advisory Committee, Shanghai and Wuxi, P. R. China, June 3 - June 7, 2005.

  120. “6th PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD”, member of the Scientific Committee, Riga, Latvia, June 27-July 1, 2005.

  121. “ENCIT 2004 – The Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences”, member of the International Scientific Committee, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2004.

  122. “Mini-Symposium on Computational Electro-Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics at the 6th World Congress of Computational Mechanics”, organizer, Beijing, P. R. China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  123. “Mini-Symposium on Numerical Methods for Multi-dimensional Inverse Problems at the 6th World Congress of Computational Mechanics”, organizer, Beijing, P. R. China, Sept. 5-10, 2004.

  124. “International Thermal Science Seminar - ITSS II, ASME-ICHMT-ZSIS”, session chair, Bled, Slovenia, June 13-16, 2004.

  125. “13th Inverse Problems in Engineering Seminar”, member of the International Advisory Committee, University of Cincinnati, June 14-15, 2004.

  126. “International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation”, member of International Program and Organizing Committee, Fethiye, Turkey, June 7-12, 2004.

  127. “Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO) Symposium”, chairman and co-organizer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004.

  128. “IMECE 2003”, session chair, Washington, DC, Nov. 16-21, 2003.

  129. “EUROGEN2003 - Evolutionary Computing for Design, Optimization and Control with Application to Multi-Disciplinary Industrial and Societal Problems”, member of the International Correspondents Committee, organizer of a mini-symposium on “Multi-Objective Multi-Disciplinary Evolutionary Optimisation” and a session chair, Barcelona, Spain, September 15-17, 2003.

  130. “Inverse Methods”, session chair at ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Las Vegas, NV, July 20-23, 2003.

  131. “Forum on Functional Fluids at ASME/JSME Joint FEDSM”, co-organizer, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 6-10, 2003.

  132. “4th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Identification, Design and Control”, member of the Conference Scientific Advisory Committee, Eupatoria, Crimea, Ukraine, July 1-5, 2003.

  133. “ASME 2003 Bioengineering Summer Conference”, session chair, Key Biscayne, FL, June 26-31, 2003.

  134. “Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications”, member of the International Advisory Committee, Shanghai, P. R. China, June 9-13, 2003.

  135. “Symposium on Materials Processing Under the Influence of Electrical and Magnetic Fields” at the 2003 TMS Annual Meeting, co-organizer of the Symposium, San Diego, CA, March 2-6, 2003.

  136. “ISIP’03 - International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics,” member of the International Scientific Committee, Nagano City, Japan, February 18-21, 2003.

  137. “Sensitivity Analysis Methods”, superchair of the cluster of sessions at the 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization, Atlanta, Georgia, 4-6 Sept., 2002.

  138. “Minisymposium on Computational Treatment of Inverse Problems in Mechanics”, co-organizer of the Minisymposium at the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 7-12, 2002.

  139. “Inverse Problems Modeling and Simulation”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Fethiye, Turkey, July 14-21, 2002.

  140. “4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice (4icipe)”, member of the Scientific Committee, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 26-31, 2002.

  141. “21st Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,” member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Orlando, Florida, May 19-21, 2002.

  142. “Computational Heat Transfer in Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamics”, session co-chair at ASME IMECE’01, New York, NY, Nov. 12-15, 2001.

  143. “Inverse Problems”, session co-chair at ASME IMECE’01, New York, NY, Nov. 12-15, 2001.

  144. “2nd International Conference on Computational Heat & Mass Transfer,” member of the Honorary International Advisory Board, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 22-26, 2001.

  145. “APCFS & ATEM’01 – Asian Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength & International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics”, member of International Committee, Sendai, Japan, October 20-22, 2001.

  146. “International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences”, member of International Committee, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 19-25, 2001.

  147. 23rd International Symposium on Shock Waves, member of the local organizing committee, Fort Worth, TX, July 22-27, 2001.

  148. “BETECH 2001 - 14th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology," member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Orlando, Florida, March 12-14, 2001.

  149. “ISIP’01 - International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics,” co-chairman of the Symposium, Nagano City, Japan, February 7-10, 2001.

  150. “8th AIAA/NASA/USAF/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization”, session chair, Long Beach, CA, September 6-8, 2000.

  151. “Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, session chair at International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Los Angeles, CA, August 21-25, 2000.

  152. “Advances in Computational Heat and Mass Transfer”, co-organizer and session chair at the ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000.

  153. “Inverse Thermal Problems”, co-organizer and session chair at the ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000.

  154. “ISIP’2k - International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics,” co-chairman of the Symposium, Nagano City, Japan, March 7-10, 2000.

  155. “Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Non-Linear Materials VI: Electro-Magneto-Rheological Fluids,” session chair, Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials, ASME IMECE’99, Nashville, TN, November 14-19, 1999.

  156. “BEM 21 - Boundary Element Method Conference,” member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Oxford, United Kingdom, August 25-27, 1999.

  157. “Forum on Functional Fluids”, forum co-organizer and session chair, 1999 Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 18 - 23, 1999.

  158. “ATEM’98 – International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics”, member of organizing committee, Ube City, Yamaguchi, Japan, July 21-24, 1999.

  159. “3rd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (3icIpe)”, session chair and a member of the scientific committee, Port Ludlow-Puget Sound, WA, June 13-18, 1999.

  160. “BETECH '99 - 10th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology," member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Las Vegas, NV, June 8-10, 1999.

  161. “Aeronautical Applications”, session chair at EUROGEN’99 - Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science: Recent Advances and Industrial Applications, Jyvaskyla, Finland, May 30 - June 3, 1999.

  162. “Symposium on Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials – IX”, ASME IMECE’98, session chair, Anaheim, CA, November 15-20, 1998.

  163. “Symposium on Computational Methods for Solution of Inverse Problems in Mechanics – Session #3”, ASME IMECE’98, session chair, Anaheim, CA, November 15-20, 1998.

  164. “Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems and Optimization in Heat Transfer”, co-organizer and co-chairman of the Symposium at ASME IMECE’98, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 15-20, 1998.

  165. “Multidisciplinary Inverse Problems and Optimization in Heat Transfer – Session #2”, session chair, ASME IMECE’98, Anaheim, CA, November 15-20, 1998.

  166. “CFD 2.9: Design and Optimization 1”, session chair, Fourth ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Athens, Greece, Sept. 7-11, 1998.

  167. "BEM 20 - Boundary Element Method Conference,” member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Orlando, FL, August 19-21, 1998.

  168. “Dynamic System Identification and Inverse Problems”, member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee, Moscow-St. Petersburg, Russia, May 30-June 5, 1998.

  169. “ISIP '98 - International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics,” co-chairman of the Symposium, Nagano City, Japan, March 24-26, 1998.

  170. “Elastic Fluids,” co-chairman of the session at ASME IMECE, Dallas, TX, Nov. 16-21, 1997.

  171. "Symposium on Future of Engineering Design”, symposium organizer and chairman, Penn State University, University Park, PA, October 10, 1997.

  172. "Inverse Design Problems in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow,” co-organizer and co-chairman of the Symposium at ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 10-12, 1997.

  173. "Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics-ATEM97,” invited speaker, session chair, and member of the International Program Committee, Wakayama City, Osaka, Japan, July 25-26, 1997.

  174. "BETECH '97 - 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology," member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Knoxville, TN, April 9-11, 1997.

  175. "Heat Transfer", session chairman at the Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM-V), San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 2-4, 1997.

  176. "Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials IV: Complex Flows", session vice-chairman at ASME IMECE'96, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 17-22, 1996.

  177. "Second International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice", member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Nantes, France, June 1996.

  178. "BETECH '96 - 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology," member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Maui, Hawaii, April 24-26, 1996.

  179. "3rd International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology", session chairman, Tallahassee, FL, December 13-15, 1995.

  180. "Symposium on Electrorheological Flows - III", session co-organizer, ASME WAM'95, San Francisco, CA, November 12-17, 1995.

  181. "Conjugate Heat Transfer, Inverse Design and Optimization", session co-organizer and co-chairman, National Heat Transfer Conference, Portland, OR, August 5-9, 1995.

  182. "The Seventh Inverse Problems in Engineering Seminar", member of the Organizing Committee, Columbus, OH, June 12-13, 1995.

  183. "PACAM IV- Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics," member of the Organizing Committee, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 3-6, 1995.

  184. "Symposium on Inverse Problems in Mechanics - III", session co-chairperson, ASME WAM'94, Chicago, IL, November 6-11, 1994.

  185. "Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics ISIP'94," member of the International Scientific Committee, November 2-4, 1994, Paris, France.

  186. "The Sixth Inverse Problems in Engineering Seminar", member of the Organizing Committee, Cincinnati, OH, June 13-14, 1994.

  187. "BETECH '94 - 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Technology," member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Orlando, FL, March 16-18, 1994.

  188. "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization," session organizer and chairman at AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 10-13, 1994.

  189. "Industry/Government/Penn State Workshop on Multidisciplinary Analysis, Design and Optimization in Aeropropulsion", organizer and chairman, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, November 4-5, 1993.

  190. "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization," session organizer and chairman at AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 11-14, 1993.

  191. "Thermal Inverse Problems - II," session co-chairman at the IUTAM Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics," Tokyo, Japan, May 11-15, 1992.

  192. "Third International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III)," conference organizer and chairman, Washington, D.C., October 23-25, 1991.

  193. "Symposium on Inverse Design and Optimization in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer," symposium organizer and chairman, Penn State University, University Park, PA, October 21-22, 1991.

  194. "Aerodynamics II," session co-chairman at the PACAM-II, Valpareiso, Chile, January 2-5, 1991.

  195. "Artificial Organs," session co-chairman at the 16th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Penn State University, PA, March 26-27, 1990.

  196. "Numerical Dissipation," organizer and chairman of the invited session at the 7th International Conf. on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, April 3-7, 1989.

  197. "Adaptive Mesh," co-organizer and co-chairman of the invited session at the 7th International Conf. on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, April 3-7, 1989.

  198. "Heat Transfer," session chairman at the Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 3-6, 1989.

  199. "Computational Fluid Dynamics," session chairman at the Conference on Hydraulic Machinery, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, September 13-15, 1988.

  200. "Wing and Airfoil Aerodynamics," session chairman at the AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Williamsburg, VA, June 6-8, 1988.

  201. "Second International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-II)," conference organizer and chairman, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA, October 26-28, 1987.

  202. "Hypersonic Aerodynamics," session chairman at the AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Monterey, CA, August 17-19, 1987.

  203. "Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics," organizer and chairman of the invited session at the First World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, TX, Sept. 22-26, 1986.

  204. "Inverse Design and Optimization in Turbomachinery," organizer and chairman of two sessions at the ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 8-12, 1986.

  205. "International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES)," conference organizer and chairman, Univ. of Texas at Austin, October 17-18, 1984.

  206. "Design Aspects of Transonic Aerodynamics," (lecturer Dr. Helmut Sobieczky), organizer of the workshop, Univ. of Texas at Austin, September 7, 1983.

Invited Technical Presentations

  1. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Hunan University, Changsha, P.R. China, Sept. 2019.

  2. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Central South University, P.R. China, Sept. 2019.

  3. Invited Lecture, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, P.R. China, Sept. 2019.

  4. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, P.R. China, Sept. 2019.

  5. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2019.

  6. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2019.

  7. Invited Lecture, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, May 2019.

  8. Invited Lecture, Visoka Tehnicka Skola, Trstenik, Serbia, May 2019.

  9. Invited Lecture, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, Sept. 2017.

  10. Invited Lecture, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 2017.

  11. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2017.

  12. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2017.

  13. Invited Lecture, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sci., Skopje, Macedonia, May 2017.

  14. Invited Lecture, University of Bitola, Mech. Eng. Dept., Bitola, Macedonia, May 2017.

  15. Invited Lecture, National Institute of Health/Office of Aging, Baltimore, MD, April 2017.

  16. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Rice University, Houston, TX, February 2017.

  17. Invited Lecture, Aero. Eng. Dept., TAMU, College Station, TX, February 2017.

  18. Invited Lecture, MAE Dept., University of Texas at Arlington, TX, August 2016.

  19. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Colorado, Denver, July 2016.

  20. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, July 2016.

  21. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2015.

  22. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2015.

  23. Invited Lecture, Materials Dept., Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2015.

  24. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, June 2015.

  25. Invited Lecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE, Brazil, August 2014.

  26. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2014.

  27. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Maribor, Slovenia, June 2014.

  28. Invited Lecture, CAVS, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, October 2013.

  29. Invited Lecture, Federal University of Paraiba-UFPB, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, June 2013.

  30. Invited Lecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE, Brazil, May 2013.

  31. Invited Lecture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ME Dept., May 2013.

  32. Invited Lecture, Federal University of Uberlandia-UFU, Brazil, May 2013.

  33. Invited Lecture, ICES, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, September 2012.

  34. Lecture (by invitation only), DoD, T&E/S&E Industry/Academia Days, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 18-19, 2011.

  35. Lecture (by invitation only), ONR Industry Days, Ellicott City, MD, Oct. 11-13, 2011.

  36. Invited Lecture, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, Sept. 2011.

  37. Invited Lecture, Army Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, MS, August 2011.

  38. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Nov. 2010.

  39. Invited Lecture, School of Computer and Information Sciences, FIU, Miami, FL, Sept. 2010.

  40. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng., Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 2010.

  41. Invited Lecture, Institute of Turbomachinery, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, P. R. China, July 2010.

  42. Invited Lecture, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China, July 2010.

  43. Invited Lecture, Institute for Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China, July 2010.

  44. Invited Lecture, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 2009.

  45. Invited Lecture, Florida Energy Security Consortium, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Oct. 2009.

  46. Lecture (by invitation only), ONR Workshop on “The Future in Combating Aircraft Corrosion - Innovative S&T Solutions”, California, MD, September 2009.

  47. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Aerospace Eng., Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, August 2009.

  48. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Eng., University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, May 2009.

  49. Invited Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E, May 2008.

  50. Invited Lecture, Department of Mathematics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, April 2007.

  51. Invited Lecture, Crashworthiness Program, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, November 2006.

  52. Invited Lecture, Aerospace Eng. Dept., Iowa State University, Ames, IA, May 2006.

  53. Invited Lecture, Mechanical and Materials Eng. Dept., Florida International University, FL, October 2005.

  54. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Eng., Penn State University, University Park, PA, June 2005.

  55. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical and Aero. Eng., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 2005.

  56. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, June 2005.

  57. Invited Lecture, High Performance Technologies-Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, MD, Feb. 2005.

  58. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, AL, Oct. 2004.

  59. Invited Lecture, Mechanical and Materials Eng. Dept., Florida International University, FL, October 2004.

  60. Invited Lecture, General Electric Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, September 2004.

  61. Invited Lecture, United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, August 2004.

  62. Invited Lecture, Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, June 2004.

  63. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Industrial Eng., Univ. of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro, June 2004.

  64. Invited Lecture, NPO-Saturn Company, Moscow, Russia, June 2004.

  65. Lecture, Materials Research Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, July 2003.

  66. Lecture, Army Research Office, Materials Research Directorate, Durham, NC, July 2003.

  67. Invited Lecture, Mech. Aero. & Materials Science Eng., Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, June 2003.

  68. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Math. & Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, May 2003.

  69. Invited Lecture, Serbian Academy of Sciences, Mathematics Department, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, May 2003.

  70. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia &Montenegro, May 2003.

  71. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Univ. of Moldavia, Chisinau, Moldavia, May 2003.

  72. Invited Lecture, Mechanical and Materials Eng. Dept., Florida International University, FL, April 2003.

  73. Invited Lecture, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, March 2003.

  74. Invited Lecture, L3 Communications, Greenville, TX, October 2002.

  75. Invited Lecture, Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, October 2002.

  76. Invited Lecture, DoE Contractors’ Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, July 2002.

  77. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Maryland, College Park, MD, Dec. 2001.

  78. Invited Lecture, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE/CTA, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, Sep. 2001.

  79. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng., Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep. 2001.

  80. Invited Lecture, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Nova Friburgo, Brazil, Sept. 2001.

  81. Invited Lecture, Aero. Eng. Dept., Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, May 2001.

  82. Invited Lecture, Mech. Aero. & Materials Science Eng., Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, April 2001.

  83. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, March 2001.

  84. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, February 2001.

  85. Invited Lecture, Siemens-Westinghouse Research Center, Orlando, FL, November 2000.

  86. Invited Lecture, Nuclear Institute “B. Kidric”, Vinca, Yugoslavia-Serbia, May 2000.

  87. Invited Lecture, Bell Helicopter Textron, Grand Prairie, TX, April 2000.

  88. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, February 2000.

  89. Invited Lecture, Lockheed Martin C., Fort Worth, TX, December 1999.

  90. Invited Lecture, Mech. & Aero. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, May 1999.

  91. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Eng., Penn State Univ., October 1998.

  92. Invited Lecture, Ebara Company HQ, Haneda, Japan, March 1998.

  93. Invited Lecture, National Aerospace Laboratory - NAL, Mitaka, Japan, March 1998.

  94. Invited Lecture, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi, Japan, March 1998.

  95. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, March 1998.

  96. Lecture, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, November 1997.

  97. Invited Lecture, Aero. Eng. Dept., University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 1997.

  98. Lecture, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, September 1997.

  99. Invited Lecture, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, September 1997.

  100. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Aero. & Space Eng., Tohoku University, Japan, July 1997.

  101. Invited Lecture, Toshiba Corp. R & D Center, Kawasaki, Japan, July 1997.

  102. Lecture, ALCOA Technical Center, ALCOA Center, PA, June 1997.

  103. Lecture, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, March 1997

  104. Invited Lecture, ALCOA Technical Center, ALCOA Center, PA, August 1996.

  105. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., California State University, Fullerton, CA, July 1996.

  106. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 1996.

  107. Invited Lecture, Graduate School of Eng., Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, August 1995.

  108. Invited Lecture, Aerodynamics Research Section, Mitsubishi Heavy Indust., Nagoya, Japan, Aug. 1995.

  109. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, August 1995.

  110. Invited Lecture, Ebara Research Company, Ebara Company, Japan, August 1995.

  111. Invited Lecture, National Aerospace Laboratory - NAL, Tokyo, Japan, August 1995.

  112. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Teikyo University, Utsunomiya, Japan, Aug. 1995.

  113. Invited Lecture, Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences, Sagamihara, Japan, Aug. 1995.

  114. Invited Lecture, Kitagawa Industries, Tokyo, Japan, August 1995.

  115. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Ashikaga Inst. of Tech, Ashikaga, Japan, Aug 1995.

  116. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 1995.

  117. Invited Lecture, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries R & D, Tokyo, Japan, July 1995.

  118. Invited Lecture, Fundamental Research Labs, NEC Corp., Tsukuba, Japan, July 1995.

  119. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Aero. & Space Eng., Tohoku University, Japan, July 1995.

  120. Invited Lecture, Toshiba Corp. R & D Center, Kawasaki, Japan, July 1995.

  121. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Lab., Hitachi, Ltd., Tsuchiura, Japan, July 1995.

  122. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Faculty, Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 1995.

  123. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Faculty, Aero. Inst., Univ. of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, May 1995.

  124. Lecture, Aerospace Eng. Dept., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA, March 1995.

  125. Lecture, Center for Theor. and Comput. Materials Science, NIST, Gaithersburg, Feb. 1995.

  126. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Jan. 1995.

  127. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. PA, Jan. 1995.

  128. Invited Lecture, NLR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 1994.

  129. Invited Lecture, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December1994.

  130. Lecture, Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. Dept., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, August 1994.

  131. Invited Lecture, Institute for Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 1994.

  132. Invited Lecture, Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Flight Dynamics, Bucharest, Romania, June 1994.

  133. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mech. & Thermo. Eng., Univ. of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, June 1994.

  134. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Math. & Computer. Sci., Univ. of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. June 1994.

  135. Invited Lecture, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D. C, May 1994.

  136. Invited Lecture, MDO Group, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, March 1994.

  137. Invited Lecture, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, March 1994.

  138. Invited Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Rice University, Houston, TX, November 1993.

  139. Lecture, Mechanical Eng. Dept, University of Houston, Houston, TX, November 1993.

  140. Lecture, Aerospace Eng. Dept., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA, Oct. 1993.

  141. Lecture, Math. Dept./Mech. Eng., Univ. of Windsor, Windsor, ONT, Canada, Sept. 1993.

  142. Invited Lecture, Turbine Heat Transfer Branch, NASA LeRC, Cleveland, OH, Aug. 1993.

  143. Invited Lecture, Mech.&Aero. Eng. Dep., Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, Dec. 1992.

  144. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Miami, Miami, FL, Nov. 1992.

  145. Invited Lecture, Mech Eng. Dept., Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea, May 1992.

  146. Invited Lecture, GoldStar Company Research Center, Seoul, South Korea, May 1992.

  147. Invited Lecture, NISSAN Car Company, Central Eng. Lab., Yokosuka, Japan, May 1992.

  148. Invited Lecture, Inst. for Space and Astronautical Sciences, Kanagawa, Japan, May 1992.

  149. Invited Lecture, NEC Corp., Fundamental Res. Lab., Tsukuba, Japan, May 1992.

  150. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, TX, Feb. 1992.

  151. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Columbia Univ., New York, NY, Feb. 1991.

  152. Invited Lecture, Aerospace Eng. Dept., Penn State Univ., Univ. Park, PA, Feb. 1991.

  153. Invited Lecture, Siderca SAIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 1990.

  154. Invited Lecture, Centro Atomico, Bariloche, Argentina, Dec. 1990.

  155. Invited Lecture, CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina, Dec. 1990.

  156. Invited Lecture, SVUSS, Prague-Bechovice, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 1990.

  157. Invited Lecture, Westinghouse R&D Center, Orlando, FL, August 1990.

  158. Invited Lecture, Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle, WA, July 1990.

  159. Invited Lecture, MBB, Ottobrun, F. R. Germany, May 1990.

  160. Invited Lecture, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Brussels, Belgium, May 1990.

  161. Invited Lecture, ONERA, Paris, France, May 1990.

  162. Invited Lecture, SNECMA, Villaroche, France, May 1990.

  163. Invited Lecture, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 1990.

  164. Invited Lecture, NLR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1990.

  165. Invited Lecture, Technische Hohschule Turbo. Inst., Aachen, F.R. Germany, May 1990.

  166. Invited Lecture, Florida Inst. of Techn., Melbourne, FL, Mech. Eng. Dep., Feb. 1990.

  167. Invited Lecture, E. G. & G and Idaho Nat. Eng. Lab., Idaho Falls, ID, July 1989.

  168. Invited Lecture, AFOSR Workshop on Shape Optimization, U. of California, Berkeley, CA, May 1989.

  169. Invited Lecture, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, March 1989.

  170. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, Dec. 1988.

  171. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Aerospace Engr., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, Oct. 1988.

  172. Invited Lecture, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, Oct. 1988.

  173. Invited Lecture, Turboinstitut, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Sept. 1988.

  174. Lecture, Inst. for Comp. Meth. in Propulsion, NASA LeRC, Cleveland, OH, May 1988.

  175. Invited Lecture, Aerospace Eng. Dept., Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, January 1988.

  176. Lecture, Computat. Fluid Dynamics Branch, NASA LeRC, Cleveland, OH, May 1987.

  177. Invited Lecture, CFD Lecture Series, Penn State U., University Park, PA, Feb. 1987.

  178. Lecture, Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, CA, Dec. 1986.

  179. Invited Lecture, Mathematics Department, Penn State U., University Park, PA, Oct. 1986.

  180. Lecture, Comput. Fluid Dynamics Branch, NASA ARC, Moffett Field, CA, Aug. 1986.

  181. Invited Lecture, Mech. and Shipbuilding Eng., Univ. of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, July 1986.

  182. Invited Lecture, Turboinstitut, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, July 1986.

  183. Invited Lecture, Technical Faculty, Univ. of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, June 1986.

  184. Invited Lecture, Technical Faculty, Univ. of Rijeka, Yugoslavia, June 1986.

  185. Invited Lecture, ONERA, Paris, France, June 1986.

  186. Invited Lecture, Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, France, June 1986.

  187. Invited Lecture, Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby, England, June 1986.

  188. Invited Lecture, U.S. Army Ballistic Res. Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, Feb. 1986.

  189. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. and Material Sci. Dept., Duke U., Durham, NC, Dec. 1985.

  190. Invited Lecture, Aero. Eng. Dep., Penn State Univ., University Park, PA, November 1985.

  191. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, October 1985.

  192. Invited Lecture, Allison Gas Turbines, Indianapolis, IN, July 1985.

  193. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Rice Univ., Houston, TX, January 1985.

  194. Invited Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of California, Davis, CA, January 1985.

  195. Lecture, DFVLR-AVA, Goettingen, F. R. Germany, June 1984.

  196. Lecture, Lockheed-Georgia Co., Marietta, GA, February 1984.

  197. Lecture, DFVLR-AVA, Goettingen, F. R. Germany, August 1983.

  198. Lecture, General Dynamics Co., Fort Worth, TX, April 1983.

  199. Lecture, Lockheed-Georgia Co., Marietta, GA, February 1983.

  200. Lecture, Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, MD, November 1982.

  201. Lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Texas, Austin, October 1982.

  202. Invited lecture, Brown-Boveri Co., Baden, Switzerland, August 1982.

  203. Invited lecture, Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, June1982.

  204. Invited lecture, Instituto di Macchine, Universita di Genova, Genoa, Italy, June 1982.

  205. Lecture, DFVLR-AVA, Goettingen, F.R. Germany, May 1982.

  206. Invited lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Case-Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH, Feb. 1982.

  207. Invited lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Michigan, MI, February 1982.

  208. Invited lecture, ASE/EM Dept., Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, February 1982.

  209. Invited lecture, Mech. Eng. Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, VA, January 1982.

  210. Lecture, Williams International, Walled Lake, MI, October 1981.

  211. Invited lecture, Dept. of Aerospace Engr., Univ. of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, July 1981.

  212. Invited lecture, Aerospace Engr. Dept., University of Stuttgart, F.R. Germany, Oct. 1980.

  213. Invited lecture, DFVLR, Cologne, F.R. Germany, September 1980.

  214. Invited lecture, DFVLR, Braunschweig, F.R. Germany, September 1980.

  215. Invited lecture, DFVLR-AVA, Goettingen, F.R. Germany, August 1980.


Consulting Activities

  1. Universita di Genova, Genova, Italy

  2. McDonnell-Douglas Corp., St. Louis, MO

  3. Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc., Austin, TX

  4. General Electric Company, Evandale, OH

  5. Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby, England

  6. AVCO Research Labs, Everett, MA

  7. ONERA, Chatillon, France

  8. Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

  9. Douglas Aircraft Co., Long Beach, CA

  10. Turboinstitut, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

  11. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

  12. AGARD, Paris, France

  13. EG & G, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID

  14. Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA

  15. University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

  16. Cranfield University, Cranfield, U.K.

  17. TriCircle, Inc., Atlanta, GA

  18. TKelvin, Inc., Henderson, NV

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